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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 韶关市第十三中学课程教学教学设计(单元)(2014-2015学年第 一 学期)课程名称:English 主备教师:曾捷 任课教师:教 材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 新目标英语Go for it八年级(上册)人教版 教学内容:Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?教材分析:In this unit students learn to tell the frequency about the activities.教学目标:1、学会一些表示频率的词 2、如何合理的安排时间 3、了解一些活动

2、的名称教学方法和措施: 阅读、讲授、讨论、探究 教学资源:课件和录音机课时安排:新课、活动的课时本单元教学时间约需8课时,具体分配如下:Section A 1a-2b 1课时 Section A 3a-3b 1课时Section B 1a-2b 1课时 Section B 3b-4 1课时 Reading 1课时 Review 1 课时 English Weekly 2课时韶关市第十三中学课程教学教学设计(课时)(2014-2015学年第 一 学期)课程名称:English 主备教师:曾捷 任课教师:课 题:Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?课 型:New

3、 Lesson课 时:Period (总第 课时)授课班级:八( )班授课时间:2014 年 月 日(第 周)Period One (Section A 1a1c) 温馨提示:预习是高效学习的前提,请同学们认真完成预习部分的内容和任务一、学习目标1. 1能听、说、读、写、单词, anyone anywhere wonderful few quite a few most ,2复习回顾动词一般过去时态的用法。3.掌握和运用下列语句:1).Where did you go on vacation? -I stayed at home .2). Where did Tina go on vacati

4、on? -She went to the beach.二、课前自主学习:(一)预习指导1.自主朗读本课时单词仔细观察单词中各字母的发音特点并记忆:2. 阅读学习下面的“语法回顾”,然后朗读句型3.朗读理解本课1a部分的短语和学习目标的重点句型。4、认真观察a的图画,将词语与图片搭配。(二)预习检测: 1.写出下列动词的过去式: go _ stop _ visit _study_ do _ride_ take_ drive_ arrive_walk_ sleep _keep_ get_2.翻译下列短语:参加夏令营_ 去大山_去海滩_参观博物馆_呆在家_ 拜访我的叔叔_任何特殊的事情_外出_三、语

5、法回顾:动词过去式构成规则构成规则原形过 去 式1.一般在动词原形末尾加-ed work play worked played2.结尾是e的动词加-d hope live hoped lived3.末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed stop trip stopped tripped4.结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变“y”为“ i”再加-ed study worry studiedworried5.特殊变化 见七年级下册课本142页 四、课堂学习流程:(一)检查预习检测(二)独学:内容为:(1)复习回顾语法,(2)自读本课时相关单词、短语和句型: (三)对学

6、:对子之间相互检查独学的内容发现不会的马上交流探讨。(四)群学-合作学习,勇敢质疑:内容为:(1)主要由各组探讨1、2环节中大家不会(读、/懂)的内容,(2)操练本课时的重点句型(见学习目标),(3)如何展示,在组内预展示好。(四)展示1.词汇:展示本课时要学的生词并负责组织全班学习然后完成1a的练习。 anyone 任何人anywhere 任何地方anything 任何事物wonderful 精彩的few少量的 quite a few相当多的,不少的,most最多的,大多数(many 和much的最高级形式) 。2.短语朗读(课本1a部分)3.句型朗读和操练1).Where did you

7、go on vacation? -I stayed at home .2). Where did Tina go on vacation? -She went to the beach.4听力训练:1b、2a、2b的录音完成有关任务。5、句型操练模仿2c编对话,然后对子展示。(展示组抽查各组代表对子)A: _B:_A:_B:_五、反馈检测: 用词的正确形式填空1.I _( like ) oranges when I was young(年轻的).But now I _(not like) them.2. My mother often _( stay) at home on Sundays,

8、but last Sunday she _( not stay) at home ,she _(go) to the park.3.Wei Hua _ (have)a busy day yesterday.4.He _(visit) the Great Wall(长城) last year.5.We_(have) a good time yesterday.6.We often _(go) to school by bus last year.7.I _(live)in the village when I was a child.9.Mike_(see) a big tiger in the

9、 park last year.10.Sam_ (do) the housework yesterday.11._(do) you _(enjoy) yourself yesterday?12._(do)you _(play) the violin in the art room yesterday?No, I didnt. I_(draw)some pictures there.选择填空( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 2.What _ Mike do last w

10、eekend ? A do B does C did( ) 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning( ) 4. I often help my mother _ housework. A does B did C do ( ) 5. _ you _ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched( ) 6.-Did your father write an e-mail yesterday? A Yes, he did. B Yes, he does

11、C No, he dont( ) 7.They _ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went( ) 8.Were going to _ mountains tomorrow . A climb B climbed C climbing( ) 9. _ he _ football two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play( ) 10.-Good afternoon, Miss Lee. How does Mike feel? -Hes tired . He _ a lot of work _ . A does , this morning B do , this morning C did , this morn教学后记:


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