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1、备教案作业表单学段初三年级初三执教时间2014年 12 月 8 日 午第 节课程名称The adventures of Tom Sawyer执教教师郑华学科英语学情分析该班学生的学习程度呈倒“U”型,中等的学生偏多。在设计时要让大部分学生能够完成任务,同时设计有一定难度的任务,提高学生的知识和技能。 学生经过训练,已经了解如何通过图片进行预测和扫读等阅读技巧。因此,在本课的学习中,在强化该技能的同时要把分析、归纳和根据图片及提示进行复述等技巧配合运用;其次,学生没有接触过相关名著阅读的学习,故在授课过程中插入较多的图片和影视片段增加学生的形象认识,帮助学生更好地理解课文中人物的感情。设计要点或

2、思路 通过多元化教学方式,增强学生学习英语的兴趣,提高其学习参与积极性。 感受文学作品的魅力。教学目标学生能够读懂和理解文章,在阅读过程中巩固和提高学生的预测、略读和扫读及精读的阅读技巧和策略。 培养学生通过文中的细节描写,归纳出故事中人物的性格和情感,并能鉴赏和有感情地朗读或表演出来。教学过程9年级上册第7单元ReadingLeading-in 导入 1. 看电影片段See a section of the film:The adventure of Tom Sawyer Question:What do you think of Tom? 2. 作品与作者简介Introduction of

3、 the novel and the authorReading:1. 看图片说话、学单词 Talk about the picture . 2. 快速阅读 Fast-reading Look at the heading, the introduction and the picture. Then answer the questions. 1. Where does the story come from? 2. Was the fence huge or small? 3. What is the name of the writer? 4. What did Tom get that

4、 day? 任务一 判断对错 Read the story and decide whether the statements are T (True) or F (false). 1.Tom asked Ben to help him. 2.Aunt Polly asked Tom to paint the fence because Tom was careful. 3.When Tom gave Ben his brush, he was worried. 4.Tom was happy to see other boys do it for him. 5.Billy Fisher ga

5、ve Tom a kite in order to paint the fence. 任务二 再次阅读,检测预习效果(快速,可省)Check your answers, P83 A3 1. We can tell from the second paragraph that Tom did not like _. a. the fence b. painting the fence 2.Toms wonderful idea was to _. Apaint the fence carefully b. get other boys to do the work3. Tom gave Ben

6、the brush with worry on his face because _. a he was trying to fool Ben b he did not want Ben to paint the fence 4. We can tell from the last paragraph that Tom _. a told Aunt Polly that other boys helped him b told a lie 任务三 填表格 Fill in the form 3 Post-reading 读后任务 (语言输出) 任务一:小组讨论 比较与欣赏 Group Work-

7、Talking Comparison & Appreciation (一段为老师所录,一段为标准录音。从“Ben Rogers came by”到 “Started to eat Bens apple”) Which one is better? Why? 任务二:角色扮演 Pair work -Roleplay! Act out the dialogue between Tom and Ben with your partner. 任务三:复述故事(可做课后作业) Retell the story with the picture. 4. HomeworkEnglish Weekly Rea

8、ding 板书设计Unit 7 Reading Tom Sawyer paints the fence 1. have a rest = take a rest 2. come by 3. and so on 4. all sorts of = all kinds of 5. do a good job作业或预习HomeworkEnglish Weekly Reading A自我评价本课的阅读文章相对容易,生词较少,较有故事性和趣味性。在教学过程中,本人遵循阅读教学的规律,用一段相关的电影激发学生的兴趣,同时展示了故事发生的背景。本堂课的亮点之一在于,老师将自己朗读课文片段播放给学生听,让他们与标准的录音对比欣赏,之后老师带领学生有感情地朗读课文的特色选段,让学生听后模仿、表演、相互评价;亮点之二在于老师根据初中生的学习特点和语言学习规律,设计了一幅图文并茂的图片帮助学生复述课文内容。本堂课也有一些不足之处,如播放录音的过程若能更流畅就更好,最好提前用软件合成录音和视频。导师评价 指导教师 (签名)


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