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1、人教PEP版六年级英语上册单词拼写完美班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择正确的选项补全单词,并在横线上写出汉语意思。(_)1. coll_ _t_A. ec B. ek C. ak(_)2. st_ _p _A. em B. ae C.am(_)3. h_bby _A.u B.a C.o(_)4. anoth_ _A.or B.er C.em(_)5. fam_ _s_A.ou B.er C.ar2. 根据首字母提示完成句子。1. I want to go to the c_.2. He has got a t_. He cant eat anything.3. We are h_an Englis

2、h lesson now.4. People usually climb m_at Double Ninth Festival.5. He goes to Nanjing by m_.3. 根据汉语提示写单词。(1)Youarea_(伟大的)teacher.(2)Iwill_(思念)you.(3)Wearegoingtosay_(再见)tomymother.(4)Illkeepit_(永远).(5)Iwantto_(记住)you.(6)CometotheUKto_(观看)footballgameswithme.4. 按要求写单词。1. my (主格)_2. day(复数形式)_3. there

3、(同音词)_4. open(反义词)_5. inside(反义词)_5. 根据所给图片填上合适的单词。 (1)The workers useto make a house(2)There are many tallin the city(3)Where did you put the? I need some to light the candles(4)Plant moreto make our city beautiful and clean(5)Thickis over thereThere must be a fire6. 按要求写词。1.do(过去式)_2.were(原形)_3.wa

4、tch(第三人称单数)_4.after(反义词)_5.dance(现在分词)_6.family(复数)_7.funny(名词)_8.we(单数)_7. 按要求写单词。1heavy(反义词)_2health(形容词)_3cheap(反义词)_4swim(过去式)_5fly(过去式)_6study(第三人称单数)_7cannot(缩写形式)_8run(现在分词)_9watch(第三人称单数)_10.child(复数)_8. 看图并根据首字母提示写单词,把句子补充完整。 man is feeding the s_.2.The traffic is very h_and

5、slow.3.He has a h_.I think he should take some medicine.4. We often e_mooncakes and watch the moon at Mid-autumn Festival.5.The man is short and f_.9. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填充。1.LiMing,whatabout_(步行)toschool?2.Theyaregoing_(fish)tomorrow.3.Theboysarereadingthe_(interest)book,HarryPotterII.4.-Whatisyourhobby?

6、-_.(dance)5.Theweathergets_(cold)andthenightsget_(long)inwinter.6.Sometimeshe_(play)basketballontheplaygroundafterschool.7.Jack,withhisclassmates,often_(go)tothebookshoptobuybooksonSundays.8.Thepairofjeans_(be)yours,itisntmine.9.Maryenjoys(go)shoppingonSundays.10.Iwouldlike_(have)lunchathome.10. 根据所

7、给单词首字母及句意完成单词,使句子意思完整正确。1.M is the thirdmonth(月份) ofa year (一年).2. Look, Wang Bing iss David. Hes in front of David.3. Wheres your handkerchief? Its in myp .4. What does this sign mean? It means “D”. We shouldnt touch it.5. Today is the Childrens Day. Everyone is verye.11. 想一想,用所给的字母组成单词。(1)_ (2)_(3

8、)_ (4)_(5)_(6)_12. 按要求写出单词。(1)next (反义词)_ (2)run (现在分词)_(3)Tom(名词所有格)_ (4)fun(形容词)_(5)get(过去式)_13. 按要求写词。1、is(过去式) _ 2、there(反义词) _3、are(过去式) _ 4、it(主格复数) _5、do(过去式) _ 6、run(现在分词)_7、wash (第三人称单数) _14. 根据短文内容和首字母,补全单词。Today is October 1st.It is Toms 1.b.He sees a 2.c on the table when he comes back 3

9、.h.It says, “Theres a present 4.fyou,Tom.Look for it in 5.yroom.”Tom runs to his 6.r.His parents are watch ing 7.hand smiling.On his bed,he sees a new red box.There 8.ia card in9.tbox.The card says “Im 10.ybirthday present!”15. 按括号中的要求写单词。(1)January (简写形式)_(2)by (同音词)_(3)old (反义词)_(4)swim (ing形式)_(5)let us (缩写)_(6)three (序数词)_(7)sheep (复数)_(8)heavy (比较级)_(9)had (原形)_(10)come (过去式)_5 / 5


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