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1、Lost And found教学设计一、教材分析本模块以学生日常学习生活中丢失的物品和寻找物品为出发点就形容词展开教学教学会学生如何运用形容词描述物品和表达感情学习在学习过程中结合以前学过的表示方位的介词进一步描述物品所在位置和特征。二、教材处理因本模块的学习内容比较集中所以我将本模块的内容进行了整合,将其设计成为四课时,力图环环相扣,意在为学生搭建自主学习的平台,为他们提供真实的语境,培养学生在日常生活中的综合语言运用能力。三、教学目标语言知识目标:1、寻找丢失物品;2、描述性形容词,名词所有格的用法;3、掌握词汇和句型。语言能力目标:1、在语境中,能听懂所描述丢失物品的特征;2、能读懂寻物

2、启事和招领广告等相关短文;3、能为自己或别人丢失的物品写一份寻物启事。情感态度:通过本单元的学习,培养学生乐于助人、拾金不昧、礼貌待人的好品德。四、教学重点:寻找丢失物品;描述性形容词,名词所有格的用法;掌握词汇和句型。五、教学难点:能为自己或别人丢失的物品写一份寻物启事。六、教学过程及操作Step 1. Free talkHave some students to talk something about colors.设计意图:复习所学的关于颜色的词汇,以引出新课的学习。Step 2. Pre-task.Tell the students to place their school bag

3、s on their desks. Tell them to look inside their bags. Get some of the students to describe to the class the things they have in their bags.设计意图:利用实物进行描述,目的是复习学过的有关颜色和物品的词汇。为下一步完成任务奠定基础。同时,利用学生们自己所熟悉的物品进行说与写的训练比较容易,初步培养学生对物品进行描述的能力。Step 3. Write Ask students to look at the picture and tell you what

4、they can see, then ask students to read the Los Property form. Tell them to use the words around the picture to complete Hu Shans Lost Property form. Then write the Lost Property Form on the board and ask students to come up and fill in the blanks.设计意图:通过读、说写对失物招领启事的格式、内容有个清楚的了解,同时训练学生的读、写能力。Step 4.

5、 Activities 1. Ask students imagine that they have lost their pencil case /school bag. Look at the table, to write down at least 5 things that are in their bags on page 64.Tell students to write their own Lost Property form, using accrual facts about their own pencil case/school bag. 2. Tell student

6、s that Paul has lost his dog. Help him to write a Lost Dog note. Tell some words about Pauls dog.(Work in groups.)设计意图: 这两项任务的设计与上一环节紧紧相扣,突出了本课的教学重点与难点。通过上两个环节的铺垫,学生们能够很容易地完成第一个任务。第二个任务是为失主写一个寻狗启事。我采用了分组学习的方式,让学生通过互相合作来完成这个任务。这两个任务的设计遵循了由易到难的原则,通过完成这两个任务,能够培养学生的综合语言运用能力,达到语言技能目标中要求的能为自己和别人丢失的物品写一份寻物

7、启事,并从中渗透给学生要做一个乐于助人的人。Step 5. Show time,Get students to read their Lost Property in the class. 此处利用视频展示仪,将学生的寻物启示展示出来,利用大屏幕电视能够使所有的学生都在听到启示的同时,看到该启示书写的格式.Step 6. Homework : Write a Lost/Found Property板书设计:Module 1Lost And FoundLost Property ReportWhats inside your school bag?Things in the school bagDescription1.pencil caseGreen, four blue pens, one red pencil2.3.4.5.


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