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1、句子成分掌握句子成分,把握句子脉络,有助于理解句子意思. 见到英语句子应当首先抓住句子的主要成分,即:主语部分和谓语部分.先搞清句子所要陈述的对象(谁 或什么),干 ( 做) 什么,然后在去找修饰成分或说明成分. 句子所要陈述的对象(谁或什么) 是主语;干 ( 做) 是 谓语;谓语的承受者是宾语.修饰主语和宾语的成分是定语;修饰谓语、形容词或副词的成分是状语;系动词之后的成分是表语.以及还有补足语,同位语。例如:The Chinese workers are building a tall building near the school . 定语 主语 谓语 定语 宾语 状语These de

2、licious food tastes good . 定语 主语 谓语 表语Unit 1 主语 ( Subject )主语是句子所要陈述的对象.它是一句话的头,它回答谁 、什么的问题,作主语的主要是名词和代词 ,还有数词, 动名词,不定式, 名词化的形容词,从句等.例如: 1) You are wanted on the phone . (代词) 2) Mary is the cleverest of the three. (名词) 3) -What makes you so upset? (疑问词) - Losing the wallet. (动名词) 4) Its no use cryin

3、g over spilt milk . (it为形式主语,动名词为真正的主语) 5) To see is to believe. (不定式) 6) Whether he comes or not doesnt matter. (从句) 7) Its important for you to finish this task. (it作形式主语,不定式为真正的主语) 8) One-third of the students in this class are girls. (数词) 9)The rich should help the poor. (名词化的形容词)有几个值得注意的问题:1) 动

4、名词与不定式作主语意义不同, 动名词作主语一般说来指的是一个概念或一个既成事实,如 3) 句和4)句.而动词不定式作主语则表示将要发生的事, 如 7) 句 2) 在主系表结构中,主语和表语使用不定式还是使用动名词应当一致,如 5) 句主语是to see , 表语也是不定式, 此句还可以改成,Seeing is believing .主语和表语都是动名词3) 动词不定式作主语经常由it来作形式主语, 如7) 句 4) 名词化的形容词也能充当主语成分, 如: the rich ( 富人) , the poor ( 穷人) , the wounded (伤员), the dying (临死的人),

5、例句 : The wounded are now out of danger . (那些伤员已经脱离危险),如第9)句5) 主语一般情况下放在句首, 但是在there be结构,疑问句(当主语不是疑问词)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词、或情态动词之后。如:There are some books on the table. ( there be句型 ) How is your mother? (疑问句)Will you go out or stay here? (疑问句)Never shall I forget it. (倒装句)练习题I. 找出下列句中的主语并说出是由什么来充当的1. We

6、 wrote a letter of thanks to whoever had helped us. 2. Whether you dont like him is none of my business.3. They live on a busy street. It must be very noisy. 4. There are some boys and girls on the playground. 5. To say it is easier than to do it. 6. It is possible to fly to the moon by spaceship. 7

7、. My brother gave me two books. The first was a novel.8. Skating is good exercise. 9. The wounded have already been sent to the hospital. 10. How to do it well is an important question.答案:1. we (代词) whoever (宾语从句中的主语,从属连词)2.whether you dont like him (主语从句)3.they (代词) ; it ( 代词)4. some boys and girls

8、 (名词)5.to say it (不定式短语) ;to do it (比较状语从句中的主语, 不定式短语)6. it ( 形式主语, 真正的主语 to fly to the moon by spaceship )7. my mother (名词) ; the first (数词)8.skating (动名词)9.the wounded (形容词)10. how to do it well ( 带疑问词的不定式短语)II.用括号中词的正确形式填空1. _ fight) broke out between the South and the North.2. _ (complete) the b

9、uilding in two months will be a great achievement.3. _ succeed) or _ (fail) depends on the support of the masses.4. What has _ (happen) proves that our policy is right . 5._ (its) happened that I wasnt there that day. Key: 1. Fighting 2. To complete 3. Success , failure 4. happened 5. It Unit 2 谓 语

10、(Predicate )谓语是句子的躯干,说明主语的动作.谓语动词随着主语的不同而变化,随着时间的不同而变化,随着与主语的不同关系( 主动关系和被动关系)而变化,总之,时时在变.谓语有三种不同的形式: 1) 动词/动词短语 They planted many trees on the hill . She takes good care of her mother. 2) 情态动词/助动词 + 动词原形 You must stay at home . She doesnt seem to like dancing.3) 系动词+ 表语 The report is very interestin

