八年级英语下册:Unit 3 An Amazing Plant语法专练(教科版).doc

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1、 Unit 3 An Amazing Plant1. Dont worry. Theyll come to help us _.A. in half an hour B. in a half hourC. after half an hour D. after a half hour2. English is used more widely than _.A. any other languages B. any languageC. every other languages D. any other language3. _ foreigners come to visit this m

2、useum every day.A. Several thousand B. Several thousandsC. Several thousand of D. Several thousands of4. I dont like sports, but I like watching others _.A. to play B. play C. while playing D. when playing5. Not only we but also most before.A. has never B. has ever C. have never D. have ever6. The t

3、emperature today is very good for a picnic, for its _ too cold _ too hot.A. both; and B. not; but C. either; or D. neither; nor7. He read it again to me _ I could understand.A. so as B. so that C. or D. but8. The Great Green Wall will stop the _ from _ the earth away.A. sand; moving B. sand; blow C.

4、 wind; move D. wind; blowing9. China _ a lot in the _ ten years.A. was changed; first B. changed; pastC. has changed; last D. has changed; next10. _ do you still stay in the office for ?I have to finished _ report.A. Who; the written B. Which; to writeC. What; writing D. Why; written the11. 4,208 _

5、four thousand, two hundred and eight.A. is read as B. reads as C. is said as D. says as12. Which is _ country, France or Germany?A. a more developing B. the more developedC. a less developed D. the less developing13. You often read _ English _ Chinese aloud in the morning.A. either; or B. neither; o

6、r C. both; or D. only; but also14. Sorry, you speak _ quickly _ I cant follow you.A. too; to B. so; that C. as; to D. very; so15. This lesson is _ difficult for us _.A. so; to understand B. too; to understandC. very; to understand it D. too much; to understand16. Alice is very pleased _ the present

7、for her birthday.A. with seeing B. with looking C. by looking at D. to see17. I dont think the tight suit _ you. _ it ?A. is fit; do B. fits; doesC. is fit for; dont D. fits for; doesnt 18. He wanted to buy a blue shirt and _.A. so did he B. so he does C. so he did D. so does he19. Does she feel lik

8、e _ on Sunday?A. go to shopping B. going shopping C. go to the shops D. to go shopping20. No one told us _, so we need your help.A. how to do it B. what to do itC. how should we do D. what should we do 21. Dont forget _ your dictionary here with you next time.A. to get B. to bring C. taking D. carry

9、ing22. I dont think they will finish the work on time, _? A. will he B. wont he C. does he D. is he23. Jane sings very well, and _.A. so did her sister B. so does her sisterB. her sister does so D. so does her sisters24. He stopped _ with me, because there was a call for him.A. talk B. talks C. talk

10、ing D. to talk25. Lets go out for fun, _ ?A. will you B. wont you C. shall we D. do we26. How tall is the tree ? Its _ .A. ten metres tall B. ten-metre tallC. ten metre tall D. ten-metres tall27. Well have a _ holiday, what about going to Huang Shan?A. seven days B. seven day C. seven-day D. seven-d

11、ays28. I dont want the bananas. It smells _ . A. nice B. good C. terrible D. badly 29. Well eat some of the meat for lunch and keep _ for supper.A. the ones B. the rest C. the others D. the few30. May I put on this skirt, Mum?No, it has _ . Nobody likes it.A. got off B. broken down C. gone out D. gi

12、ve up【试题答案】15:ADABB 610:DBACC 1115:ABABB 1620:DBCDA 2125:BABCC 2630:ACCBC【励志故事】别人不是你的镜子爱因斯坦的父亲和杰克大叔去清扫一个大烟囱。那烟囱只有踩着里边的钢筋踏梯才能上去,于是杰克大叔在前,爱因斯坦的父亲在后,一级一级地爬上去;下来时,杰克大叔依旧在前,爱因斯坦的父亲跟在后面。于是当他们走出烟囱的时候,杰克大叔的后背,脸上全都被烟囱里的烟灰蹭黑了,而爱因斯坦的父亲身上连一点烟灰也没有。爱因斯坦的父亲看见杰克大叔的模样,心想自己的脸肯定和他一样脏,于是就到附近的小河里洗了又洗;而杰克大叔看见了爱因斯坦父亲干干净净的样子,就只草草洗了洗手,然后大模大样地上街了。街上的人笑痛了肚子,还以为杰克大叔是个疯子哩。这是爱因斯坦16岁时,他父亲给他讲的一个自己经历过的故事。父亲说:“其实,只有自己才是自己的镜子;如果拿别人做镜子,白痴或许会把自己照成天才的。”


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