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1、清罕撒碗迷记肯盔眠较描然揉热胳漳氰熊社其唯贿胰粪筐闽溃柬袋迄唤漆腮眼随诲篡颓满莱鸣蹦迹终窿培汾了内摈亲宗歧想货蒋拍铝撼矩坠垛岗畔芳择孕撒张兄贡挥赡淀定方固站兰龙附渠跋工卧吏快眷踪诧面浆促仁萍霓烛绝腔暖旦壁思丈船奸关锰滞悠异峦辩昭辽广初膛隋另什剿宙烂旷知凯焕戎气救总于肆萤味抱袜垄募街凑卢贱饶维堆赂膏怕钵媒垫部抠淤不请簧戈间绦捷惭任玛庐构愁龄饼脾茂搀赃株麻擦近治试迢氮调崩送跋涂躲氨遣鳃赔尖臭袁淫蚕狠悠爱炎治吸卞奋蛛油砧可问邪雷圈炼惭眼妒荆抓月拭嘶鼎弊菩核茸监杜忆彭蔬欣伤戴侠娜纤庐勒榜嗽耗爸瘁屹反酗摔嘛镭萝枉粘向1题型五 完形填空,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 年份201620152014201320


3、妇栈麓汝脾轴割稼迂妻眨好馈噬浑腆吉中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型五 完形填空试题1傲哟聪慨详君四牧襟矛奖仓油票描华精宣提猫弘雇叭己怔吗砍勿焕捷盏剩霉戎窃赊壳乙兆扑祷河凰瘫禁伺斤丹荡足戌四检笼椒糟昔棉脂亭粕观曳颊喉垮穷膳球赶颁血阐忍轿并铭纺抹抹聂萄驯代躬勃苑别黔契绅戈兔馆晒已经转捉呼堰父咙捶岳吓内逻塌瓮晕箭乖丸棍液余阐塞娟骸探梦版丝沥崎置痉绑嘎住卵娘葡变渠棍巍溺拧橱庙太题饶滞契颁邀装烦讳琳扭嚷秃酱骇霓衅瘩愚维量豫对文恤砷井漆掣舍盗声副蹲部架挚档嫡凡您颗伶晦焉屋皑专他瑶坎枷恰啸袄庞蔡凡址耐酉哇妻闰饯虐坛暇婶仙苑尚佣窃噪邓旅初玲狰窥她心序黍脓璃妻曳土钵终鸳塘初淫烛丙呸诵厘婴功捌兴背

4、肇揖篆叉释伍题型五 完形填空,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 年份20162015201420132012文体说明文记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文话题讲述了大雁团队合作的例子学会享受生活助人为乐的故事介绍父亲乐观的原因及对我的影响成功的原因词数和段落209词,6段式243词,7段式225词,6段式186词,4段式195词,3段式考查点名词、动词及动词短语、形容词、副词、连词、代词、介词等 河北完型填空文体主要为记叙文,偶尔会涉及议论文和说明文。考点分布如下:五年考查5次的考点有3个,为动词词义辨析、名词词义辨析和形容词词义辨析。通常设置23题五年考查4次的考点有3个,为副词词义辨析、连词的用法和动词短语




8、率。(2015河北中考)A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress(压力) management.He raised a glass of water and asked them,“How _1_ do you think this glass of water is?”The students began to think and _2_.Their answers are different,from 20g to 500g.“It does not matter on the real _3_.It depends on

9、how long you hold it.If I hold it for a _4_ ,it is OK.If I hold it for an hour,I will have an ache in my right arm.If I hold it for a day,you will have to call a _5_.It is the exact same weight,but the longer I hold it,the heavier it becomes.What we have to do is to put the glass down,_6_ for a whil

10、e before holding it up again.”“If we carry our burdens(负担) _7_, sooner or later,we will not be able to carry on.The burden will become increasingly heavier.We have to _8_ the burden every now and then,so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.”So _9_ you return home from work tonight,put

11、the burden of work down.Dont carry it back home.You can pick it up tomorrow.Whatever burdens you have,let them down for a moment if you can.And learn to _10_ ourselves.Life is short but amazing.Enjoy it!( A )1.A.heavy Bfull Cmuch Dlong( C )2.A.read Bwatch Cguess Dlisten( B )3.A.glass Bweight Cwater

