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1、correcting themselves to carry out self benefiting the agriculture special funds clean-up remediation work began, I Bureau in accordance with the policy advocacy powerful, implementation in place of the standard, to take three measures to carry out self-examination and self correction activities. On

2、e is to strengthen the organization leadership, strengthen the responsibility to implement. Set up by the Secretary headed the strong agricultural Huinong policies Guide group, the formation of the principal leaders personally in charge of the leadership specialized grasping, business room to catch

3、specific work pattern. Second, step up publicity efforts to create a working atmosphere. Held the township family planning director meeting, organizational learning the county Party committee, county government policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers and job requirements, further enha

4、ncing the consciousness of implementing the and initiative to solve the problem. The third is to expand channels for self-examination, smooth flow of information feedback. Positive and enjoy the preferential policies of object communication, humbly listen to service object evaluation of planning wor

5、k. Specific implementation is as follows: 1, child care subsidies paid. Last year, the county issued a total of 3941, issuing The amount of 115.6 million yuan. 2, rural family planning reward and subsidy payment. Last year, the county issued a total of object 5406 people, the amount paid 519 million

6、 yuan, per person per year 960 yuan. 3, complications subsidies paid. Issued last year, the number of 55, the amount paid 6.7 million yuan, per person per year 1200 yuan. 4, poor family assistance payments for. Last year, the county issued 208, the amount paid 57 million yuan, only child death 2820

7、yuan per person per year in the family, child disability family 2520 yuan. Second, problems 1, not propaganda. Part People do not understand the family planning policy, graspDo, there is no feedback to the penetration, resulting in the individual and family planning policy implementation is not idea

8、l, such as this year the provincial inspection group in cam Ranh, bar ridge, Changan three towns inspection, found a few farmers to abandon baby bonus items that do not understand. 2, social compensation fees special fund management is not in place, such as this year the provincial inspection group

9、in cam Ranh town to check and found that the town will be levied the social compensation fee according to the proportion of individual village earmarking, there exists serious capital management problem. Three, the rectification measures is to increase publicity efforts. Not only to publicity, but a

10、lso to do the interpretation, so that the masses to know, and to understanding the meter policy spirit, the full enjoyment of the policy will bring benefits to do Propaganda does not stay dead, do not drop the object. The second is to strengthen social compensation fee supervision and management of

11、special funds. Jointly with finance, audit and other departments, the county social compensation fees for the use of special funds to conduct a comprehensive inspection, found the problem, on the spot shall be ordered to make rectification, if the circumstances are serious, according to the law be h

12、eld accountable, ensure social compensation fee of two lines of revenue and expenditure, ensure social compensation fee funds earmarked for the family planning work, is strictly prohibited interception, misappropriation, corruption, is strictly 2014江苏靖江市八年级数学下册期末试卷(有答案)(满分:100分 考试时间:100分钟) 1、 选择题(每小

13、题2分,共12分,每题有且只有一个答案正确,请把你认为正确的答案前面的字母填入下表相应的括号内)1.为了了解我市50000名学生参加初中毕业考试数学成绩情况,从中抽取了1000名考生的成绩进行统计.下列说法: 这50000名学生的数学考试成绩的全体是总体;每个考生是个体;1000名考生是总体的一个样本;样本容量是1000. 其中说法正确的有 【 】A. 4个 B. 3个 C. 2个 D.1个2.若,则化简后为 【 】A B. C. D.3.下列事件中必然事件有 【 】当x是非负实数时,0 ; 打开数学课本时刚好翻到第12页;13个人中至少有2人的生日是同一个月; 在一个只装有白球和绿球的袋中摸

14、球,摸出黑球.A1个 B2个 C3个 D4个4.若有增根,则m的值是 【 】A.2 B.2 C.3 D.35.四边形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,给出下列四组条件:ABCD,ADBC;AB=CD,AD=BC;AO=CO,BO=DO;ABCD,AD=BC其中一定能判定这个四边形是平行四边形的条件有 【 】 A4组 B3组 C2组 D1组 6.已知点三点都在反比例函数的图象上,则下列关系正确的是 【 】A B C D2、 填空题(每题2分,共20分,请将正确答案填写在相应的横线上)7 若分式有意义,则x的取值范围是_8 计算的结果是 9. 一个反比例函数y=(k0)的图象经过点P(-2,

15、-1),则该反比例函数的解析式是 10.合作小组的4位同学坐在课桌旁讨论问题,学生A的座位如图所示,学生B,C,D随机 坐到其他三个座位上,则学生B坐在2号座位的概率是 . 第10题图第11题图第13题图11. 如图,在ABC中,CAB=70,在同一平面内,将ABC绕点逆时针旋转50到 的位置,则= _度.12. 在四边形ABCD中,AB=CD,要使四边形ABCD是中心对称图形,只需添加一个条件, 这个条件可以是 (只要填写一种情况) 13.如图正方形ABCD中,点E在边DC上,DE2,EC1 ,把线段AE绕点A旋转,使 点E落在直线BC上的点F处,则F、C两点的距离为 .14.函数 , 的图