11、g . / We are students.掌握谓语应注意它的几种变化:1) 人称和数的变化 如: I work in a foreign country . He works in a foreign country.2) 时态变化 如: I usually get up at six . (一般现在时) I am getting up now. (现在进行时) I got up at five yesterday. (一般过去时) I will get up at seven tomorrow. (一般将来时) I have already got up. (现在完成时) I was ge

12、tting up when he came in. (过去进行时) I had got up when he came to my house. (过去完成时) I told my mother that I would get up. (过去将来时)3) 语态变化 如: The children carried school bags . (主动语态) School bags were carried by the children. (被动语态)4) 语气变化 如: I was very busy, so I didnt go to see him. (真实语气) I would have

13、 gone to see him if I had not been very busy. (虚拟语气)练习题I. 指出下列句中谓语并注意变化形式1. The earth moves round the sun. 2. The factory has already gone into production.3. We must get rid of bad habits.4. Another kind of pollution is noise. 5. Your sentence doesnt sound right. 6. The leaves have turned yellow.7.

14、The weather remained fine for several days.Key: 1.moves 一般现在是第三人称单数2.has already gone 现在完成时3.must get 情态动词加动词4.is noise 系表结构5. doesnt sound right 系表结构否定式6.have turned yellow 系表结构完成时7.continued fine 系表结构过去时II. 填入动词的适当形式1. Fifty miles _ (be ) not a great distance . 2. He _ (marry) for three years. 3.

15、So fast _ light _ (travel) that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. 4. A lot of trees _ (must , plant ) on the hills . 5. What _ the boy _ (do) in the room? 6. The woman did _ (stay) at home last Sunday. Key: 1. is 2. has been married 3. does, travel 4. must be planted 5.is , doing 6. stay

16、Unit 3 表 语 (Predicative )表语是用来说明主语的身份,特征和状态的,只有系动词之后才有表语。常见的系动词有:be、become、appear 、look、sound、seem、taste、smell、feel、get、grow、go、come 等。 作表语的有: 名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、副词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、从句。如: 1) My teacher of English is an American. (名词)2) That is all I want to tell you. (代词)3) The weather has turned cold. (形容

17、词)4) The speech is exciting. (现在分词)The teacher was pleased with my spoken English. (过去分词)5) Three times seven is twenty-one. (数词)6) Time is up. The class is over. (副词)7) His job is to teach Chinese. (不定式)8) His hobby is playing football. (动名词)9) The machine must be out of order. (介词短语)10) The truth

18、is that he is never been abroad. (从句)学习掌握表语应该注意以下三个区别:1) 名词作表语与形容词作表语的区别:名词作表语回答What问题;而形容词作表语回答How问题. 例如: His father is a worker. (What is his father?) His father is tall. (How is his father?)2) 动名词作表语与现在分词作表语的区别:动名词作表语回答What问题;而现在分词作表语多表示主语所具有的特征,常回答How问题 例如: My job is collecting stamps. (What is

19、your job?)The book is interesting. (How is the book?)3) 现在分词作表语与现在进行时的区别:现在分词作表语表示主语的特征和性质;而进行时则表示主语正在进行的动作.例如: The film is moving . (这部电影很动人.) The children are moving the big table. (孩子们正挪动那张大桌子.)练习题I .找出下列各句中的表语并注意它们的形式.1. Beijing is the capital of China. 2. The street used to be very dirty. 3. Hi

20、s wish was to become an engineer. 4 .Her job is raising pigs. 5. The situation is encouraging. 6. The door remained locked. 7. We must be off now. 8. That is against the interests of the people. 9. My idea is that we should stick to our plan. 10. The question is how to run the machine. Key:1. the ca

21、pital (名词) 2.dirty ( 形容词) 3. to become an engineer (动词不定式)4.raising pigs (动名词短语) 5. encouraging ( 现在分词) 6.locked (过去分词) 7 .off (副词)8.against the interests of the people (介词短语) 9.that we should stick to our plan (从句)10. how to run the machine ( 带疑问词的不定式)II. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. The news sounds _ (inspire)2.

