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1、Unit 14 Have you packed yet? (Section B 3a4) 编码: 2013YY92010English Proverb:Take time when time comes lest time steal away.机不可失,时不再来。Class Group Name Day Date Weather 【抽测】抽测完后,请给你的学习伙伴一个评价。抽测得满分者,可获得;测得满分且书写工整漂亮者,可获得。【学习目标】Learning Aims and Demands.1. 掌握词汇:wave, scene, hit, appear, poem, be off2. 掌握

2、句型:A: Have you ever been to a concert? B: Yes, I have. I went to the concert last year .3.通过阅读短文,提高自己的概括、找关键词和搜索细节信息的能力。体会现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。【预习导学】Preview翻译下列短语:1.在音乐的舞台上 2.在过去的12个月中 3.出版一张流行CD 4. 在CCTV上露面 5.下个月 6. 进行世界巡演 7.一定不要错过 8.在十大流行金曲之列 9. 将来某天 10.出发通向一个良好的开端 11. 举行三个大型音乐会 12. 祝你好运 13. 多年来 【基础知识】B

3、asic Knowledge. Self-study. (独学) 1. Read the article in 3a. 学法指导:Read the article in silence and circle the phrases and sentences that you dont know. (默读文章,圈出不懂得短语和句子.) 2. Read the article again.学法指导:Read the article as loud as possibly .And answer the questions below .(大声朗读课文,回答下列问题.)Things they ha

4、ve doneThings they havent done yet Pairwork and groupwork. (对学与群学)【深入探究】Further Learning. Self-study. (独学)【观察与思考】:1 One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. NOW 是乐坛最好的乐队之一。One of +_+_ 意为:_例如:Surfing is one of _ water sports in the world.( popular)2In the past twelve months, t

5、heyve had three major concerts and made a hit CD. 1)“in the past+ ”表示“ ”。 e.g.在过去的两年里,她一直在努力地学英语。 2)短语make a hit表示“ ”、“(演出等) ;受到赞扬”等,hit是 词,表示成功而风行一时的事物,如电影,歌曲,演出等。周杰伦刚出版了一盘轰动一时的CD。 他的歌曲轰动一时。 3. Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you if you can get tickets, that is. 1)句中的that is表示“

6、 ; ; ”,用来表达一个 的说法,即对前面的内容加以准确地说明。eg: Shes a housewife when shes not teaching English, that is.她是个家庭主妇是指她不教英语的时候。2) be sure (not) to do sth. “ ”e.g. Be sure to finish your homework before supper.4Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children?1)half 半小时 two

7、 hours and a half= _ 2小时半 例如:一半的男孩子已经在这里了。 2)half of the money they made是 从句,其中引导词that 在从句中作宾语,这里省略了 Pairwork and groupwork. (对学与群学) 【展示提升】Show Lets do it in front of the class. Go! Go! Go! Everybody! (让我们在大家面前大胆地展示自己吧!快!快!块!)【当堂反馈】Feedback.一、单项选择( )1. How long has he _ _this car ? - For two years.A

8、. had B. borrowed C. bought D. buy( )2. We wait for Tom for _ hour and _ half. A. an,aB. a,anC. a,/D. /,a( )3. There are _ on our farm. A. hundred sheep B. hundreds of cows C. a few hundreds of houseD. hundreds of sheeps ( ) 4. There _ great changes in our country since 1979. A. have been B. wereC.

9、has been D. are ( ) 5. While she _ TV in the sitting room, the bell _.A. watches,ringsB. is watching,rangs C. was watching,rang D. watched,was ringing【课后作业】Homework.一、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(横线处不限词数)1. 你给花浇水了吗? _ ?2.我今天有许多琐事要做,所以不能和你一起去看电影了。 I have many chores _ today. So I can not _ with you.3.请点着火,该做晚饭了。 P

10、lease _. It is time _.4. - 李雷,你好!能和我一起去拜访马力吗? - 我很想去,但恐怕现在我得去遛狗。 - Hi, Li Lei! Would you like to _ Ma Li with me? - Id like to. But I have to _。5. Mary 家住在乡村,她每天都要到井里汲水。Mary _ a village. She _from the well every day.6.他们下个月将在中央电视台演出。 Theyre to CCTV next month.7.是一个害羞的女孩,所以不敢在别人面前唱歌。She is a shy girl

11、, so she is afraid _.8.许多人以前从未到过中国,几乎不会说汉语。Mary China before and can speak any Chinese.9. 我渴了,我感觉想喝杯水。 I am thirsty. I feel like _. 10. 瓶子里还有水吗?_?【整理与评价】Summing-up and Assessment.1. 请把以上内容补充好,把笔记整理好,若还有问题,请向同学或老师请教。2. 反思一下这节课你的表现;若你做到了,可获得;若你做得很好,可在后面的括号中画上。这节课我学会了新知识。 ( )这节课我展示了。 ( ) 这节课我帮助了同学。 ( )这节课我质疑、补充、点评了。( )这节课我按时完成了练习。 ( )这节课我共得 颗学科组长签字


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