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1、含蓄虚拟条件句的七种表现形式时间:2021.03. 04创作:欧阳地所谓含蓄虚拟条件句即指将条件从句隐藏在上下文一定 的短语中的一类条件句,其主要用法及表现形式可归纳 如下:1. 将条件隐含在不定式短语中I wou I d wr i te to her, but I don t know her address.我会给她写信的,就是不知道她的地址。(二IfI knew her address, I would wr ite to her. But)To have studied harder, you wouId have passed the examination.你学习更用功些,你早就考

2、及格了。(二If you had studied harder, you)2. 将条件隐含在分词短语中Born in better times, he wouId have been a scholar.如果出生在好时代,他早就成为学者了。(二If he had been born in better times, he wouId) Failing this time, what would you do? 假若这次失 败,那你怎么办? (=1 f you fai led this time, what wou I d )Wa I k i ng alone in the dark, Mary

3、 wou I d be terrified.要一个人单独在黑暗中行走,玛丽会感到十 分害怕。(If Mary wa I ked a I one in the dark, she)3. 将条件隐含在介词短语中But for your he I p we couldn t have succeeded in the exper imerit.如果没有你的帮助,我们的实验是不 会成功的。(二 If it hadn t been for your help, we)In different ci rcumstances, I wouId have said yes. 在不同的情况下,我就会同意了。(二

4、If ci rcumstances had been different, I wouId)4. 将条件隐含在名词短语中Any person who had behaved in that way would have been d i smi ssed.任何人这样做了都会被开除。(=lf any person shouId behave in that way , he would )A few hours ear I ier, and you would have seen the famous wr iter.要是你早来几个小时,你就见到这位著 名的作家了。(If you had com

5、e a few hours ear I ier, you )5. 将条件隐含在某些连词中I didt know that he was a cheat, or el se I wouldn, t have be I ieved him.我不知道他是个骗子, 不然我也不会相信他了。(or else二if I had known he was a cheat)I , m rea I Iy very busy, otherwise I would certainly go there with you.我真的是太忙了,不然 我就会同你一道去了。(otherwi se=if I were not so

6、 busy)6. 将条件隐含在定语从句中Anyone who had seen that pa i nting mi gh t have taken it for a photo.凡是看过那画的人,都可能把 它看成是照片。(=1 f anyone had seen that pa i nt i n g )7. 将条件隐含在一定的上下文中You might stay here forever.你可以永远待在这儿。(二If you wanted to, you might)Don ! t bot her to read a I I t hese papers. It would take too

7、long.不要费事看所有这些文件了,那会花太 多时间。(二If you read a I I these papers, It wouId take too long)虚拟条件句中的条件从句有时不通过条件从句表示而含 蓄在短语中(介词短语,分词短语,不定式短语,名词 短语等)或上下文中,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句。主句 虚拟谓语构成与if虚拟条件从句的主句构成相同(详见 上面表格)含蓄条件句大体有三种情况。(1) 条件暗含在上下文中。You might stay here forever. 你可 以永远待在这儿。(可能暗含 if you wanted to)(2) 习惯用法 在不少情况下,虚拟式已

8、变成习惯说法,很难找出其 暗含的条件。You wouldn t know. 你不会知道。I wouId I ike to come.我愿意来。 在if it were( had been ) not for.此句型意为要不是由于,一般是对过去或者现在的真实条件 陈述,但是习惯用虚拟语气If it were not for peace, we couId not be I iving a happy I ife today.(现在真实条件)(3) 条件暗含在短语或者单词中。将条件隐含在不定式短语中。I shouId be happy to go with you. 如果能与你一起 去,我将很高兴

9、。(二1 shouId be happy if I couId go with you.) 对将来的一种希望 将条件隐含在分词短语中。Born in better times, he would have been a scholar. 如果出生在好时代,他早就成为学者了。(二If he had been born in better times, he )Failing this time, what would you do ? 假若这次 失败,那你怎么办?(=lf you fai led this time, what) 对将来的未 知情况假设 将条件隐含在介词短语中。常用的介词或介词短

10、语,如 but for, only for, but that, without, in case of, under, under more favorabIe condition 等。Wi thout a i r, no one cou Id I i ve. 没有空气,人就不 能 活 o (二If there were no ai r, no one could live.)But for his help, he would have fai Ied. 要不是有 他的帮助,他就会失败了。(二If it hadn t been for his help, he wouId have fai

11、led)But for (要不是因为)通常表示对过去的虚拟,属于条件 句,结果句用3d+t have doneBut for (要不是因为)your he I p we couldn t have succeeded i n the experiment. 如果没有你的帮助, 我们的实验是不会成功的。(暗含在分词短词but for your he Ip)But forthe i rhe I p, we the program i ntime (2009 安徽)答案DA can not finishB wi I I not finish C hadnot finished D could not

12、 have finished 将条件隐含在名词短语中。A true fr iend wouId not have betrayed me.若是真正的朋友,就不会背弃我。(二If he had been atrue fr iend, he would)A few hours ear I ier, and you wou Id have seen the famous wr iter.要是你早来几个小时,你就见到这位著名的作家了。(Ifyou had come a few hours ear Ii er, you) 将条件隐含在副词中。AI one, he wou I d have been t

13、er r i f i ed. 如是单独一 人,他是会感到害怕的。(暗含条件是alone) 将条件隐含在并列连词中:but对应条件句,or, otherwise, or e I se, and, ?a I so 对应结果句a)but引导一个表示真实情况的分句,用正常陈述语气(可以理解成条件句),前面并列句子 可以理解成结果句。But引导的并列句子:条件句真实,结果句虚拟。实际上把but换成if时,需要改成否定,表示与过去事 实相反的条件句=if my car hadn t broke n down,因此主句应该用与过去相反的虚拟I wou I d have ar r i ved ear I i

14、er but my car broke down on the way 我本可以早点到的,但是我的汽车坏 在路上了(10 安徽 26) Bob wou Id have he I ped us yesterday,but he-A. was busyB.i s busyC. hadbeen busy. D. wi I I be busy答案:A.考点:本题考查虚拟语气与时态。解析:前句表示对过去的虚拟,而but之后表示过去的 客观事实,故用一般过去时态b)这些连词后的句子如果说的不是客观事实,它们前边的句子采用正常的陈述语气,对应条 件句,连词引导的句子采用虚拟语气,对应结果句:结 果句虚拟,条

15、件句真实句子(一般现在时)+ or/or el se, otherwise, and+ 结果句 ( 谓 语 部 分: shouIdwou IdcouIdmight 等 + 动词原形)句子(一般过去时)+ or/ or e I se, otherwise, and + 结果句(谓语部分:shouIdwouIdcouIdmight 等 + have done)He mus t have the st reng th of a h i ppopo tamus, or (可换成 otherwi se 后力口逗号)he never cou I d have vanquished that great b

16、east. 他一定是力 大如河 马,否则他绝不会击败那只庞大的野兽。(暗含条件是连 词or)I m rea I I y very busy, otherw i se I wou I d certainly go there with you.我真的是太忙了,不然我就会同你一道去了。(otherwise二if I were not so busy)Tel I me the truth, and you wouIdn t have to fear.(与现在事实相反,and引导结果句)=lf you told me the truth, you wouIdt have to fear.时间:2021.03. 04创作:欧阳地


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