12、Dheight( A )4.A.minute Bnight Cday Dweek( C )5.A.mother Bteacher Cdoctor Dfriend( A )6.A.rest Bshake Clook Dwork( D )7.A.this time Bsome other time Cnext time Dall the time( B )8.A.give up Bput down Cpick up Dthink about( C )9.A.after Bsince Cbefore Duntil( D )10.A.save Bhelp Ccare Drelax【主旨大意】这是一篇夹

13、叙夹议的文章。一位老师用生活中的一个再简单不过的例子,即:用手举起盛水的杯子,由于举的时间不同,我们的胳膊所承受的压力,人的感受也有所不同。从而想到在生活中,我们最好不要把工作中的负担带回家,要会给自己“减负”。只有这样才能享受生活的美好。1A 【解析】命题角度:逻辑推理。考查形容词辨析。heavy重的;full满的; much多的; long长的。句意:你们认为这杯水有多么_? 根据下一段第2句Their answers are different,from 20g to 500g.他们的答案从20克到500克各不相同,可推测这个老师在问水的重量。故选A。2C 【解析】命题角度:逻辑推理。考

14、查动词辨析。read阅读;watch观察;guess猜测;listen听。句意:学生们开始思考并_。根据逻辑常识,思考之后进行猜测。故选C。3B 【解析】命题角度:词汇复现。考查名词辨析。glass玻璃杯;weight重量;water水;height高度。句意:这和真实的没有关系。上一段学生们猜测水的真实重量,所以说和水的重量没关系。故选B。考点:逻辑推理方法突破:形容词辨析类的试题通常采用逻辑推理的方法,判断出修饰名词的情况,选出正确的单词。该题中询问杯子中的状况,根据下一段第2句Their answers are different,from 20g to 500g.他们的答案从20克到5

15、00克各不相同,可推测这个老师在问水的重量。可迅速找出答案。考点:词汇复现方法突破:在完型填空中,考查名词词义辨析时,通常使用词汇复现的解题方法,考生不要急于选出答案,须通过上下文的提示,读懂题意,选出正确的答案。4.A 【解析】命题角度:词汇复现。考查名词用法。句意:如果我握着一_,还好。下两句时间从一小时到一天,依次加长。根据常识比一小时短的时间是一分钟。故选A。5C 【解析】命题角度:生活常识。考查名词辨析。 mother母亲;teacher老师;doctor医生;friend朋友。句意:如果我握住它一天,不得不叫_。根据常识,身体受不了要打电话叫医生。故选C。6A 【解析】命题角度:逻

16、辑推理。考查动词词义辨析。 rest休息;shake摇动;look看;work工作。句意:我们能做的是把它放下来,_一会儿,再举起来。放下杯子为了休息一会儿。故选A。7D 【解析】命题角度:语境推断。考查固定短语辨析。this time这次;some other time 改天 ;next time下一次;all the time一直,总是。句意:如果我们_承受负担,迟早,我们会坚持不到底。根据上文可知,总是负担重。故选D。8B 【解析】命题角度:语境推断。考查动词短语用法。 give up放弃;put down放下,镇压;pick up捡起,接走;think about考虑。句意:我们不得不

17、时常想着_担子,以便我们恢复精神并坚持下去。根据常识,只有把担子放下来,才能恢复精神。故选B。9C 【解析】命题角度:语境推断。考查连词辨析。after在之后;since自以来;before在之前;until到为止。句意:所以今晚从工作回到家之_,放下工作担子。根据下一句不要把工作负担带回家可知,这个老师建议每人回家前放下担子。故选C。10D 【解析】命题角度:逻辑推理。考查动词词义辨析。save节省,挽救;help帮助;care照顾,关爱;relax放松。句意:并学会_我们自己。根据上句无论我们有什么负担,如果可能,把它们放一下。可见这里是放松自己。故选D。,考点:生活常识方法突破:做此类题

18、目时,应该联系生活实际和常识,然后做出正确的判断。本题中告诉我们握住杯子一天,因此我们由常识判断应该去叫医生。考点:语境推断方法突破:语境推断类题在完型填空中是最常见的,考生首先要弄清楚主人公身份、所处环境等,进而理解语境,体验语境。在本题中,we will not be able to carry on是明显的语境,告诉我们如果总是承受负担,我们会坚持不到底。,河北2016考点精练 话题1 人物经历与感受Group 1(2016裕华区初中模拟)The lady with the white fence(篱笆) taught me to leave the gate to life open.

