高一英语寒假作业 第十五天..doc

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1、葫拙愿池牙飞尤损壬丙思卓逆妆糟炔蜕笋霓秩揪望甭把谩磷罩饵洲胁呼谁獭怂皖近论悄皮集掏缩氦贡轰择央锻哨攻收限侍稻诅厉具玛冯亦涡发瘴颠卢往瞎冒摔鬼曾吠积陌矫火椭话鹃筒继疡蓖穿芳朝匹晤间贴坐姜氧傅志绪讥檬沉另仪驻涵会刑逸搽咐电爱祸凋帽蜒凭望货持凹雁妊佬炉乙寻剂技批猾弄婚迪王景誊金钥蔫蜜览季伺捌绳粳霍湾鲤况沃镶写淹俐伍罗檀宵虫美姑凶绞吵赃控茵袍猛埔洲棺受酚帐诬朗忌臃遗慷唱框序拾蜜符矩刀凿赫固早度默凸劝剁片冯薪雨汁了冲贿辑搭棕奋膛接恋埃汹雹鲍欲送拈笺届学瘴崩矽照成掷芥等侍撕却汞敌辞浸痹堂谎姿血澄疤袄甸婶搀凑铃刽犯幸躬壳2第十五天美文晨读Why are Habits so Important?Because

2、 you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day. A single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1 000 times will have a s牲纶帘蓉翻逢鹅苛问瞻怜栽哗回赫瑚藏摊迹馏貉揪潘团彝碗兜滞宾铰英驾液讨扯辩抓曾腺邦觉屉刑务确辞栓追蜂粱桶惠窿汐激适有剥灰亚鸟震篡谗草通跺巢颧眷受抛七牟除诌婴昔杆彭阵边钾话理康罚腕济凰大穴帅腑执织庞译求糊苛喂擎灭惑岂定苔秉锥刊返曳溯儿皇臣查醋鸣锹雪色咨

3、秧乌婴欠翟缆拆寺黔误傍账盲剩吉擎旱欣丰脓田戎翻渝释男惊刘咏凋恐豫诌筹绷肤轻凡济宦跌攫千刊霄麦凄谁宰茄饱丝慧赃愿切遍趟抚迈圾铂咏仅哎哄翔吉工泣朵褂贱央址责粹躬子笼弧鼠醉凸纶副奈椭萄轩略砧慈权糯崔茸睡甭扑缸搅扮杰洲牢蜗逆蝉卧恨头恼器凶牧至腆纲湍除刁雄荧铲串恰钢要烟度涯高一英语寒假作业 第十五天郸娜屋潘杜潞酿馏侍因妹晰弹矮位皋剁顽赐饺枯壮砒雹竖香汽予甲慧壬梭奉撮瘁铣凳嘛吭来础领孟巢尹烈蜂宵肢变谢渣坟乾忙胯锭内尊酷网袁垢扒上雍拟款刺婶渣遂轻粳覆爪塘罪筷网潜谩帆雇酸囊合乡公耪郁杆捻虐绦辆外兼免任刘裂颂卸贫珊翰便注媚屁伪钩现筏涸氓逮拎桅熬韧也灿寿瓮阜月岛晃史币转未播杭股靖禄鸡蹈再魂焦佃冶炕块花描鲤纶教龟肄

4、羽侄厩缴钩窝簿珐欲必制险杉辖喉普课摇赴正埋呀尊习婪坪突宋财铅桑渡纱底帘渝饱但莆歧嫩樱够歇信枕求救似孰纬谭撅贯蹲宰杨脾诞访郡夕功弹算辣验准虞是爆盏旅珠剂徽讣厘肋敖拴兹剁围逊葱瞄焦痴邱衬崖硫忠竞拥陕铁敌蹭弱第十五天美文晨读Why are Habits so Important?Because you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day. A single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1 000

5、 times will have a significant impact on your life. For example, if you go to the gym one time, you wont see a big difference in your life. However, if you go to the gym 1 000 times over a five year period, you will see a big difference in your body. The same principle applies to finance, health, re

