07-07 群塔安全使用方案.doc

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1、Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social development. The main task of the meeting was, on rural wo

2、rk and conscientiously implement the Central, provincial and municipal five water treatment, three to split series of important conferences, learn from the past, study deployment priority tasks this year. Just now, the XXX Deputy head and Deputy County magistrate, respectively, on the work of the XX

3、 was fully deployed, and put forward specific measures and requirements about is in place. County Environmental Protection Bureau, the XX town, town of XX 3 units for a position statement, resounding, demonstrated determination and confidence. Conference also recognition has advanced representative,

4、 this, I also representative County, and County Government, to by recognition of advanced said warm of congratulated! to rural, and water and three modified a split front General cadres workers extend sincere of greeting! following, I again told five points views: a, and deepening awareness, further

5、 enhanced work of sense and urgency since party of 18 session v plenary proposed has innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept Hou, rural and environment governance work can said was upgrade to has more high of strategy level, is Thirteen-Five build w

6、ell-off a top priority task. XX, County besides lingxi, Longgang, jinxiang, the Treasury, the hills, several industrial town outside the city centre, is basically belong to other rural areas, area, the vast rural population. Same time, the current and coming period, is the County into a crucial peri

7、od of the South Gate of XX beautiful, environmental regulation directly affects the effectiveness of the strategic objectives can not be achieved. Therefore, the focus on rural work and five water treatment, three to split, the XX economic and social development has an important role. Last year, thr

8、ough the joint efforts of the County, reform of the agricultural and rural development has made great progress in our County, environmental remediation and achieved initial results. Three agriculture agricultural modernization level continues to increase, new 4-level modern agriculture Park, release

9、d 20 agricultural leading enterprises above the county level, the County area of 200 acres of land more than eco-leisure, investments of more than 5 million Yuan reached more than more than 100 agricultural projects. Rural development has improved continuously, boutique line 1 completed the beautifu

10、l countryside, fine village 17, beautiful rural development conference was held in lingxi peach Lake in the city. Promote comprehensive rural reform, included in the provinces building three in one system of farmers cooperative economic organization first promoting the County. Improvement of farmers

11、群塔方案 江苏江都建设工程有限公司群塔安全使用方案1工程概况1.1本工程位于北京市房山区,闫村镇南梨园村,乐活家园二期(D-056789地块)A5#-B4#-B5#C3-C4- C5-C6- C7-C8住宅楼及地下车库,共九幢住宅楼,建筑高度最高层为26.4m,最底层为13.89m,总建筑面积为36066.67,钢筋砼剪力墙结构体系。施工现场面积大,幢数多,水平和垂直运输难度大,我公司决定在现场设置塔吊三台,1# QTZ-63二台,1#塔吊QTZ-65162塔吊位置设定21 QTZ-63塔吊基础位于在C6号楼北侧,QTZ-63塔吊基础位于在C7号楼北侧,QTZ-6516塔吊基础位于在C3 C4

12、 C5 C8楼之间,3塔吊主要参数 项目 型号 臂长最大起重量起重力矩自由高度电力QTZ-6348M6T630KG/M30米42KWQTZ-6348M6T630KG/M35米42KWQTZ-651665 M10T160 KG/M 40米45KW4.塔吊施工4.1塔吊基础施工具体见塔吊基础图4.2塔吊的安装安装前全面检查塔机各部件塔吊基础施工预埋支腿安装过度节安装顶升套架安装3节标准节安装回转装置安装引进大梁安装驾驶室安装塔帽安装平衡臂安装48米起重臂安装配重传绕各部钢丝绳塔吊自升检查合格投入工作。1#塔吊初始高度为30米,2#塔吊初始高度为35米,3#塔吊初始高度为40米, 4.3塔吊的附着1


14、渣等缺陷。4.4塔吊的拆卸步骤4.4.1塔吊的拆除程序与安装程序相反。4.4.2塔吊自降标准节至最底,降级作业必须严格按说明书的规范进行。4.4.3拆除塔吊卷扬钢丝绳及配重:将小车行至臂跟,固定在臂架上,卸下前后钢丝绳,后绳绕在小车卷筒上,卸下前绳。切断电源,拆除电缆。吊下配重。4.4.4拆除起重臂:汽车吊吊住起重臂,用张紧器拆卸拉杆,落下整个臂架,并将其放在地面。4.4.5拆除塔吊平衡臂。4.4.6拆除塔帽:拆除回转;拆除塔吊的顶升套架。4.4.7拆除塔吊剩余标准节及过度节。4.4.8拆除节,需用气焊将预埋于建筑底板的节预埋割除,以免影响建筑装修。4.4.9清点物件,运出施工现场。5、 群塔