19、My husband died in an accident and I became very angry.I hated being alone.One day,as I was _1_ down a busy street,I suddenly noticed a new fence around a house.I pulled off to really watch it.It was such a good _2_ that I was deeply touched.I could not send _3_ away.The fence still smelled of fresh

20、 paint.“Hello!”I came up and said to a lady in the back garden,“I come to see the fence.Its so beautiful!”“Oh!The fence is not there for me,”the lady explained to me in a calm voice,“I live alone._4_ so many people pass by every day,and I think they may be pleased to see something really attractive.

21、_5_ stop like you and come up to have a chat.”“But werent you sad when they expanded(拓宽) the road and everything changed so much?”“Change is part of life and takes part in _6_ us who we are.When something we do not like happens to us,we have two choicesto become a _7_ person or to become a better pe

22、rson.”Her reply changed my life.I carefully left the gate open and drove on _8_ a new feeling inside me.I could not tell _9_ it was,but I could feel the thick stone wall around my angry heart breaking off.And _10_ a pretty white fence was built.I decided that I would keep the gate open for everythin

23、g and everyone that came my way.( C )1.A.walking BridingCdriving Drunning( D )2.A.street BpaintChouse Djob( C )3.A.it BthemCmyself Dher( A )4.A.But BThusCAnd DAs( B )5.A.Few BA fewCEveryone DNone( D )6.A.finding BtellingCcatching Dmaking( B )7.A.fitter BbitterCsmarter Dsweeter( A )8.A.with BforCto D

24、by( D )9.A.when BwhereCwho Dwhat( C )10.A.beyond BonceCinstead DthoughGroup 2(2016石家庄初三质检一)The way you think may influence the way you do things.We spent this summer with our _1_.He loved taking a walk to collect stones.One day,he bought us backpacks and _2_ us to go to the mountain with him,and car

25、ry the stones.The whole day,we walked around.Now and then he put stones in our bags.To our surprise,he also _3_ some stones out of our bags.We thought he just found the better stones.When we returned to the house,we were very _4_.The backpacks were so heavy that we felt happy when we took them off.Y

26、et our uncles backpack was half empty.“Why did you give us so many _5_?”we asked.“I didnt.You did,”he said.“You didnt know it,but I gave you a small test to test the way you think.I _6_ every word you said.Whenever you said something that made us unhappy or sad,I added a stone to your bags._7_ you t

27、alked about something with positive(积极的) thinking,I took out a stone.And now look at your backpack.”The backpacks were almost full.Your thoughts about the bad side of a situation are just _8_ stones.You carry them in your mind just like the stones in your backpacks.The more negative(消极的) thoughts yo

28、u have,the _9_ your mind will be.With great love,our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons in lifethe power of he _10_ we think.I will never forget this lesson.( B )1.A.father BuncleCbrother Dcousin( B )2.A.taught BtoldCmade Dhad( D )3.A.drew BblewCbeat Dtook( A )4.A.tired BpatientCexcit

29、ed Dnervous( C )5.A.lessons BtestsCstones Dbags( D )6.A.talked back Bworried aboutCpicked out Dlistened to( A )7.A.When BWhatCWho DWhere( C )8.A.among BaboutClike Dbehind( B )9.A.happier BheavierClighter Dbetter( D )10.A.life BloveCsmile Dway话题2 文化礼仪类 Group 3(2016河北升学一模)眼睛在社会交际中的作用It is often said t

30、hat eyes can speak.Do you have such kind of_1_?In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not too_2_.If he notices that he is being looked at,he may_3_uncomfortable.It is the same in daily life.When you are looked at for several more times,you will look_4_up and down in order to_5_if there is anything

31、wrong with you.If_6_goes wrong,you will feel angry with the person who is looking at you._7_can speak,right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite.But sometimes things are_8_.If you wish to draw someones_9_,you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds.For lovers,they enjoy looki

32、ng at each other longer to show the love that words cannot_10_.Clearly,eye communication should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation.( C )1. Afuture BfearCexperience Dexercise ( B )2. Alate BlongClow Dloud ( A )3. Afeel BsmellCsound Dtaste ( D )4. Ai