16、象如图所示,则结论: 两函数图象的交点 A的坐标为(3 ,3 ); 当x3时,y2y1 ; 当 x=1时, BC = 8; 当 x逐 渐增大时,y1随着x的增大而增大,y2随着x 的增大而减小其中正确结论的序号是第16题图yy1xy2x第14题图 . 15. 已知、为有理数,、分别表示的整数部分和小数部分,且, 则 . 16. 如图,双曲线经过四边形OABC的顶点A、C,ABC90,OC平分OA与x轴正半轴的夹角,ABx轴,将ABC沿AC翻折后得到ABC,B点落在OA上,则四边形OABC的面积是. 三、解答题(本大题8小题,共68分.把解答过程写在试卷相对应的位置上解答时应写出必要的计算过程,

17、推演步骤或文字说明)17. 计算: (每小题4分,共8分)(1); (2). 18.(本题8分)已知一只纸箱中装有除颜色外完全相同的红色、黄色、蓝色乒乓球共100个 从纸箱中任意摸出一球,摸到红色球、黄色球的概率分别是0.2、0.3(1)试求出纸箱中蓝色球的个数; (2)小明向纸箱中再放进红色球若干个,小丽为了估计放入的红球的个数,她将箱子里面的球搅匀后从中随机摸出一个球记下颜色,再把它放回箱子中,多次重复上述过程后,她发现摸到红球的频率在0.5附近波动,请据此估计小明放入的红球的个数19.(每小题4分,共8分)(1)已知.将他们组合成(AB)C或 ABC的形式,请你从中任选一种进行计算.先化

18、简,再求值,其中x=3. (2)解分式方程: 学校 班级 姓名 考试号 -密-封-线-20.(本小题7分)随着车辆的增加,交通违规的现象越来越严重,交警对人民路某雷达测速区检测到的一组汽车的时速数据进行整理(速度在3040含起点值30,不含终点值40),得到其频数及频率如表:数据段频数频率3040100.05405036 c5060a0.396070b d7080200.10总计2001(1) 表中a、b、c、d分别为:a= ; b= ; c= ; d= .(2) 补全频数分布直方图;(3) 如果汽车时速不低于60千米即为违章,则违章车辆共有多少辆?21.(本小题8分)若,M= ,N=,当时,

19、计算M与N的值;猜想M与N的大小关系,并证明你的猜想22. (本小题9分)如图,将ABCD的边DC延长到点E,使CE=DC,连接AE, 交BC于点F 求证:ABFECF; 若AFC=2D,连接AC、BE求证:四边形ABEC是矩形ABCDEF23. (本小题10分)已知反比例函数y1=的图象与一次函数y2=ax+b的图象交于 点A(1,4)和点B(m,2), (1)求这两个函数的关系式; (2)观察图象,写出使得y1y2成立的自变量x的取值范围; (3)如果点C与点A关于x轴对称,求ABC的面积24. (本小题10分)以四边形ABCD的边AB、BC、CD、DA为斜边分别向外侧作等腰直角三角形,直

20、角顶点分别为E、F、G、H,顺次连结这四个点,得四边形EFGH(1) 如图1,当四边形ABCD为正方形时,我们发现四边形EFGH是正方形; 如图2,当四边形ABCD为矩形时,请判断:四边形EFGH的形状(不要求证明);(2)如图3,当四边形ABCD为一般平行四边形时, 求证:HE=HG; 四边形EFGH是什么四边形?并说明理由 (第24题图2)(第24题图3)(第24题图1)八年级数学参考答案一、选择题 CDBC BA二、填空题7.x5 8.3 9.y= 10. 11.2012.不唯一,可以是:ABCD或AD=BC,B+C=180,A+D=180等 13.1或5 14. 15. 4 16. 3

21、三、解答题17. (1)原式= 2分 4分(2)原式= 2分 = 4分18.(1)由已知得纸箱中蓝色球的个数为:(个)3分(2)设小明放入红球x个, 根据题意得:, 5分解得:x=60(个) 6分经检验:x=60是所列方程的根 7分答:略 8分19.(1)选一:(AB)C = () 1分= = 3分 当x = 3 时,原式= = 1 . 4分选二:A BC =- 1分 = - =-= = 3分 当x = 3 时,原式 = 4分(2)x=2,检验得增根 (3+1分) 4分20.(1)78, 56, 0.18, 0.28 (每格0.5分,共2分)(2)略(2分); 2分(3)76辆(3分) 3分2

