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1、“turn”短语集中练turn around / round转身;好转。如:Turn around and let me look at your back. 转过身去让我看看你的后背。The $400 million will help turn the company around. 这四亿美元将帮助这家公司走出低谷。拓展 由动词turn构成的短语如下:turn in归还;上交turn up露面;到达;开大turn on打开;依赖turn off 关掉turn out出席;结果 turn down关小;拒绝turn back 原路返回;往回走小试 用以上短语的适当形式填空。1. He tr

2、ied to join the army but was _ because of poor health. 2. Dont forget to _ the light when you leave. 3. The weather became so bad that they had to _.4. You must _ your equipment before you leave the army. 5. It was getting dark. Could you _ the light?6. He promised to come but hasnt _ yet.7. I _ my chair _ to face the fire.8. Despite our worries, everything _ well.Key: 1. turned down 2. turn off 3. turn back 4. turn in5. turn on 6. turned up 7. turned; around / round 8. turned out


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