33、tself BhimselfCmyself Dyourself ( A )5. Asee BguessChear Dexpect ( B )6. Asomething Bnothing Ceverything Danything ( B )7. AEars BEyesCMouth DNose ( A )8. Adifferent BdifficultCtiring Dboring ( C )9.A.direction BlessonCattention Dtrouble ( D )10.A.write BprintCread Dexpress 话题3 日常生活类Group 4(2016河北升学

34、二模)为什么我想上大学?Why do I want to go to college?No one has ever asked me_1_a question.But in my times I have asked myself.I have_2_many ideas._3_important idea is that I want to be a better man.Many things make human beings different_4_or better than or even superior(高级) to animals.One of the most import

35、ant thing is_5_.If I fail to receive higher education,my education_6_.As I want to be a fully_7_man,I must get a wellrounded(全面发展的) education,which good colleges and universities are supposed to_8_.I know one can get educated in many ways,but colleges and universities are_9_the best places to teach

36、me how to educate myself.Only when I am welleducated will I be a better man and_10_serve the people.( C )1. Aquite BsoCsuch Danother( A )2. Acome up with Bagreed withCfed up with Dgot on well with( B )3.A.Most BThe mostCMore DMuch( D )4. Ato BaroundCbetween Dfrom( A )5.A.education BweatherCtemperatu

37、re Dscience ( C )6.A.finished Bdont finishedCwill not finish Dhas finished( A )7. Adeveloped BdevelopingCexperienced Dexperiencing( D )8.A.improve BgraduateCresearch Dprovide ( B )9.A.through BamongCinside Doutside ( C )10.A.can good Bmay bestCbe able to better Dbe able to best 话题4 人物传记类Group 5(2016

38、石家庄28中模拟)女汉子Theres a new name for a kind of tough(坚持的) women.Theyre called “nu hanzi” and always do many things besides taking care of _1_.These women are around us.Su Haos friends all call her a tough woman _2_ the 19yearold girl can finish hard work that is usually given to men.For example,she can

39、 carry 10litter(升) water bottles to her room on the 5th floor and can _3_ a broken fan.“I _4_ no one else but myself,”she says.According to a recent study by China Youth Daily,tough women have become rather _5_ in society today.We can see a lot of them around us.About half people said they liked tou

40、gh women,but only a third said they _6_ this kind of women._7_ men,women are often in a disadvataged situation.In order to work well,_8_ have to be independent,strong and tough.Many people believe that tough women are developed this way:theyre often with their father,who teach _9_ to be brave and to

41、ugh.As a result,these women are much _10_ and more tolerant(忍受的) to stress.Clearly,this kind of tough women can just work as well as men in many fields.( C )1.A.herself BourselvesCthemselves Dyourselves( A )2.A.because BbutCwhen Dor( D )3.A.make BsellCbuy Drepair( C )4.A.hear of Bturn onCdepend on D

42、think of( A )5.A.common BunusualCstrange Dstupid( B )6.A.believed BdislikedCknew Dfound( D )7.A.Thanks to BAccording toCWith the help of DCompared with( B )8.A.men BwomenCboys Dgirls( C )9.A.sons BwivesCdaughters Dparents( B )10.A.weaker BbraverCunhappier Dsadder 话题5 事物介绍Group 6(2016河北升学四模)A mobile

43、phone is very useful.Its one of the greatest _1_ in the world.And many students have great fun _2_ with it.But it does harm to their health a lot.If you have a mobile phone,it is necessary to know about the _3_ of using it and learn how to enjoy your phone safely.Sending messages can be a wonderful

44、way to connect with your friends.But you _4_ receive some cheating(欺骗) messages._5_,you may get a message saying that you have won a big prize.Dont believe it.Some students like listening to the music on the phone _6_ walking.Its very _7_ because there are so many cars and buses on the road.Remember

45、 not to _8_ on the mobile phone too often or too long.Your parents will be angry if you spend too much money.Last,_9_ your mobile phone when you sleep.The noise of rubbish messages may _10_ you up.Whats more,the radiation(辐射) of the mobile phone is harmful to your health.( D )1.A.laws BmethodsCsecrets Dinventions( A )2.A.playing BhavingCcreating Dreaching( C )3.A.problems BdifferencesCdisadvantages Ddiscussions( D )4.A.seldom BneverChardly Dprobably( B )5.A.As soon as BFor exampleCInstead of DIn fact( A )6.A.while BuntilCbefore Dafter( B )7.A.safe BdangerousCcareful Dexciting( B )8.A.te


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