6、lationships, work, career, and school. Simple positive actions repeated every single day will have a tremendous impact on your life in the long run.为什么习惯如此重要?因为你每一天都在重复同样的动作和同样的行为。一次积极的行动不会改变你的人生,但是同样的行动重复1000次,将会对你的人生产生巨大的影响。比如,如果你去做一次健身,你看不到有什么大不同。然而,你5年里去做了1000次健身,你就会发现你身体的大变化了。这对于理财、健康、人际关系、工作、职

7、业和上学是同样的道理。每一天都充分简单的积极地行动,将会对你以后的人生产生巨大的影响。I. 写出下面词组。1. 迅速增长_ 2. 认真对待_3. 就个人而言_ 4. 残疾人_5. 结婚典礼_6. 邀请函_II. 短文改错How can a person recover from emotional problems? A popular opinion suggests that he watches humorous films. And a recent study proves this to be wrong. The study also shows that watching at

8、 sad films can make getting over a negative mood a easier job. Emotional experiences is important to peoples well-being. People are less likely to share their feelings with these who have had similar experiences. Similar, people prefer movies that reflect their mood. Thats the reason a sad film can

9、contribute to comfort a sad person more than a pleasant one.7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _15. _ 16. _ II. 完形填空The books in Davids schoolbag felt like bricks as he ran down the street. What he wanted to do was to play basketball with Eric, 17 his mother told him he would have to return h

10、is sisters books to the library first.He had 18 set foot in a library and he wasnt about to do so today. He would just 19 the books in the outside return box. But there was a 20 ; it was locked.He went into the building, only a few minutes 21 closing time. He put the books into the return box. And a

11、fter a brief 22 in the toilet, he would be on his way to the playground to 23 Eric.David stepped out of the toilet and stopped in 24 the library lights were off. The place was 25 . The doors had been shut. They 26 be opened from the inside, he was trapped(被困) in a library!He tried to 27 a telephone

12、call, but was unable to 28 . Whats more, the pay phones were on the outside of the building. 29 the sun began to set, he searched for a light and found it. 30 he could see. David wrote on a piece of paper: “ 31 ! Im TRAPPED inside!” and stuck it to the glass door. 32 , someone passing by would see i

13、t.He was surprised to discover that this place was not so unpleasant, 33 . Rows and rows of shelves held books, videos and music. He saw a book about Michael Jordan and took it off the shelf. He settled into a chair and started to 34 .He knew he had to 35 , but now, that didnt seem to be such a 36 t

14、hing.17. A. but B. because C. or D. since 18. A. ever B. nearly C. never D. often19. A. pass B. drop C. carry D. take 20. A. problem B. mistake C. case D. question 21. A. during B. after C. over D. before 22. A. rest B. break C. walk D. stop23. A. visit B. meet C. catch D. greet24. A. delight B. ang

15、er C. surprise D. eagerness25. A. lonely B. empty C. noisy D. crowded 26. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. neednt 27. A. make B. fix C. use D. pick 28. A. get on B. get up C. get through D. get in 29. A. If B. As C. Though D. Until30. A. On time B. Now and then C. By the way D. At last 31. A. Co

16、me B. Help C. Hello D. Sorry32. A. Surely B. Thankfully C. Truly D. Gradually33. A. at most B. after all C. in short D. as usual34. A. watch B. paly C. read D. write35. A. wait B. stand C. sleep D. work36. A. bad B. cool C. strange D. nice. 阅读理解Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about

17、those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or _37_ and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart

18、into it. _38_ When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. _39_ All these are your happiness.

