高二英语 单元单词短语句型知识梳理 Unit16 大纲人教版第二册.doc

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1、Unit 16理解:要点诠释单词1.insist讲:vt. 坚持(要);坚持说,坚持认为例:He insisted on checking every item. 他坚持要检查每一个项目。 They insisted that everyone should come to the party. 他们坚决要求每人都要来参加晚会。链接提示 (1)insist后接宾语从句,表示“坚决要求”做某事时,从句中用“should+动词原形”,或省略should。 (2)insist后接宾语从句,表示“坚持认为”时,从句中用正常形式。 (3)insist on/upon doing sth.坚持做某事练:(

2、1)Tom insisted that what he said true and we insisted that he and have a look.A.be;should go B.should be;should beC.was;go D.was;would go提示:题干中第一个insist作“坚持认为;坚持说”讲,宾语从句中陈述语气;第二个insist作“坚决要求”讲,宾语从句中用should do或省略should。答案:C(2)(2010江苏高考)The man insisted _a taxi for me even though I told him I lived ne

3、arby.A.find B.to findC.on finding D.in finding提示:本题考查insist on doing sth.。答案:C(3)Why was Professor Zhang unhappy recently? Because the theory he insisted on_ wrong.A.proved B.provingC.being proved D.was proved提示:本题受insist on doing sth.的影响,很容易误选B项。实际上,he insisted on是定语从句,prove是连系动词,用作谓语。故选A项。答案:A2.su

4、pply讲:n. 供给;供应品 vt.供给;提供例:During the drought some households had their water supply cut off. 在干旱期间有些住户的自来水供应被中断。 They were arrested for supplying drugs to street dealers. 他们因给街头的毒品贩子提供毒品而被逮捕。 He supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime. 他向警方提供了涉案人员名单。链接提示 (1)supply用作名词,表示“供应

5、品;生活用品”时,常用复数形式。 (2)supply sth.to/for sb.=supply sb.with sth.给某人提供某物练:England is rather short of arable land,so it is absolutely dependent upon other countries for her food_.A.offers B.storesC.sales D.supplies提示:句意为:英国缺乏可耕种的土地,所以她完全依靠别的国家为她提供食物供应。D项符合句意。答案:D3.recover讲:v.恢复(能力、知觉、对情绪的控制、活动能力);恢复健康;恢复

6、正常例:He is beginning to recover his strength. 他开始恢复体力。 I almost fell but managed to recover myself. 我几乎跌倒,但还是设法站稳了。 After a few days of fever,he began to recover. 发烧几天后,他开始康复。 My boss is recovering from a heart attack. 我的老板心脏病发作,正在恢复中。链接提示 (1)recover what was lost寻找失物 (2)recover to oneself清醒过来 (3)rec

7、over ones health恢复健康 (4)recover ones losses弥补损失(5)recoveryn. 恢复;复元;复得;找回练:_ one and a half days enough for the painting to be finished? I dont think its enough and only after_ go on with it.A.Is;will he recover he can B.Are;he recovers can heC.Are;he recovers he can D.Is;he recovers can he提示:本题考查主谓一

8、致和倒装句。one and a half days表示的是一个时间段,作主语时谓语动词用单数。排除B、C项;状语从句中不能使用将来时,而且“only+状语从句”放在主句前时,状语从句不倒装,主句倒装。故选D项。答案:D短语1.in turn讲:该词组的义项有“轮流;转而;反过来”。例:My wife and I caught flu in turn. 我太太和我相继感冒。 The students called out their names in turn. 学生们依次报出自己的名字。链接提示 in turn和以下词组均表示“依次、轮流”。但用法稍有区别:in turn主要意为“依次地”,

9、by turns表示的内容可重复进行,二者均为介词短语,而take ones turn和take turns为动词短语。另外,take turn及take ones turn常需跟介词(at/in)+doing sth.。 (1)by turns交替的,轮流的,依次地 (2)take ones turn轮流 (3)take turns 又作 take it in turns练:(1)I hear you_ to clean the classroom.Whose_ is it today?A.take turns;turn B.by turns;turnC.take turns;duty D.

10、by turns;duty提示:第一空作宾语从句中的谓语,排除B、D两项;be on duty表示“值班;执勤”,如:Who is on duty today?(今天谁值班?)故选A项。句意为:我听说你们轮流打扫教室,今天轮到谁了?答案:A(2)(2010云南统一检测)The young famous writer owes his success to many people,his parents_.A.in turn B.in particularC.in return D.in peace提示:in turn依次轮流;in particular特别,尤其;in return作为报答;i

11、n peace和平地。答案:B2.on sale讲:该词组的义项有“出售;减价”。例:Our products are on sale at any supermarket. 我们的产品各超级市场都在出售。 The supermarket has pork on sale today. 那家超市今天的猪肉特价。链接提示 (1)for sale (尤指个人的)出售;待售 The hotel is up for sale. 那家旅馆要出售。 (2)not for sale(告示)非卖品练:I hear some winter clothes are_. Why not go and buy one

12、?A.on sale B.for sale C.sale D.in sale提示:on sale正在出售;for sale待售的;将要出售。从下文可知“衣服正在出售”,故选A项。答案:A3.have effect on 对有影响;对有效果例:It will have an indirect effect on them. 那对他们将有间接影响。 My advice didnt have much effect on him. 我的劝告对他没有什么效果。 (1)come(go)into effect 生效 The law came into effect on October 1. 那项法律将来

13、10月1日生效。 (2)bring/carry/put.into effect实行;实施 These measures will not be brought into effect until next month.这些措施要到下月才实施。 (3)take effect开始起作用;见效 The aspirins soon take effect. 阿司匹林药片见效快。练:It was nearly an hour_ the sleeping pill_ effect.A.when;took B.before;tookC.since;had D.before;had提示:It was+一段时间

