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1、Its hot in summer.Step one: Warm up1、Greetings. T: Are you ready for class?Ss: Yes.T: OK! Class begins. Good morning, boys andgirls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Excellent! Sit down, please.2、Sing a song Last class, weve learned a song “We wish youa merry Christmas.” Do you still remember? Please t

2、ake out your hands. Letssing together, ok? Great, lets begin now.3. Say and do.(幻灯片依次出示一组图片:play football、play basketball、play table tennis、watch TV、go swimming,让学生说出相应的英语短语。)Now, class, look at the screen,and say the activities asquickly as possible. Lets see wholl be the winner. Ok, the first one

3、(请单个学生回答) Boys and girls, read afterher/him, please.(评语:super, well done, good job, clever boy/girl.)Then, I say you do. (教师说短语,学生做动作)Kids, stand up and move yourbody, ok?(You are so lovely! Good! Pleasesit down.) Step two:Lead in(课件出示放风筝的图片)Another picture for you! Look, whats this?Yes, 放风筝,read af

4、ter me, “fly kites” (开火车读)When do we fly kites? 我们通常在什么季节放风筝呢?同学们是的,在春天。Today,we are going to learn M8: Seasons and weather(季节和天气) 板书课题Step three:Presentation(课件展示四季图片)T:Now, class. Look at the screen,and then answer myquestions. (现在,请同学们看这几幅图片,然后回答老师的问题)Ok, the 1st question: How many seasons arethe

5、re in a year?(一年当中有几个季节啊?) In English, please!Ss: Four seasons. T: Very good! (老师指着课件与学生一起数)One, two, three, four! Yes! There are four seasons in a year. And what are they? (分别是哪四个呢?) Please say it in Chinese. Ss: 春, 夏, 秋, 冬. T: Yes! They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. 板书2. 教授单词 (单词卡片)Now, b

6、oys and girls, read after me, please.(开火车读,男女生读,大小声读)Now class, open your exercise book, write the new words, please.3、做游戏Great! Youve done a good job. Lets play a game. Look at my mouth andguess words. (看老师的口型猜单词) So funny and you are so clever! 4. 学习句型:Its spring/summer/autumn/winter. (幻灯片依次出示四季图片

7、)T: Look! Whatsthis?Ss: Spring!T: Yes! Its spring. T:The 2ndone is (summer). T:Next one is . (autumn).T:The last one is(winter).Thats it! Very good! Once again, please. 再来一遍,说出完整的句子,我们比比谁的反应最快吧!5. 学习句型:Its warm in spring.Its hot in summer. Itscool in autumn. Its cold in winter. T:Whats the weather l

8、ike in spring? Who cantell me? Good! Follow me “warm”. Sowe can say:“ Its warm in spring.”(板书)T: And what about summer? (那么夏天呢?)“Its hot(板书) in summer.”T:And what about autumn?Its cool(板书) inautumn.T:And what about winter?Its cold(板书) in winter.Super! Lets read together! “Its warm in spring”One, two

9、, begin! (齐读4句话)Step Four: Practice Lets sing a chant Spring, spring, its warm inspring.Summer, summer, its hot insummer. Autumn, autumn, its cool inautumn.Winter, winter, its cold inwinter. Spring, summer, autumn, winter, every season is wonderful. Now, open yourbook and turn to P30. Lets have a go

10、od time with our four seasons.Step Five: New-teaching 1、 Listen to the tape and circle the new words.(首先,听录音,把我们学的新单词圈出来。)2、Listen carefully and answer the questions:What do wedo in springsummerautumnwinter?(每听完一段回答一个问题)3、Listen and repeat. Sentence by sentence 。 (听音,跟读)Group work : 四人一组,每人描述一个季节。St

11、ep Six: ConsolidationWonder! 太棒了!我们知道一年有四季,那么你最喜爱的季节是什么呢?在你最喜爱的季节里你会做些什么有趣的活动呢?Now, 让我们一起分享“我的最爱” ,畅所欲言吧!我的最爱:描述你最喜爱的季节以及在这个季节里所进行的活动。使用句型: Its spring.Its warm in spring.We fly kites in spring.Step Seven: Homework 1. Copy the new words three times. 抄写新单词三遍。2. Introduce your favorite season to yourfa

12、mily and friends.向你的家人及朋友介绍你最喜欢的季节。教学反思总的来说,通过这次的备课、上课、课后反思,我从中受益匪浅。我这次微格的教学内容是:外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第二册Module 8 Unit1 Its hot in summer的第一课时,即热身、导入、呈现。纵观整节课,我能够在相应时间里实现有关教学目标,基本能够按照教学设计的环节进行教学,有做的好的地方,但更多的是需要改进的地方。首先,我觉得我在这次微格教学中做得较好的体现在以下几个方面:a、让学生欣赏图片,使学生在愉悦的环境中进入学习内容; b、让学生通过图片、动作,进而让学生更容易理解并掌握单词warm

13、,cool,hot,cold等新单词;c、由于我很用心地备课,并做了相关辅助(课件、教具),教学环节进行得还算顺利。其次,从这次的微格教学中,我存在着很多不足:a、个别单词语音发音不准,如:Are you ready?的“ready”翘舌音发不准;b、课堂用语不熟练,由于紧张,很多时候想表达的课堂用语都无法正确的表达出来;c、在教学单词或课文时,需要动作示范时,我总是做得不太自然;e、在呈现课文时,没有及时把设计的问题板书黑板;f、课堂气氛太过活跃,有时觉得难以控制。最后,在今后的学习、乃至以后的英语教学中,我还要更加努力、虚心的学习,具体从以下几个方面来严格要求自己:a、要继续认真加强英语语音的学习与巩固,遇到不懂得及时请教同学和老师;b、要认真钻研教材,继续学习英语课堂用语,并正确使用英语课堂用语;c、多学习一些关于控制课堂的方法,加强课堂控制能力;e、加强学习与英语教学有关的书籍,多向有经验的英语老师请教。f、要适当调节心理因素,平时多学习一些关于英语的肢体语言,要做到大胆、大方。在以后的英语学习或教学中,我会一直严格要求自己,努力从各方面提高自己,力求不断地进步!


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