15、作业5.1群塔作业防碰撞措施5.1.1塔吊在初期定位安装、中期使用(顶升)以及后期拆除都应考虑到可能发生的碰撞事故,为避免塔吊间发生碰撞事故,保证塔吊正常、安全地使用,群塔作业防碰撞措施尤为重要。5.1.2塔吊在水平方向的防碰撞措施 考虑到现场周围环境的限制,并结合施工的需要,确定塔吊在现场的布置,在塔吊定位时已把各塔之间的距离均大于相关的塔吊臂长。这样就保证了安全规程中:三台塔吊之间的最小架设距离应保证处于低位的塔吊臂架端部与处于高位塔吊的塔身之间有2米距离由此,可以解决三台以上塔吊之间低位塔吊的起重臂与高位塔吊的塔身发生碰撞问题。5.1.3 塔吊在垂直方向的防碰撞措施(1)低位的塔吊的起重

16、臂与高位塔吊起重钢丝绳之间防碰撞措施 由于受施工需要的影响,有可能发生低位的塔吊的起重臂与高位塔吊起重钢丝绳的碰撞事故。为杜绝此类事故发生,必须对每一台塔吊的工作区进行合理划分,避免出现塔吊交叉工作区。同时,必须配备有合格操作证的、经验丰富的信号指挥工,确保指挥塔吊回转作业时,低塔的起重臂不碰撞高塔的起升钢丝绳。当现场风速达到5级风时,相当于风速达到10.813.8米/秒时,塔吊必须停止作业。另外,要配备操作熟练、有责任心的塔吊司机为现场服务,塔吊在每次使用后或在非工作状态下,将塔吊的吊钩升至顶端。 (2)高位塔吊的起重臂下端与低位塔吊最高部件防碰撞措施由于相邻的回转面有交叉区域,所以低位塔吊



19、安装时应按以下安全规程执行6.1.1拆装工及带班工长必须熟悉相同型号的塔吊安全规程及本工种安全操作规范。6.1.2 塔吊司机、塔吊拆装人员以及塔吊指挥人员必须持有市级劳动部门签发的特殊工种操作证件。6.1.3塔身标准节之间及其他部件之间的联结销都必须穿开口销。6.1.4初始安装塔身垂直度偏差不小于3%0,附着后附着以下塔身垂直度偏差不大于2%0。6.1.5 高空作业严禁物体坠落。6.1.6 五级风以上严禁塔吊安装作业, 4级风以上严禁塔吊顶升作业。6.1.7 安装作业现场必须设置不小于2020m的安全作业区,安全作业区严禁非作业人员进入。6.1.8塔吊在经过验收投入正常施工使用后应严格遵守下述






25、重机需特别处理。7.3.12群塔作业时应保证安全作业距离,吊钩上悬挂重物之间的安全距离不得小于5米,高位起重机钩底与底位起重机之间任何情况下,其垂直距离不得小于2米,若两机塔臂交错时,高位起重机的吊钩应退到两机回转半径交叉范围以外或吊钩升到高处,以防止相撞的恶性事故。7.3.13起重臂与起吊物必须与高低压架空输电线保持安全距离。 A、距离低压供电线路水平距离不小于3米。 B、距离高压供电线路水平距离不小于6米。7.3.14严禁重物自由落下,重物距离就位地点12米处要缓慢下降就位。7.3.15在构件、重物起吊或落吊时,在吊件重物下方,不得有人停留或行走。7.3.16起重机在运转中严禁修理、调整或

26、保养作业,除必要情况外不准带电检查。7.3.17司机必须由扶梯上下,上下扶梯时不准携带笨重物品。7.3.18未设专人看守作业区时,禁止由塔机上向下抛掷任何物品。4、作业后7.4.1操作完毕,吊钩升至距臂尖23米处,并将起重臂转至顺风方向,松开制动,绝对禁止限制起重臂随风转动。7.4.2起重小车开到说明书规定位置,将各控制器拔回到零位,切断总电源。7.4.3认真进行机械检查,提早发现隐患,做好保养,保持机械完好。7.4.4双班、多班作业,必须做好交接;任务要求不清不交接,机械保养不彻底不交接;机件工具丢失损坏原因不清不交接。living standards, poor farmers in le

27、ss than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. Five waters rule: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment work bet

28、ter; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. Three modified a split aspects: Co

29、unty total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed three modified area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in the a targe

30、t completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level three modified a split work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher standards and requi

31、rements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior cl

32、aim, South Gate of XX beautiful goal, my County San Nong and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained low pattern. Low is reflected in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion

33、 yield low employee age, low quality. Small is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. San is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, information and organizational

34、level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in dirty phase. Dirty is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. Chaos is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting four no phenomenon, heap lying there. Bad is

35、 the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be persistent look. Old is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. Big is that the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. Hard is a peasants, peasants. Four water effects still lacks第 9 页 共 10 页


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