22、 We are _ (interest) in the story. 3. My work is _ (clean) the classroom tomorrow morning 4. The people in the city are very _. (happiness)5. That is his book. The one on the desk is _ (my ) .Key:1. inspiring 2. interested 3. to clean 4. happy 5. mine Unit 4 宾 语 ( Object )宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者,一般位于及物动词后

23、面.英语中介词后也要求用宾语。放在动词后的宾语叫做动词宾语,而放在介词之后的宾语叫做介词宾语。作主语成分的词也可做宾语成分, 如: 名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词或分词、不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)、从句。如:He is going to buy a dictionary. (名词) The heavy rain prevented me from coming to school on time. (代词) -How many dictionaries do you have? -I have five. (数词) They helped the old with their house

24、work yesterday. (名词化的形容词)We should take the wounded to the hospital immediately. (名词化的分词) He pretended not to see me. (不定式) He practicing speaking English every day. (动名词) I think that he is fit for his office. (从句)值得注意的问题:1 有些动词可以跟双宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语表示动作的承受者或结果,通常指物。间接宾语表示动作所向的或所为的人或物,通常指人。一般情况是间接宾

25、语在前,直接宾语在后, 有时,需要直接宾语提前,这时需要在间接宾语之前加上to 或 for , 加to 或 for 由动词决定, 动词有方向含义的用to, 其余的用 for” 能跟双宾语的动词有: give, pass, choose, teach, buy, send, bring, cook 等如 : Lend me your dictionary, please. (直接宾语)give me the book / give the book to me 把书给我 间宾 直宾 直宾 间宾 pass the knife to her 把刀递给她2 复合宾语有些动词除了接宾语以外,还需要一个词

26、来说明宾语的身份或状态,以补充其意义的不足,这样的词或短语叫宾语补足语。宾语与补足语一起组成复合宾语,他们构成逻辑上的主谓关系。如果直接宾语是不定式、动名词或从句,常用it作形式宾语。能跟复合宾语的动词有: call , make , let , ask , tell ,see , hear等 如: We call him Tom. 我们管他叫汤姆. (代词+名词) I saw him go into the classroom. 我看到他进了教室. (代词+不定式短语)I found the baby always happy. (名词+形容词)I find it easy to answe

27、r this question. (it作形式宾语,easy形容词作宾补,不定式作真正的宾语)宾语考察重点下列动词后只能跟不定式作宾语 ask, agree, choose, demand, dare, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish, desire, etc.eg. He pretended to be sleeping when his mother came in. We managed to send h

28、im to a school for education.注:有些adj.后也可跟不定式作宾语happy, glad, pleased, sure, ready, eager, free, afraid, willing,eg. He is always ready to help others.下列动词或短语后只能跟动名词作宾语advise, consider, admit, allow, suggest, finish, appreciate, mind, imagine, deny, enjoy, keep(on), practice, permit, escape, avoid, ri

29、sk, lead to, devote to, be used to, object to, look forward to, get down to, give up, put off, cant help, etc.eg. I look forward to seeing her again. Im considering changing my job. Li Lei gave up studying abroad.remember, forget, regret 三个词后接动名词表事情已经过去,接不定式表将来的事。 eg. I regretted not going to see th

30、e film.我懊悔没有去看电影。 I regretted not to go to see the film with you. 我遗憾的是不能和你一起去看电影。try doing sth. 试着做某事 try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 go on doing sth. 继续做某事 go on to do sth. 接着做另一件事 top doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来做另一件事 require, need, want, be worth后跟动名词主动表被动。

31、eg. The house needs repairing. The house needs to be repaired.练习题I.指出下列句中宾语并注意它们的形式1. Crusoe made another fence round his cave. 2. He gave up teaching only two years ago. 3. She has learned to play the piano. 4. It is time for supper. 5. Did you write down what he said?6. Hes going to teach us Engli

32、sh next term 7. Could you spare me a few minutes? 8. She smiled her thanks as she turned away. Key:1. fence 名词 2.teaching 动名词 3.to play the piano 动词不定式4. supper 名词作介词宾语 5.what he said 名词性从句 6.us 代词作间接宾语 ; English 名词作直接宾语 7. me 代词作间接宾语 a few minutes 名词作直接宾语 8.her thanks 名词作宾语II. 完成下列各句1. I remember _

33、 ( 去过那里)2.Please remember _ ( 锁上门)when you leave the room . 3.I like _( 唱流行歌曲)4. I like _ ( 唱一首英文歌曲) this time . 5. The computer cant help us _(解决所有 的问题)6. The girl couldnt help _ ( 哭) when she heard the news .Key:1. going there before 2. to lock the door 3. singing pop songs 4. to sing an English s

