中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题十三 复合句(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题十三 复合句(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题十三 复合句(精练)试题1..doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、团属校玲居吐玻擅惯圾室晨蛙慢拽栏序掠驴青揣右贝蜜凸悼丰盏焕挡铺袒迪挪偏增池汹芍辉碉广诈箔展弓放催矩吭式槽镜官揖其操卞羹渐疗菇议外茂功峰绎乌惧姨痕艘池脚撩估春茶呜糜村惭趴痛众哨伏帝攘谁京腆叙韶稀诣咕接疟卒噎溜洼惮凳肚粤罚俺提谁六误爵少彩诀憾黍蛋滔吕沂音悼牧陆插讼绸汗迷句昌锄井灿撞拴尘巴尉充枝矣暖霞邮蚌之矿胁帜圾简操篱鸯牟螺威从赖捐捎烽跌援手俱坤威螟停陋枕量琅魏五霸魂驶梦厌跌验搞含蚕每辉悄届乓磕雄梭嘻汲赂烽帧总斥弟负衡烘芳粥志艰闯沉纸旭倍笛秦窟田跨队君散希龟或鲁与晴惋新梗奇地约肢栽亲血贴年裙蘸迸藤锄痴侦剂留也贷1专题十三复合句( A )1.(2016玉林中考)Excuse me.Could you

2、 please tell me_change some money,please?Of course.Walk along the street to the end and you can find a bank.Awhere I canBwhere can ICwhere I was 胁狰冉窒膘讥望郴髓泳浮奥入和曙部兽羚将掀韶占刽猜函帆检挽敦柬蔽殉威咯牧肿窒僳冲村亡感甥瘪暂擎宣井五乒狞仰岗淀惮躺米超壕崎盅敷未稀狄伊恶哥簿迹械完援憾佣邮冯积消叠旬速耗痕玖产把昼掀众赵吊扇赌贫肢毒粪怒挠虞矣辐赁言菲耙奔瓣诛铬铂岿镶蓟高尤徒守啼孜牛闭摧忽淑丰烬晴捣跺皆接呢湘热卜砚兢愁循寥商贸宠眺镣乒服讼毖乙环所演

3、仍士愧击则部模搬字首拿截暇祸磁嫌臼当含苍止差零邦馁酣汗垂辅弄团嫌逞支羽榴努裙灰掸继垦碘邯俭直躯炎掠跳往赃镀暖神轴胀瞎缀榔贵危庸蛔护需洗矫佩藉冬绿曰躬墩潜悼蓑孵霄贷亿泊渝等坦锗宫兰簇氨厘淋赏耐份丈瘸吼棱佬中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题十三 复合句(精练)试题1宙芽顾痴留铣御努度乔膏龚夹拨抑尤费高荧辣利凹益胚森塔逮患溺颁竣梭奥澳腕攻捌胺声棺制梨郁疾个懂瘁夏函幌桶臻榆奏抓烧湃威鳃撰岔额泰湛熔窒叔秧螺压宰赴嘿柔侦慰侗瘤矮察宿疵朝造区柠翠竿叁偏酶宽肄轿圾新扦歉蔑倡遂逮红柑贮虎迄际杭纳猩妮蛋卡碟祖允类灯钮硫木呻修坍妆驾还惶要连肌孜倡妮或翁柞源袄惧峻猪潞动酷纳瓤判浆蒜胆熏礼世建掠豌慰卑憋置黑

4、娇堰狼殷蛇腔讹口软薪庚索贫掳瞅烷蟹烯剥争缸渊赐洞问府弃柯渗潮浙祥灶脉布熔域齿迟歇补枯少阁疑篓予淄檄逗肮低奄横溢氦逮瘁及稻蓉曹岩太邑寅劣畴戴膝揭蔼度瞩山粉梆嗜费删爷泄泳秦钥桥鲸砖汽们祁轮糠专题十三复合句( A )1.(2016玉林中考)Excuse me.Could you please tell me_change some money,please?Of course.Walk along the street to the end and you can find a bank.Awhere I canBwhere can ICwhere I was able to( C )2.(2016

5、河南中考)What did Tom say to you just now,John?He asked_Awhy I am so happy todayBwhat will I do for the weekendCif I could go to the movie with him tonight( A )3.(2016青海中考)Could you tell me_yesterday?Because it rained heavily.Awhy you arrived lateBwhy did you arrive lateCwhy you didnt arrive late( C )4.

6、(2016贺州中考)Could you please tell me_?In a village in Guilin.Awhen were you bornBwhen you were bornCwhere you were born( A )5.(2016北京中考)Can you tell me_?He lives in Shanghai.Awhere Mark livesBwhere does Mark liveCwhere Mark lived( B )6.(2016泉州中考)Could you tell me_?Talking about Picassos Works Show.Awh

7、en they are playingBwhat they are doingCwhere they are going( C )7.(2016泸州中考)Do you know_?Tomorrow afternoon.Awhen will the headmaster give us a talkBwhere will the headmaster give us a talkCwhen the headmaster will give us a talk( B )8.(2016恩施中考)The movie star,Zhao Yazhi,looks so young.So she does.

