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1、Module8模块配套巩固练习一、基础题(10题)( )1. What does CCTV _, do you know? A. standB. stand upC. stand for( )2. -Which team will the Chinese football team play _? -The Korean team.A. forB. on C. against.( )3. -I hope Linda wont go to America. -_ the truth. She has booked the plane ticket.A. FaceB. SeeC. Like( )4

2、. My grandma feels terrible because she is _ headaches.A. looking for B. suffering from C. taking up( )5. -This morning we broke Mrs. Whites window when we were playing football. -No wonder she is _ with you.A. madB. pleasedC. strict( )6. The Browns love their son so much that they always want to st

3、op him from _ into trouble.A. getsB. to getC. getting( )7. -Do you think Dan can pass the test? -Sure, he has the _ to finish the work.A. time B. ability C. luck( )8. -Amanda led us to victory. -Really? You must take great pride in _. A. meB. herC. us( )9. -Did you go to Anns party last night? -No,

4、I _.A. didnt inviteB. wasnt invitedC. wont invite( )10. -Mum, I got three A+ in the final exams! -_! A. Well done B. No way C. Thats no excuse二、易错题(10题)( )1. The teachers encourage us _ English in class.A. speakingB. spokeC. to speak( )2. When I got to the square, a number of people _ dancing there.

5、 A. areB. wasC. were( )3. Luke _ on the leg by a bad man. Now he is in hospital. A. kickedB. is kickedC. was kicked ( )4. If my _ is correct, they have been away for about 3 years.A. memoryB. thoughtsC. opinion( )5. -_ the record _ again? -Yes, Toby is really good at running.A. Does; breakB. Was; br

6、okenC. Did; break( )6. He always keeps confident. And he will _ his own company. A. set up B. set out C. set off ( )7. Lucy, whats your _ for taking this after-noon off? Well, Ill have to take care of my sick mother at home. A. point B. decision C. excuse( )8. Its said that Paul _ to take part in th

7、e match by his school yesterday. A. has chosenB. was chosenC. is chosen( )9. Do you know _ the last score was?A. WhenB. whatC. how( )10. The players played _ badly _ lots of people left the stadium early. A. so; thatB. very; thatC. too; to三、翻译题1. 这些字母代表什么? What do the letters _ _?2. 我们应该对这次成功感到自豪。 We should _ _ _ the success.3. 这张照片是十年前拍的。 The picture _ _ 10 years ago.4. 大学毕业后我想要创建自己的工司。 Id like to _ _ a company of my own after college.5. 你认为汤会向我道歉吗?不可能,他从不向任何人道歉。 Do you think Tom will apologize to me? _ _. He never says sorry to anybody.


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