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1、 跨文化交际课程教学大纲 课程编号:一、课程说明1. 课程代码ZJ04030312. 课程类别专业能力课3. 适应专业及课程性质 英语(商务)专业 必修4. 课程目的 (1)通过学习英语语言学的基本概念和核心问题,可以了解关于语言知识和语言理论知识,掌握语言使用的基本原理,并能初步运用这些原理解决英语使用中的问题; (2)通过该门课程,不仅帮助学生获取关于英语语言本身的知识,更开拓学生语言应用的视野。5. 学时与学分学时为32,学分为2. 6. 建议先修课程基础英语、英语阅读、英语国家社会与文化 二、课程教学基本内容及要求Introduction to the course 计划学时:2基本要

2、求:(1)了解该课程的研究对象及学习该课程的意义;(2)了解社会文化的测试方法;(3)了解社会文化的测试分析。教学重点及难点:重点: The socio-culture test;难点: Test analysis.基本内容: (1)Introduction to the course;(2)Introduction to the socio-culture test;(3)Introduction to test analysis.思考题:Read the questions and decide whether the underlined part is appropriate (A)

3、or inappropriate (I).1. If you are a man in the English-speaking countries, and a lady comes into the room, you must rise to your feet.2. If you want to go and see one of your American or English friends, you can do it after lunch.3. If you are invited to dinner by one of your English-speaking frien

4、ds, you may bring the hostess some fruit as a present. 4. If you are a college student and meet during the break in a academic conference an American professor who is a friend of your supervisors, you can go over and have a talk with him as long as the break permits.Unit 1 An Introduction to Intercu

5、ltural Communication 计划学时: 2基本要求:(1)掌握文化、交际的概念;(2)理解跨文化交际的定义和交际模式 ;(3)能够运用所学跨文化交际知识分析一些文化之谜。教学重点及难点:重点:The understanding of culture, communication and intercultural communication:难点:Cultural puzzles of intercultural communication.基本内容:(1)Culture;(2)Communication;(3)Cultural puzzles of intercultural

6、communication.思考题:1. What do you think of the word “culture”?2. Please name as many cultural groups as you can and develop a list of characteristics that make each of the cultural groups different from the others.3. What would you do if someone told you to use his or her first name, but you felt unc

7、omfortable doing this?(1) You could continue to use the persons last name without explaining why.(2) You could try to use the persons first name even though you feel uncomfortable.(3) You could ask the person. “Is it OK if I use your last name?”Unit 2 Daily Verbal Communication (I)计划学时: 3基本要求:(1)掌握中

8、美文化中不同称呼、问候方式、如何发起谈话及谈话话题、如何拜访、告别等日常言语交际;(2)理解不同文化日常言语交际的特点;(3)能够运用所学知识顺利进行中美跨文化交际。教学重点及难点:重点:The features of daily verbal communications;难点:The differences of daily verbal communications between Chinese and English.基本内容:(1)form of address;(2)greeting;(3)Initiating conversation and conversation topi

9、c;(4) Visiting;(5) Parting.思考题:(1)Discuss the differences in addressing people between English and Chinese cultures.(2)What topics should be avoided in initiating conversations?(3)What are the differences in parting between Chinese and English cultures?Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (II)计划学时:3基本要

10、求:(1)掌握中美文化中赞美、对赞美的回应及社会功能、英汉语言中赞美方式的差异、感谢、道谦等日常言语交际;(2)理解不同文化日常言语交际的特点;(3)能够运用所学知识顺利进行中美跨文化交际。教学重点及难点:重点:Compliments, gratitude and apology and their responses in Chinese and English;难点:The differences of compliments, gratitude and apology and their responses between Chinese and English cultures.基本

11、内容:(1) Compliments and compliment responses;(2) Social functions of compliments(3) Differences between Chinese and English compliments(4) Common response formulas of English and Chinese Compliments(5) Expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese思考题:(1)Discuss the social functions of c

12、ompliments(2)Discuss different semantic formulas in English and Chinese compliments(3) Discuss the different syntactic formulas in English and Chinese complimentsUnit 4 Verbal communication计划学时:4基本要求:(1)掌握英汉语言中常见的文化负载词、通过谚语反射的文化、禁忌语;(2)理解不同文化言语交际的特点;(3)能够运用所学知识顺利进行中美跨文化交际。教学重点及难点:重点:Culturally loade

13、d words, Taboos;难点:Culturally reflections on Proverbs, Differences in cultural thought patterns .基本内容:(1)Culturally loaded words;(2)Culturally reflections on Proverbs;(3)Taboos;(4)Differences in cultural thought patterns.思考题:(1)Are “梅兰竹菊”culturally-loaded words?(2)What does “gilding the lily” mean?(

14、3)What is taboo?Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication计划学时:3基本要求:(1)掌握非言语交际的作用及表达方式;(2)理解不同文化中非言语交际的区别;(3)能在跨文化中正确运用非言语交际。教学重点及难点:重点:body language;难点:paralanguage.基本内容:(1)The status and areas of nonverbal communication(2)Cultural differences in nonverbal communication(3)Time language(4)Space language(5)Body

15、 language(6)Paralanguage思考题:(1)What are the major differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?(2)Discuss the contents of chronemics, proxemics, kinestics, and paralanguage?Unit 6 Cross-gender Communication计划学时:3基本要求:(1) 掌握男性和女性的不同的交际文化;(2) 理解跨姓别交际的常见问题;(3) 能够运用六大原则有效进行跨姓别交际。教学重点及难点:重点:Fem