22、1.(1)当a=3时,M=,N= ; 2分(2)方法一: 5分a0, 7分 8分方法二: 5分a0,, 7分 8分22.证明:四边形ABCD是平行四边形,ABCD,AB=CDABF=ECF.EC=DC, AB=EC 2分在ABF和ECF中,ABF=ECF,AFB=EFC,AB=EC,ABFECF 4分(2) 解法一:AB=EC ,ABEC,四边形ABEC是平行四边形AF=EF, BF=CF 四边形ABCD是平行四边形,ABC=D,又AFC=2D,AFC=2ABCAFC=ABF+BAF,ABF=BAFFA=FB FA=FE=FB=FC, AE=BCABEC是矩形 9分解法二:AB=EC ,ABE

23、C,四边形ABEC是平行四边形四边形ABCD是平行四边形,ADBC,D=BCE又AFC=2D,AFC=2BCE,AFC=FCE+FEC,FCE=FECD=FECAE=AD又CE=DC,ACDE即ACE=90ABEC是矩形 9分23.解:(1)函数y1=的图象过点A(1,4),即4=,k=4,即y1=, 2分又点B(m,2)在y1=上,m=2,B(2,2),又一次函数y2=ax+b过A、B两点,即 ,解之得y2=2x+2综上可得y1=,y2=2x+2 4分(2)要使y1y2,即函数y1的图象总在函数y2的图象上方,x2 或0x1 7分(3) 由图形及题意可得:AC=8,BD=3,ABC的面积SA

24、BC=ACBD=83=12 10分24.(1)四边形EFGH是正方形 2分(2) 设ADC=(090),在ABCD中,ABCD,BAD=180ADC=180a;HAD和EAB都是等腰直角三角形,HAD=EAB=45,HAE=360HADEABBAD3604545(180a)90a HAD和GDC都是等腰直角三角形,DHA=CDG= 45,HDG=HADADCCDG90aHAE 5分AEB和DGC都是等腰直角三角形,AE=AB,DG=CD,在ABCD中,AB=CD,AE=DG,HAD是等腰直角三角形,HA=HD,HAEHDG,HE=HG 7分四边形EFGH是正方形由同理可得:GH=GF,FG=F

25、E,HE=HG(已证),GH=GF=FG=FE,四边形EFGH是菱形;HAEHDG(已证),AHE=DHG,又AHD=AHGDHG=90,EHG=AHGAHE90,四边形EFGH是正方形 10分prohibited in proportion to the return to be imposed on the unit as a cost compensation.Since the promulgation and implementation of the self report document No. 2015 widely. Under the leadership of the

26、Bureau in the county, the county government in the County Archives Bureau guidance, according to the national ( earnestly specific file management work and enhance the employee file management consciousness, perfect the relevant mechanisms, to strengthen the archives management, expand the informati

27、on resources, for the community to provide services, has achieved remarkable results. According to the security file 5 of our archives management according to law of self-examination, now the situation is as follows: first, carry out the implementation of the , I Bureau in the county, the county gov

28、ernments correct leadership, the County Bureau of archives of specific guidance, in strict accordance with the , according to the law to strengthen the work of organization and leadership, the establishment of the County Business Bureau, party secretary Jin Xinguo County Bureau of archives managemen

29、t work leading group, and earnestly perform their functions, increase of archival undertaking investment, 2014 years invested a total of archives management work funds 1 million yuan, to improve the file storage conditions and promote my archives business healthy and rapid development. (a) shall fil

30、e the rule consciousness to enhance global cadre worker in accordance with the law to protect and utilization of the archives law consciousness, I Bureau to increase the publicity and implementation efforts. One is reinforcement learning education. The Learning education included in the global sixth

31、 five year legal education program, and meticulously organize the global cadres and workers to carry out archives laws and regulations knowledge training, significantly enhancing the level of overall. Second, according to the law to strengthen the file registration work. Since its inception, I board

32、 annually on various data of the Department into the line of the file registration, strict in accordance with the provisions of the contents of the register, the scope of registration, the prescribed time limit and carried out in accordance with the law registration. Through in-depth study of the im

33、plementation of the , I bureau according to the management of archival consciousness obvious enhancement. (II) construction archives to further strengthen the 2014 Bureau archives new purchase serried file cabinet 4. Equipped with a shredder and destroy Firearms, temperature and humidity meter. In s

34、trengthening the hardware construction, at the same time, I also pay attention to establish and improve various rules and regulations, standardizing the management program, the archive management work of rule-based, carried out in an orderly manner, gradually embarked on a standardized, institutiona

35、lized track. Until the end of 2014, the global total of custody permanent, long-term (30 years) archives Vol. 145, permanent, long-term (30 years) file 1881 piece, permanent custody of 27 volumes, permanent custody of the 432. Second, problems 1, one is limited by objective conditions and unit funds control, the lack of office space, all files implement centralized management difficult. Archive11


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