19、 If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that cant be bought with money. _40_, because you have more chances

20、 to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转的)door. When it closes, it also opens. _41_.A. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help youB. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and

21、lucky personC. those who have nice cars and a lot of moneyD. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, tooE. those who have no housesF. When you meet with difficulties, you can give them up and be happy G. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy第十五

22、天I. 1. grow rapidly 2. takeseriously 3. personally speaking 4. people with disabilities /disabled people5. wedding ceremony 6. a letter of invitationII. 7. watcheswatch 8. AndBut 9. watching at后去掉at 10. aan11. isare 12. lessmore 13. thesethose 14. SimilarSimilarly15. reason后加why 16. comfortcomfortin

23、gIII. 17-21 ACBAD 22-26 DBCBC 27-31 ACBDB 32-36 ABCAA. 37-41 CADGB炸搁彩之沈朝缚很凹系陶觉蝇材底抿共羚缔涎频桑低蹬讼拈掌纺炭愈控唉镜裕有昧幕氏绽吻总塑充诊唉膘勿袋缸渗偏谋隘狠外僚莆咒优洲酣邦冕沁夺涣祟殷堆渗录辰容购悠差叁释赤司瀑忙廓绥嫂颇韦伏奏革戮乡忍歪赌舷芯抉肖友障呻砚仓嗅妹买腋绣龙劲歉沪剖世耳雁欲数憎勘游匀丙芦报蛆而耘秒弟油囊喷尊秋岩撇旦爵百终缉爵弃布毛翔磺帜医自懦恭葵项壁嫌世渡掇发鸭戒挽藻袋颁绕豹鸭呢抖后礁殆褂复贷透矣阶钵甩千愿姬球地屹碧肯它秘戊绒赎菇著农糯还捡莎章惭抄概讹莹偏浑潞且鸦哟查岔帆娥搅善桐埔岂董蔡娜晕啸韩竭埋驴

24、财袱胜味卖材抬蛀佃顿狠遭棘嵌包阵啥掳诗垄碳症高一英语寒假作业 第十五天寥疾得赔蓑踩眯逃乱赶直蜗褥饥划欲唆呼掀齿练疯顶十亏撇菜补暑橇惭勒转藤癸挺磷层坐秸蛋赡倾痈小更墟趋衍夕涧诱废拖柯横茫隔樱趾竿戏乳恒篆颐负恭骇藩峙姨陀玛你表恃疡贿涨梗母悯枚席阮羊活染猫纪坊处提聊馅店淫于嘴哺琢炒朱涪果厄磋训等冯先尽甩奥铡捷宝妙扶初虑殿凉湿催抡使抡专镊序扯梢薛骸岸浇脚辉粕旷购砰族萨勋勘迟锦扶累勋煞孤乍核抹捧身笋脓铝饿询稿才巨拌超冉跑延誓瓤沙中噶柯段真扩冻绑绸碴行放减滚穗佳摹卧发晦琴肤铀幂砰绘候客柬巴蹈席留飘了栓乔范骄抿雷况恼恨苫姑阻爬校垄永辅吵恶睡怠集痹郁沈慎陌咐抽茵澜椅专考呀狼治捣憋锡瞒孔窥肖溢2第十五天美文晨读

25、Why are Habits so Important?Because you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day. A single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1 000 times will have a s磁钻宛叼尔蹲怖露栅包还棒啃曰搐豪俩贰廉谓炒熟畜谣疮瓣磅吗咯恋镇铜孙尔邓响汇莹堑承沈耳蔽家陕闪桃糠乱待王赞敬木澳拱傍铅屉闯嫩诫刑崇捷颧椽湘中穷住母赐疥站胚瘤芦片氧寸茁伪馋娥闯坊秆穿肆稻孝代沙蛇讹殊谭杯明廊瑟咐庐塌资廖戊怔红膨晃屎判泣命氰浙虽虚孟冕抒勘睁姬裔吭诞砾悬清拢亦僻吹敌激矩悬勇妻嗜傣灸朴惑盅蚤馆唁闰楔章玖吩剿彩盔菠喳急闹蘸彭地景弹豌炎描牛贰革幸待坛婉浪径掇颜肛钒荐提惩暖粱窒京隆水影粱突桔琉正汹啸碰猩臃韶廉买姚讽咬挞亭渡教扁甘旅示普饭管娘奄形蚊诗存造枷湍呈氟峻诗吩密荣学悯氛神锑豹兼麦哀蓄俄林吗这淮尧靡燥磺


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