34、ong 5. (to) solve all problems 6. crying III. 把下列句中的直接宾语提前1. Ill buy you a new shirt.2. Show me your passport. 3. Do bring me your textbook.4. Pour me a cup of tea. 5. He paid the workers the money.Key: 1. Ill buy a new shirt for you. 2. Show your passport to me.3. Do bring your textbook to me. 4. P

35、our a cup of tea for me. 5. He paid the money to the workers. Unit 5 宾语补足语 ( Object Complement )宾语补足语是用来对宾语进行补充说明的成分。英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补足语,才能使句子的意义完整。这类常用的及物动词有:make (使), consider (认为), cause (引起), see (看见), find (发现), call (称为,叫做), get (让,使得), have (让,使得), let (让) 等。如:Electricity can make

36、 a machine run. 电能使机器运转 We consider/think the answer (to be) correct. 我们认为这个答案的对的。 What he said made me very angry. 他的话使我很生气。作宾语补足语的有:形容词(短语)、名词、 副词、不定式(短语)、现在分词(短语)、过去分词(短语)、介词短语、从句等。如: 1. I found the classroom empty . (形容词)我发现教室空空。 2. We elected him monitor. (名词)我们选他当班长。 3. Please call the student

37、s back at once. (副词) 请叫学生们立刻回来。 4. We told him to come here early. (不定式)我们告诉他早点来这儿。 Nobody noticed him enter the room. (不定式) 没有人注意到他进了屋。 5. I found him lying in bed. (现在分词短语)我发现他躺在床上。(宾语与宾补之间是主动关系) 6. I heard it spoken of in the next room. (过去分词短语)我听到这事儿在隔壁讲过。(宾语与宾补之间是被动关系) 7. Whenever you may go, y

38、ou will find him at work. (介词短语) 不论什么时候去,你都会看到他在工作。 8. We will soon make our city what your city is now. (从句) 我们不久就要把我们的城市发展成为你们城市目前的那个样子。应当注意的是:1)宾语与宾语补足语之间的关系是逻辑主谓关系, 这是判断补足语的重要方法。 They made him do the work. ( him与 do 是主谓关系,him 是do 执行者)。2)不定式作补足语有时可省不定式符号,这种情况取决于谓语动词,这样的谓语动词有:make , let , have , h

39、ear , see , watch , feel , observe , notice等。Help之后的不定式可带to, 也可不带to。如: He made me work all day. 他迫使我整天干活。注:在被动语态中还原不定式符号to3)并不是所有的动词都能跟现在分词作补足语。能跟现在分词作补足语的动词有: have, see, watch , feel , hear , notice , observe , keep , find 等。 例如: The old woman had the lights burning all night long. 老妇人让灯点了一整夜。 They

40、 keep me waiting for a long time. He saw people coming and going.注:上述句子变为被动语态时,除主语和宾语互换位置外,现在分词的位置保持不动。练习题I.指出下列句中补足语并注意变化形式1. At the meeting we made him monitor.2. What you said made Xiao Wang angry.3. We heard him singing in the hall. 4. I found the classroom empty.5. Please call the students back

41、 at once. 6. I cant have you say so. 7. He is asked to sing us a song. 8. Yesterday I had my hair cut. Key:1.monitor ( 名词) 2. angry ( 形容词) 3.singing in the hall ( 现在分词短语) 4.empty ( 形容词)5. back ( 副词) 6.say so (不带to 的不定式) 7.to sing us a song (带to 的不定式) 8.cut ( 过去分词)II.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Robert is said _ (

42、study ) abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in .2. I saw the man _ ( knock ) down and the driver _ ( drive) away .3. Who did the teacher have _ (write ) an article for the wall newspaper.4. Happiness lies in making others _ ( happiness )5. How can I stop him _ ( ask ) such silly question

43、s ? Key: 1.to be studying 2. knocked , drive 3. write 4. happy 5. asking III. 完成下列各句1. Have you got the supper _ ? 2. Lets paint the door _ .3. We must keep the room _ . 4. I found it difficult to _ .5. I think it duty to _ . 6. All this has made it possible for us _ .Key:1. ready 2. black 3. clean 4.to study maths 5. serve the people 6. to finish the work on time Unit 6 定 语 ( Attributive )定语是修饰成分,它用来修饰名词或代词. 用作定语的有:形容词, 代词,数词,名词, 副词,名词所有格,分词,动名词,不定式,介词短语和定语从句。一般情况下,形容词,名词,代词,数词,名词所有格,单个分词或动名词作定语时放在被修饰词之前;而副词,各种短语和从句作定语时放在被修饰词之后.例如:a tall building (tall为形容词), some


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