2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件(经典实用).pptx

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2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件(经典实用).pptx_第1页
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《2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件(经典实用).pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件(经典实用).pptx(47页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 9,Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai.,Bishan School Lily,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Simon and Daming want to . The Un building is very . And there are flags from . The UN has got member states. They . Many countries the UN. Then they go . And Simon Daming from Ch

2、ina. Its a . And its very .Daming likes it very much. He wants .,visit the UN building,big,all around the world,193,make a big family,give presents to,inside,wants to show,one of the present,train,beautiful,to take a photo,Review.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Does your

3、 father want to cook? .,Does she want to ride her bike? .,Yes, he does,No, she doesnt.,I wants to play basketball.,Review.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,What do you want to do? .,What do they want to do? .,I want to go swimming,They want to have a picnic,Review.,2015外研版

4、六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,? He wants to visit New Yoek .,Where does he want to visit,? I want to go to the Great Wall with my friend.,Who do you want to go with?,Review.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Review.,the Great Wall,Its very long and ol

5、d.,Where do you want to visit?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Review.,the Changjiang River,Its very famous. Its more than six thousand kiolmetres long.,Where do you want to visit?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Review.,the Huangshan Mountain,

6、Its very beautiful. Its in Anhui.,Where do you want to visit?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Review.,the West Lake,Its a beautiful lake in Hangzhou.,Where do you want to visit?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Review.,the Great Wall,the Changji

7、ang River,the West Lake,the Huangshan Mountain,There are many beautiful places in China.,Where do you want to visit?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,listen and choose.,The bird is flying to now. A. the UK B. China C. the great Wall,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visi

8、t Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Do you visit the ? Do you want to Mountain? Yes, he . He to China now.,want to,Listen and match.,Changjiang River,visit the Huangshan,does,is flying,Do you want to visit the Changjiang River? Do you want to visit the Huangshan Mountain? Yes, he does. Hes flying to China now?,Lets

9、 read!,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,listen and answer.,What are they talking about?,Theyre talking about travelling to China.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Listen and match .,wants to go to .,Sam,Dad,Amy,Kunming,Guilin,Shanghai,2015外研版六年级上

10、册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,listen and choose.,2.There are lots of to go in China . A. place B. places C. cities 3. I want to go to _ . A. Chengdu B. Guilin C. Shanghai 4.Beacuse its . A. famous and big B. famous and old C. small but famous,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to vi

11、sit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,listen and tick.,( )5.Kunming is a beautiful city. ( )6.Kunming is in the north of China. ( )7.There are lots of mountains in Guilin.,south,mountains and,lakes in Guilin.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Read and answer.,Where do they want to go? 2. W

12、hy does Sam want to go to Shanghai? 3. Where is Kunming?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Read and answer.,4. What has Kunming got? 5. Whats in Guilin? 6.What does Sam think?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Check the answers.,1. Where do they wa

13、nt to go?,They want to go to China.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Check the answers.,2.Why does Sam want to go to Shanghai?,Because Shanghai is very big and famous.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Check the answers.,3. Where is Kunming?,Kunmi

14、ng is in the south of China .,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Check the answers.,4. What has Kunming got?,It has got a beautiful lake.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Check the answers.,5. Whats in Guilin?,There are lots of mountains and lakes

15、in Guilin.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Check the answers.,6.What does Sam think?,He thinks they should go to all these places.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Read and learn,There are lots of beautiful places to go in China.,I want to go to

16、 Shanghai. Shanghai is very big and very famous.,许多a lot of,There are lots of books in the libriay.,可去,Im hungry , I want some food to eat .,想要做,We all want to have a picnic.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,上海(Shanghai),简称“沪”或“申”,中华人民共和国直辖市,是中国的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、会展和航运中心之一。地处

17、长江入海口,隔东中国海与日本九州岛相望,南濒杭州湾,西与江苏、浙江两省相接。上海是一座国家历史文化名城,早在宋代就有了“上海”之名,拥有深厚的近代城市文化底蕴和众多历史古迹。,Shanghai,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Read and learn,Kunming is a beautiful city. Its in the south of China and its got a beautiful lake.,And there are lots of mountains and lakes i

18、n Guilin.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,昆明,享“春城”之美誉,云南省会。昆明地处云贵高原中部,它三面环山,南濒滇池,湖光山色,天然成趣。滇池是云南省最大的高原湖泊,全国第六大淡水湖泊,沿湖两岸风光绮丽。,Kunming,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Guiling,桂林是世界著名的旅游城市、中国首批国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市,其境内的山水风光举世闻名,千百年来享有“桂林山水甲天下”的美誉。,201

19、5外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Read and learn,Thats a good idea.,I think we should go to all these places.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Practise .,Do you want to go to the cinema?,No, I dont. I want to go to the park.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2

20、 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Fill in.,?,Do you want to go to the cinema?,No, I dont. I want to go to the park.,Man : Woman :,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Fill in.,?,Do you want to go to London?,No, I dont. I want to go to Beijing.,Man : Woman :,2015外研版六年级上册Module

21、9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Fill in.,?,Do you want to go swimming?,No, I dont. I want to go to the zoo.,Man : Woman :,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Practise.,Do you want to?,Yes, ./No,. Do you?,Yes, I do./No, I dont.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to vis

22、it Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Writing .,You do a survey.,You write .,My mother wants to go to Hong Kong. She wants to go shopping there! My father wants to go to Hong Kong too because its beautiful. My mother also wants to go Harbin,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Writing .,Xiaoyu

23、s survey.,Xiaoyu,father,mother,Mount Emei wants to see the beautiful snow and the sunrise,Jiuzhai Valley wants to see the beautiful lakes,Leshan Giant Buddha wants to see the biggest buddha,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Writing .,Winter holiday is coming.,My mother want

24、s to go to Mount Emei. She wants to see the beautiful snow and the sunrise .,I want to go to Jiuzhai Valley. I want to see the beautiful lakes.,My mother wants to visit Leshan Giant Buddha. She wants to see the biggest buddha.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,火眼金睛,in the s

25、outh of China,fly to China,lots of beautiful places,mountains and lakes,lots of,all these places,should go to,big and famous,Thats a good idea,want to,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,there are want to visit should go to the zoo in the south of China good idea a beautiful

26、lake,在中国南部 有 想要去参观 一个漂亮的湖 好主意 应该去动物园,连一连,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,I dont want . A. to swimming B. go swimming C. to go swimming 2. There _ lots of places in China. A. is B. am C. are 3. -Lets go swimming! - . A. Thank you B. Good idea,选择。,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2

27、I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,4. There are lots of book . A. to eat B. to read C. reads 5. Look! The birds in the sky. A. are flying B. is flying C. flies 6. Sichuan is in the south China. A. in B. from C. of,选择。,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,I want to go to Shangha

28、i next year.,Do you want to visit the zoo?,连词成句。,to, next, want, go, I, Shanghai, to, year.,visit, you, want, to, do, zoo, the ?,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Kunming is in the south of China.,There are lots of places to visit in China.,连词成句。,is, the, south, China, in,

29、Kunming, of.,China, lots, of , to, places, in, visit, are, there.,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,Read,should,There are,good idea,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,2015外研版六年级上册Module9 unit2 I want to visit Shanghai. 原创.实用课件,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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