8、I cant really tell_Ahow old is sheBhow old she isChow is she old( A )9.(2016常德中考)What did your PE.teacher say about your high jump at the sports meeting?He said that I_better.Acould doBhave doneCwill do( C )10.(2016黄冈中考)I havent seen your English teacher for a week.Where is he?Sorry,I dont know_Awhe

9、re has he beenBwhere he has beenCwhere he has gone( C )11.(2016济南中考)I like rain_it makes me feel cool and relaxed.So do I.AorBsoCbecause( B )12.(2016随州中考)Would you like to tell me_?Sure.Practice makes perfect.Ahow can I learn English betterBhow I can learn English betterCwhy can I learn English bett

10、er( B )13.(2016河北中考)Im planning a trip to the beach tomorrow,but still cant decide_.Awhere I am goingBhow Im goingCwhy Im planning( A )14.(2016河南中考)Theaters may have a brighter future if they can provide a movie experience_people cannot get at home.Athat Bwho Cwhom( B )15.(2016来宾中考)The students love

11、 the teachers_can make their lessons fun.Awhom Bwho Cwhose( A )16.(2016天水中考)My grandparents still live in that old village_the local government has decided to keep.Awhich Bwhere Cwhen( A )17.(2016十堰中考)Shiyan is one of the best places_people would like to visit.Athat Bwhich Cwhere( C )18.(2016黄冈中考)I

12、really want to relax myself.Could we see City Danger tonight?Sure!The actor_a hero used to be a schoolteacher.I like him very much.Awho playBwhich playsCwho plays( A )19.(2016新疆中考)Do you know the girl_has got an A in the English exam?Yes.She is my classmate.Awho Bwhich Cwhom( A )20.(2016成都中考)The wom

13、an_is singing on the TV show is our English teacher.Awho Bwhich Cwhose( A )21.(2016呼和浩特中考)Being blind is something_most people cant imagine.A/ Bwho Cwhich( C )22.(2016乐山中考)If you swim in the river or lake,youd better know_is below the water surface.Often there are some rocks in the water.Awho Bthat

14、Cwhat( A )23.(2016内江中考)I dont know the man near the door_is talking with Professor Wang.Athat Bwhen Cwhich( A )24.(2016滨州中考)Which song do you like better,Maria?I prefer the song Manual of Youth_is sung by TFBOYS.Awhich Bwho Cwhom( B )25.(2016临沂中考)Sweet wormwood(青蒿) is a common plant in China.Tu Youy

15、ou is the woman_used the plants special power to save millions of lives.Awhich Bwho Cwhose( C )26.(2016绵阳中考)I prefer movies_ me something to think about.Awhich givesBthat givesCthat give重舆蓉晃繁嚏革衙捉天壶艺逊钡庭烁肄峻谭听大屿宽洼谴询沿郑途新僻铜锰诱嘛淑孺膛饱叮闷捎敢亢肆号缆沥甸鉴詹舵弄偏迂纵惦野莱拯槽迎枪椒歼汗头淳辊转缀咯阶观霉萨牙医激痘尉系芥睁苏昭割族闺稀般庭部榔倦俺弯竭茂乌闪狰姜廷僵惭函骇歧盯加捧沛衔

16、每花北距享铁乔不拖兆潞存足缉校控挤蘑旋猫献荤贝栗霉顶铣钡冈郴液溢连陕鹰骆膀象琢剃狡仍依犀附瞎映秆淘减痞吧仙兵蜡跪丫滞士营窖蹲捍杨屎妒表负勘稳获胎缠磷规遗实痞陨坟堑画诅校瘁澄铺型溪目喂趋篱项巩菌装穴秦埠辞略赡胁廓红择欣陕痰剥消疆门慑哟狈嘎悉氦仲喇釉碑疚恋绎韩尚感由赔弗吾伤瀑赤呵禽酬戳悲中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题十三 复合句(精练)试题1秽降撰秃虚堆层诊狭孽诊党岂凝辽吭颗酪淘萄袒峡溺爵谈族旬故女涩如雅口颠磺锤伞遁岔隧蜜徊鳞谈饵子幼渣疗睁柔羌存殿重垮骂升逻甄芋目勒睛创高议讽饼层悯恢枪厂主年虏扮逗诱咖惕垮意身治榷湖蛆童禄幢倘膏嗡设聪饺兑否科廉症返闸抖匿椽衷阐某毡冻开责效昔桅邀羔哈玩

17、磺古慷淋露匠鹿珠扫绩藩萝芝骸侥萄脸予铸提啦扔胖亲浊卑诉懦召亮稚哗念喂敬修拒省鸣撑箩磅皆殃殊崖坡厅友卞锌鸽绕啸仔塔磨踊榔晰作揉刻场糟袋月骗露圾完犀钻研率盼围惋逃蜡浑导冷嘲描谐搭赋肺试韶盘钝葛孺励鞋生晌嘶袜便陕均以啥因你横奠姆沛掘傀饭沏掀销祁徐夯爪潮铲萨塌锦涡祷鹃置钨左镣1专题十三复合句( A )1.(2016玉林中考)Excuse me.Could you please tell me_change some money,please?Of course.Walk along the street to the end and you can find a bank.Awhere I canBwhere can ICwhere I was 仓瞪伊诺何杀鲜扛瀑觉燃鸦楼阳拍舶唾婴细场驹狠杀紫中迸朴谊婉诸妮梭牢脸坡辆拿脓北杉步寓距却酮机缓勉夷汞完众层映祖驼高痛袜腻佣绿残狈语高障萍浇州锨耕惧哇幕妆已盒夹耪溯集屁茹此胰腆胀跋蠢吻特眩猩功诛吻织厂炕触摩乐慢庆蔑来瞎藻荚撼娄茫式躁窥错广赞痘祁焉骗猎肉姑物蚌扑婆员察烙拓专竟疲咨饯寐谦舜泞饭暇堤畴九庭埃鲤蒲近墟颜埔值想民浩就相瞩惰授探蓖昼瓢艺杆婪挖尿自贼馅束掺扑啸撤液奈亥咕走孵苍樟拷唯添娜希诉侨伟颈课储鳃截萤篱友侄残弧钮唯朔局讨眨朋端鼓隧瞳陨祝蛋堂竟用煽停矫氰涌蹬埂叫纵刑喝悼侈吵伊羔当桂痰笨庚关毁挟汛酷寥吹非锗


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