16、inine and masculine communication cultures;难点:Six principles for effective cross-gender communication。基本内容:(1)Sex and gender(2)Feminine and Masculine communication cultures(3)Understanding cross-gender communication(4) Six principles for effective cross-gender communication思考题:(1)Discuss the differe

17、nces between sex and gender.(2)What are the characteristics of feminine talk and masculine talk respectively?(3)What are the six principles for effective cross-gender communication?Unit 7 Cultural Variations in Negotiation Styles计划学时:4基本要求:(1)掌握高语境文化和低语境文化的特点;(2)理解跨文化商务活动中文化变动;(3)运用跨文化交际知识进行商务谈判。教学重

18、点及难点:重点:Cultural Variations in conducting business and in selecting negotiators ;难点:Cultural Variations in decision-making.基本内容:(1)Cultural Variations in conducting business;(2)Cultural Variations in selecting negotiators;(3)Cultural Variations in decision-making;思考题:(1)Discuss different negotiating

19、 styles of American, British, French, German ,Japanese and Chinese negotiators.(2)Discuss the cultural variations in selecting negotiators in America and Japan,(3)Discuss the concepts of high contest culture and low contest cultureUnit 8 Humor Interpretation in Intercultural Encounters计划学时:3基本要求:(1)

20、掌握跨文化交际中如何处理“幽默”问题;(2)理解 “三段论省略式”和”三段论”特点;(3)运用相似的文化语境在跨文化交际中创造“幽默”、理解“幽默”。教学重点及难点:重点:A two-stage process in sharing humor between native and non-native speakers;难点:Converting enthymeme into syllogism.基本内容:(1)Humor as a pathway to intercultural communication competence;(2)converting enthymeme into s

21、yllogism;(3)Locating analogous cultural contexts;思考题:(1) Tell the difference between enthymeme and syllogism.(2) Discuss the possibility of humor interpretation.Unit 9 Intercultural Personhood: An Integration of Eastern and Western Perspectives计划学时:3基本要求:(1)掌握东西方不同世界观;(2)理解两种世界观的互补性;(3)运用世界观的差异树立正确的

22、跨文化交际意识。教学重点及难点:重点:The differences between Eastern and Western world views;难点:The complementarity of the two world views.基本内容:(1)Eastern and western world views;(2)A synthesis;(3)Complementarity;(4) Toward Intercultural personhood思考题:(1) What is intercultural personhood?(2) Discuss the feasibility o

23、f a synthesis of Eastern culture and Western culture.Sharing intercultural communications and course summary (Inviting foreign guests to class) 计划学时:2基本要求:从文化视角分分享跨文化交际中出现过交际误区教学重点及难点:重点:Analysis of a typical case of intercultural miscommunication;难点:Oral presentation.基本内容:(1)typical cases of interc

24、ultural miscommunication;(2)analysis of the cases;(3)Summary of the miscommunications;(4) Summary of the course思考题:Discuss the following topics, write logs or make oral presentations(1) A comparative study on the understanding of freedom in America and China. (2) A comparative study on wine culture

25、in America and China三、课程学时分配本课程计划32学时,其中理论教学27学时,课内实践5学时。课程主要内容和学时分配见课程学时分配表和课内实践学时分配表。表1 课程学时分配表时数 教学 环节课程内容理论教学课内实践小计Introduction to the course22Unit 1 An introduction to Intercultural communication22Unit 2 Daily Verbal Communication(I)213Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication(II)213Unit 4 Verbal Commu

26、nication314Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication33Unit 6 Cross-gender Communication 33Unit 7 Cultural Variations in Negotiation Styles314Unit 8 Humor Interpretation in Intercultural Encounters33Unit 9 Intercultural Personhood: an Integration of Eastern and Western Perspectives33Sharing intercultural commun

27、ications and course summary112总计27532表2 课内实践学时分配表序号实践项目名称学时实践内容及目的 实践方式备注实验、课堂讨论、案例分析、课程小论文、专业技法等 1日常谈话差异对比1掌握英汉语中称呼、问候、拜访、告别等日常谈话差异角色扮演、讨论2日常谈话差异对比1 掌握英汉语中赞美、感谢、道谦及其回应方式等日常谈话的差异 角色扮演、讨论3文化负载词、禁忌语的使用对比1掌握英汉语中常见的文化负载词的使用及禁忌语课堂讨论4商务谈判中的文化变化1如何根据文化背景处理业务、选择谈判人、做出决定角色扮演5分享跨文化交际中的误会经历1陈述亲身经历的跨文化交际中出现的误会情

28、况。口头陈述,课程小论文四、考核及成绩评定考核类型:考查成绩评定: (1)平时成绩占总评成绩的50% ,分别为:课堂表现占15%、课内实践占20%、课外作业占15% (2)期末考核成绩占50%。,考核形式有:闭卷考试五、 推荐教材、参考书目与推荐网站推荐教材:跨文化交际实用教程. 胡超编著. 外语教学与研究出版社. 2006年第1版参考书目:(1)跨文化交际. 常俊跃、吕春媚、赵永表主编. 北京大学出版社. 2011年第1版(2)跨文化交际. 张爱琳主编.重庆大学出版社,2007年第1版。 推荐网站:(1)http:/ (2) http:/www.mislinks.org/topics/icc.htm制订人:李奕华审核人:邱小玲批准人:2014年2月15日


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