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1、Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D需要用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 5. 本课重点活动是1a和5。.Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words: course, southern2. Review object clauses:Can you tell me if there are two or more courses for every meal in North America, Australia and Europe?I ask Tom if

2、/whether the most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs.3. Learn different eating habits around the world:In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not p

3、olite to use both of them at the same time.4. Review how to cook some kinds of food. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 6分钟)复习餐桌礼仪,导入新课。1. (呈现图片,以知识竞赛的方式快速复习餐具名称和餐桌礼仪,激情导入。)T:There are many tools used by people for eating, arent there?Ss:Yes, there a

4、re.T:Can you tell me the names of the tools?Ss:Yes, we can.T:Whats this? How can you spell it? And what can we use it for?S1:Its a spoon, s-p-o-o-n, spoon. We can use it for drinking soup.S2:S3:T:Excellent! You are very great. Do you still remember how to start a formal western dinner?Ss:Yes, we do.

5、T:Who can have a try to tell me something about it?S1:When we sit down at the table S2:S3:T:Wonderful!2. (小组讨论。呈现目标语言,导入本课阅读内容,激发阅读兴趣。)T: What else do you know about table manners? Please discuss in groups and each group makes a short report. (要求各组推荐一位代表汇报,形成对就餐礼仪的较系统的认识。)S1: S2: (教师总结学生汇报的结果。)T: OK

6、! Table manners are quite different around the world. So I think people around the world have different eating habits. Do you think so?Ss:Yes, I think so.(继续引导学生讨论亚洲国家的就餐习惯。)T: Do you know something about the eating habits in Asian countries? Go on discussing in groups, and then each group make a sh

7、ort report.(导入1a)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)呈现有关饮食习惯的内容,完成1a。1. T: As we know, in western countries, people use knives and forks to eat, and they have two or more courses for every meal. They also like hot dogs. (板书并教学生词。要求学生掌握course; 了解hot dog。)course n.一道菜 hot dog n.热狗2. T: People around

8、the world have different eating habits. Do people eat rice a lot in the southern part of China? Do people eat much seafood in the central and western parts of China? Do people use spoons to eat in India? (板书并教学生词。要求学生掌握southern;理解seafood。)southern adj.南方的,南部的 seafood n.海鲜,海味 Now please listen to 1a

9、carefully and find out the answers. (播放录音1-2遍。核对答案。)3. (快速阅读1a,完成小黑板上的表格。)AreaEating habitNorth America/Australia/EuropeChinaParts of IndiaKoreaStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a,完成1b和2。1. (朗读1a。从每组中找一两个学生根据表格内容复述1a,给予评价及鼓励。) T: Please read 1a loudly for 3 minutes. Try to remember the facts.

10、Then Ill ask one or two students from each group to retell 1a according to the form.2. (同伴互相讨论世界上不同地方的就餐习惯,完成1b。) T: Talk about eating habits in different parts of the world according to 1a. Work in pairs after the example. (让一名学生配合教师给大家做个示范,以使他们明确活动的要求。) T:Can you tell me if people in the southern

11、part of China eat rice? S1:Yes, I think so. T:Do you know if it is polite for people to use a spoon and chopsticks at the same time in Korea? S1:No, I dont think so. 3. (两人一组表演2的采访活动。完成2。) T: Just now we learned different eating habits in different parts of the world. I think different people have d

12、ifferent eating habits, too. Then suppose you were Beth, a journalist from CCTV, you will interview Tom, a boss of a restaurant. Please report the result to your partner according to the form in 2. S3: S4: (教师给予鼓励。) T: Good job!Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)练习本课3,4a和4b。1. (复习本话题出现的炒饭/面条等的做法,导入新内容,

13、指导学生完成3。) T:Weve learned how to cook fried rice and noodles. Now lets learn how to cook chicken soup according to the pictures in 3. You must use first, next, then, after that, finally, etc. S1: S2: T:Well done.2. (做游戏“拷贝不走样”,完成4a和4b。) T: Now you look tired. Lets play a game. Ill divide the class in

14、to eight groups, each row as a group. Every one in the first line is assigned a sentence in 4a and 4b to read and memorize. Then he/she whispers it to the one in the second line. This will go on till the one in the last line. The one in the last line tells the sentence to the class and to be checked

15、 and judged by the teacher. (对表现好的小组给予表扬。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 9分钟)进一步学习巩固各国的食品和餐桌礼仪,完成5。1. (小组竞赛。组织学生用纸做一些帽子,并在每顶帽子上用英语注上一个学过的国家名称,如: Japan, China, Cuba等。然后将帽子上写有相同国家的学生分为一组,每组写出该国的特色食品,展示结果,进行比赛,教师参与评比。) T: First, please prepare some paper hats with countrys names on them, such as“Japan,

16、 China, Cuba” (让学生准备2分钟。) T: Now, students who write the same country on your hats work in a group. Write down the special foods in your countries, and then show us the results. (让各组选代表汇报。) S1: S2: (对于表现好的小组,给予表扬。) T: Well done! / Good job!2. (让一些学生表演吃饭的动作,其他学生猜这些行为是否礼貌。) T: Now, Ill ask a few stude

17、nts to act out some eating habits and the other students guess whether they are polite or not. (让23名学生表演动作,教师提问。) T:Whats he/she doing? S3:He/She is using a spoon and chopsticks to eat. T:Is it polite to do this during the dinner in Korea? S4:It is not polite that he/she uses both of them at the same time in Korea.3. Homework: (做一个调查报告,调查中国不同地区的餐桌礼仪。) Make a survey about table manners in different parts of China.


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