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1、教 学 设 计课题:Unit3 What hobbies did you use to have Topic1 Section A教 师孙景双时 间2016-12-22. 单位:黑河市第四中学课 型新 课班 级二年六班教学目标知识与技能1 熟练掌握描述兴趣爱好的动词短语。2 能够谈论个人的兴趣与爱好,学会表达自己喜欢与不喜欢的事。过程与方法1 使用图片或借助其他媒体描述自己或他人的个人爱好并能表达简单的观点。2 设置演练让学生掌握听说读写四项基本技能。情感态度与价值观1 培养学生合作精神。2 引导学生培养广泛的兴趣爱好。教学重点used to短语的用法。教学难点熟练运用描述兴趣爱好的动词短语来

2、编对话并表演。教学过程Step1复习健康话题,导入本课部分生词和句型。1. (师生对话谈论健康,导入本课生词。)T:Health is important to everyone. How do you usually keep healthy?S1:I often eat healthy food.S2:I wash my hands and change my clothes often.S3:I think doing sports is a good way to keep fit.T:Good. Do you often do sports in your spare time, S

3、3?S3:Yes. I like doing sports in my spare time.T:Oh. Doing sports is your hobby.T: OK, in this lesson, lets talk about hobbies.Step2通过师生对话教学本课生词和主要句型,并进行简单操练。1. (利用实物,师生谈论各自的爱好,呈现1a和2a内容。)2. 出示1a图片,让学生猜Helen和Wen Wei在业余时间做些什么。引出1a听力。3.Listen to 1a and repeat, then mark the key words.in ones spare tim

4、e, go fishing, hobby, read comics, movie fan, rent DVDs, do outdoor activities4. Please read 1a aloud in pairs.Step3通过不同形式的对话和表演,在虚拟的情境中进行真实的交流,培养学生的语言运用能力。1. Read 1a and retell the dialog.2. T: Please make similar conversations according to 1a, talking about what you often do in your spare time.3.

5、T: Lets look at the picture in 2a. Can you guess what the boys and girls hobbies are? S1, whats Helen interested in?S1:She is interested in reading poems.T:Whats Marias hobby, S2?S2:She enjoys dancing to music.4. T: Good. Listen to the tape, and repeat the sentences that express hobbies.5. T:Now, I

6、will ask seven students to retell what he or she hears.S3: Im Kangkang. I prefer playing soccer.S4: Im Jane. I love singing and playing the guitar.6. Using the sentence patterns in 2a, talk about your own hobbies with your partners.Step4通过3的听力练习,培养学生在特定环境领悟和使用语言的能力。1T: OK, look at the pictures, and

7、match them with the phrases given below. lets listen to the tape and number the pictures.2. Well, look at the pictures, can you say something about them in your own words? Step5以小组为单位调查全班同学的爱好,锻炼学生在真实的语境中灵活运用语言的能力。1. (将学生分为四组做调查,了解本组学生的爱好并统计出每种爱好的人数。注意使用prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in和be

8、 fond of。)Example:Do you prefer singing?Do you like climbing mountains?Are you interested in skating?2. (每组分别把自己的调查结果汇报给全班学生,最后全班汇总完成4。教学生词paint,要求学生掌握。)板书设计What hobbies did you use to have?Section Ain ones spare timeI am interested in playing basketball.hobbyI love singing and playing the guitar.DVDWhats your hobby?collectI am fond of acting.act作业调查家人的爱好,写一篇短文。 Example:My mothers hobby is /She prefers . My fathers hobby is / He is interested in


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