五英 《Whatare you doing?》庄凤荣.doc

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1、PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit4 What are you doing?教学设计一、教学内容:1. 学生能听、说、认、读Part A Lets learn动词短语的现在实行时结构(-ing形式):drawing pictures, cooking dinner, doing the dishes, reading a book, answering the phone。2.Part A Lets play 要求听清动词短语,并根据指令做出相对应的动作, 通过说唱Lets sing部分的歌谣巩固短语和句子。二、教学重难点:1、教学重点:掌握五个动词短语的ing形式,能理解本课时的主要句型:Wh

2、at are you doing?并能够用I am doing the dishes/作答。2、教学难点:动词短语的(-ing形式)的发音、识记以及与be动词(am /is/are)的连用。三、课前准备:录音机和录音带、课件。四、教学程序:Step1 Preview1. Daily communication.2.教师播放五年级上册Unit 4 What Can You Do? Part B Lets chant,复习一些跟本课相关的动词短语,如: sweep the floor,cook dinner,wash the clothes,wash the window,draw picture

3、s,empty the trash)3.师生集体背诵Lets chant(在复习的过程中要求学生做出动作或手势。)。Step2 PresentationLets learn1.出示教学课件:What can you do at home?并指名学生实行回答。教师在黑板上写上do the dishes/cook dinner/draw picture/answer the phone/read a book。2.教师边做读书的动作,边对学生说:I am reading a book.然后在写字板上的短语后面加上ing变成reading a book。教读短语read a book, readin

4、g a book,学生跟读。指着一个学生问What are you doing?I am reading a book.3.在黑板上画画T:I can draw pictures ,too. And I am drawing pictures now. (操练个人朗读,小组朗读,板书)操练I am drawing a duck.I am drawing a banana.I am drawing _.4.模仿正在做饭并说I can cook dinner.Can you cook dinner?让学生边做边说。问What are you doing?引导他们说:I am cooking din

5、ner.5.利用课件播放doing the dishes动词短语的图片,并将其动词短语全变为动词短语现在实行时。同桌互相问答:What are you doing?I am doing the dishes.6.这时手机铃声响了,并接电话并对同学们说I am answering the phone.让学生练习说:个人说,分组说,齐说。 Step 3 Practice1. 利用课件播放动词短语的图片,并将其动词短语全变为动词短语现在实行时。让学生读和说。2.Pair work:同桌之间相互问答。练习新学句型:What are you doing?并能够用I am doing the dishes

6、/学生可边做动作边实行对话练习。通过适当的动作进一步理解现在实行时表达的含义。3.Play a game: Listen to the music and pass the box.要求:音乐停止时,其他同学一起拍手问“What are you doing?”两遍,手持盒子的同学根据老师的卡片回答“Im”4.Read and match.5.Lets chanta.课件出示Lets chant:What are you doing? What are you doing?Im doing the dishes. What are you doing?Im drawing pictures. W

7、hat are you doing?Im reading a book. What are you doing?Im cooking dinner. What are you doing?Im answering the phone.学生集体说唱歌谣。b.Game:全班以小组为单位,分较色朗读并释演Lets chant。c.请几组同学上台表演。6.指名请学生说出课件中的John和Zhang正在做什么,以此对听力内容有所了解。放录音,学生听和说。然后两人合作完成对话(The phone rings.)A: Hello.B: Hi,. This is .A: Hi,. What are you d

8、oing?B: Im . What are you doing?A: Im . 让全班交流他们的对话。Step 4 Homework1.Read and write the phrase: drawing pictures cooking dinner, reading a book, doing the dishes answering the phone2.Ask and answer using the sentence “What are you doing? I am” 板书设计: Unit 4 What are you doing? What are you doing?reading a bookdrawing pictures. I am cooking dinner. doing the dishes.answering the phone.


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