14、+before.表示“过了才”;take effect 表示“(药等)见效;(法规等)生效”。答案:B句型1.ever since.从那以后(一直)讲:注意观察下面教材原句: Ever since the Civil War,the South has struggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past. 自从内战以后,南方一直在努力寻找方法处理棘手的过去。 ever since表示“从那时起一直到现在,此后一直”时,既可以单独使用,也可以跟句子或名词。例:John caught cold last Saturday and has be

15、en in bed ever since. 约翰上周六患了感冒,从那以后一直卧床不起。 She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived. 自从接到那封信后她就一直焦虑不安。 (1)since当“自从”讲,后接从句时,since从句中用一般过去时,而主句多用完成时态。 (2)It is+一段时间+since.表示“自以来多长时间”。练:(1)I really ought to go on a diet。I_ on so much weight since I gave up jogging.A.put B.am putting C.have

16、 put D.had put提示:考查动词的时态,主句表示的是过去开始的动作,而且这个动作持续到现在,并对现在有影响。故选C项。答案:C(2)Ever since the Greens moved to the country a year ago,they_ better health.A.are enjoying B.have been enjoyingC.could have enjoyed D.had enjoyed答案:B2.see表示“经历,发生,目睹”讲:注意观察下面教材原句: The city saw a series of fierce fights between blac

17、ks and whites in the 1960s and Dr King was shot to death in 1968. 在20世纪60年代,这座城市目睹了一系列的黑人与白人之间的激战,以及金博士的被杀。 动词see可以以地点或时间作主语,表示某地或某时“经历,发生,目睹”了某事。例:The year 1976 saw a disastrous earthquake in Tangshan. 1976年发生了唐山大地震。 Dusk saw the little boy wandering in the street. 黄昏,这个小男孩徜徉在街头。 China saw a wild s

18、pread of SARS in the year 2003. 2003年中国大面积爆发了“非典”。链接提示 动词see表示某地或某时“经历;遭受”,不用于进行时。练:(1)When you drive along this street,you should be careful,for the street corner has_ many car accidents.A.met B.seen C.had D.asked for提示:句意为:在这条街上开车要小心,因为街角那里发生过多次车祸。主语为the street corner,只有B项符合句意和结构。答案:B(2)(2010河北石家庄

19、质量检测)The year 2010_ remarkable changes in Beijings landscape.A.sees B.has seenC.saw D.had seen提示:本题考查动词时态。根据the year 2010可知用过去时态。答案:C辨析1.sight,scenery,scene,view sight表示“风景,名胜”,通常用复数形式,指人文景观;scene意为“景色,景象”,通常指某一处的自然风光;scenery是scene“风景,景色”的总称;view表示“景色,风景”时,侧重从观看者的角度一眼所看到的景色,是一种动态的“景色”。即时练习:(1)Sunday

20、 will be kept free for you to enjoy the_ of one of the worlds most famous cities.(2)The_ up at the lake is just breathtaking.(3)The mountain_ is(=scenes are)typical of Scotland.(4)The_ is cut off by the next building.(5)From the top of the building,you can get a full_ of the city.答案:(1)sights (2)sce

21、nes (3)scenery (4)view (5)view2.choose,select,pick(out),elect choose与select有时可以通用,但select强调在比较广泛的范围内,从很多对象中经过斟酌、考虑,挑选出最合适、最满意的;强调客观的优劣。pick out 多用于口语,常常表示按照个人的喜好或要求进行选择。elect表示“选择,选举”,为正式用语。常指有意识地、按照一定的法律或规章制度,用投票或其他方式选择或选举出,通常后接复合宾语,其宾语补足语是被选举的职务。即时练习:(1)There are many designs for us to_ .(2)I have

22、_ them because of the colors.(3)If he_ to leave,let him do so.(4)You may_ any two books listed here.(5)It was in 1976 that John Adams was_ President.(6)We_ him our monitor.答案:(1)select (2)chosen (3)chose (4)pick out (5)elected (6)elected诱思:实例点拨【例1】(2010山东高考)Oil prices have rise by 32 percent since t

23、he start of the year, _ a record $57.65 a barrel on April 4.A.have reached B.reachingC.to reach D.to be reaching提示:句意:今年伊始油价上涨了32%,4月4号达到了每桶57.65美元。A项作谓语则句子缺少主语;C、D项为不定式结构,表将来和进行。只有B项表示结果。答案:B【例2】(2010上海高考)It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just_ a look at the s

24、ports stars.A.had B.havingC.to have D.have提示:本题考查非谓语动词用法,分词作状语常用逗号和其他成分分开,而不定式则不用。由句意,目的就是看一眼体育明星,故用不定式结构C项。答案:C【例3】(2010湖北高考)_ from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A.Being separated B.Having separatedC.Having b

25、een separated D.To be separated提示:逗号后面的部分是主句,前面这一部分只能是状语,作状语的非谓语动词逻辑上的主语应是主句的主语,即Australia。Australia与separate有被动关系,况且separate这个动作发生在很久以前,故选C项。答案:C讲评:分词、不定式作状语时,应注意其自身的语法意义,同时根据其与主语间的关系选择合适的语态形式。【例4】(2010天津高考)I dont want_ like Im speaking ill of anybody,but the managers plan is unfair.A.to sound B.to be soundedC.sounding D.to have sounded提示:want sb.to do sth.的意思是“想干某事”;sound like作“听起来(像)”时,sound是一个不及物动词,不可用于被动,故选A项。答案:A6用心 爱心 专心


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