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1、 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?韶关市第十三中学课程教学教学设计(单元)(2014-2015学年第 一 学期)课程名称:English 主备教师:曾捷 任课教师:教 材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 新目标英语Go for it八年级(上册)人教版 教学内容:Unit 2 How often do you exercise?教材分析:In this unit students learn to tell the frequency about the activities.教学目标:1、学会一些表示频率的词 2、如何合理的安排时间 3、了解一些活动的名称教学方

2、法和措施: 阅读、讲授、讨论、探究 教学资源:课件和录音机课时安排:新课、活动的课时本单元教学时间约需8课时,具体分配如下:Section A 1a-2b 1课时 Section A 3a-3b 1课时Section B 1a-2b 1课时 Section B 3b-4 1课时 Reading 1课时 Review 1 课时 English Weekly 2课时Unit 2 How often do you exercise?TopicHow often do you exercise?教学目标语言目标描述时间频度的词汇及开展周末活动的调查能力目标听:能听懂谈论生活习惯、学习习惯和饮食习惯的对

3、话材料。说:能谈论生活习惯、学习习惯和饮食习惯。读:能读懂介绍个人生活习惯的文章。写:能写出Section A和Section B中的重点单词和重点句型,并能够描述自己的生活习惯。情感目标通过开展周末活动调查问卷,引导学生正确处理好学习和娱乐之间的关系。跨学科学习通过谈论谁的饮食习惯更健康,引导学生了解什么样的饮食习惯,才能保持健康的体质。语言结构What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer.How often do you shop? I shop once a month.语言功能Talk about how often

4、 you do things.教学重点掌握What do ? 和How often?的句型。掌握表示时间频度的词汇。教学难点辨析:always usually often sometimes hardly never辨析:all most some no学习策略与思维技巧通过对比和反复操练,掌握频度副词间的区别和它们的具体用法。教学准备A tape recorder The blackboard教学课时Four periodsSection A语言目标What do you usually do on weekend?I usually play soccer.How often do you

5、 shop? I shop once a month.What do .? How often?引导的特殊疑问句、频度副词语言功能Talk about how often you do things.学习策略1.个体、群体思维 2、看图作问答 3、个性化学习跨学科学习学会养成良好的生活习惯。韶关市第十三中学课程教学教学设计(单元)(2014-2015学年第 一 学期)课程名称:English 主备教师:曾捷 任课教师:课 题:Unit 2 How often do you exercise?课 型:New Lesson课 时:Period 1(总第 课时)授课班级:八( )班授课时间:2014

6、年 月 日(第 周)_Period 1Task 1: pair work: What do you usually do on weekend?PurposeTo be familiar with the target language and the key wordsStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPreparation WorkStep 1 Show the target language: What do you usually do on weekends? Look at the example and try to understan

7、d.PictureTextbookStep 2 Show the target language:What does she do on weekends? Look at the example and try to understandStep 3 Ask Ss to talk about how often they do things Pair work t talk about how often they do thingsPairworkStep 4 Move around the room and give support as needed Talk to each othe

8、r Step 5Ask pairs of students to show their works Pairs of Ss show their works Task 2: How often do you watch TV?PurposeProvide guided listening and writing practice using the target languageStep 1Play the recorder 2aCheck the answer.Play the recorderCheck the answerListen and finish 2aGive the answ

9、ers.Listen and finish 2bGive the answers.P2-2aRecorderP2-2bRecorderStep 2Show the target language: How often do you watch TV?Using the target language, and talk to othersPairworkStep 3Show the target language: Twice a weekUse the target language, and talk to othersPairworkStep 4Move around the room

10、and give support as needed Talk to each otherStep5Ask pairs of students to show their worksPairs of Ss show their workTask 3: Pairwork How often do you do these activities?Purpose Use the target language to make their own conversationStep 1Ask the Ss to look at the example. Follow the example.Step 2

11、Ask the Ss to talk about how often they do things.Group work to talk about how often they do thingsGroupworkStep 3Move around the room and give support as needed.Talk to each otherPairworkStep 4Ask pairs of students to act out their dialogues. Act out their dialogues.Home-work1. Investigate: What do your friends often do on weekend? 2. Preview 3. 教学后记:


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