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1、初二英语期中专项复习 8B Unit1重点短语1半小时前 half an hour ago2非常饿 be very hungry3不再notany more/no more4阳光镇的变化the changes to the Sunshine Town 5对非常了解know very well6搬家到 move to 从里搬出去 move out of.和我的家人一起搬到这儿 move here with my family7在镇的南部in the southern party of the town8和某人结婚 marry sb.(A娶了B或A嫁给了B) A marry B (A与B结婚了)

2、A get/be married to B9在镇中心 in the centre of the town10搬到另一套公寓 move to another flat11搬到北京的其它区域 move to other flats in Beijing 12在过去 in the past13这些年期间 over the years14给某人买某物 buy sth for sb.=buy sb. sth.15改变了许多 change a lot=have a lot of changes16变成 turn into=change into 17打牌 play cards18下中国象棋 play Ch

3、inese chess19水污染 water pollution20.过去常常做某事 used to do sth.21把废弃物倒在河里 dump the waste into the river22废弃物中的毒素 the poison in the waste 23一个非常严重的问题 a very serious problem24采取行动做某事 take action(s) to do sth.25减少污染 reduce the pollution26干净的多 much cleaner27.在某些方面 in some ways28广阔的空间 open space29我的一些朋友 some

4、of my friends30感到有点寂寞 feel a bit/ a little lonely31一点儿水 a bit of/a little water32不时地偶尔 from time to time33回来看我 come back to see me34.使我非常高兴 make me feel very happy35污染了水 pollute the river36事实上 in fact37因为+名名短 because of 因为那场大雨大风 because of the heavy rain/the strong wind38采访某人 have an interview with

5、sb 39很长一段时间 a very long time40看起来很健康 look very healthy41和以前一样经常 as often as before42感到高兴难过 feel very happy/sad43足够的幸运 lucky enough44你将来的计划 your future plan45自上周一以来 since last Monday 46自他出身以来 since he was born47好几次 a few times48十多辆自行车 over ten bikes49在历史博物馆 at the history museum50在过去的一个世纪期间(常用于现在完 成时

6、)over the past century51了解许多关于北京过去和现在的情况 learn a lot about Beijings past and present52这一次 this time53一场展览 an exhibition54患感冒 have a cold55收到某人的来信 hear from sb.56乘飞机去某地 fly to =go to by air/plane57呆在那儿一整周 stay there for a whole week58顺便问一下 by the way59拥有一艘船 own a boat60看起来像一个真的 look like a real one61

7、我曾看过的最好的模型 the best model I have ever seen62新鲜的空气 fresh air63搬进新的公寓里 move into the new flat64把某物借给某人 lend sth. to sb.借给某人某物 =lend sb.sth.65向某人借某物 borrow sth. from sb.66例如 for example67投入使用 in service/in use68在小学 in primary school69送我上学 took me to school70步行上学 walk to school=go to school on foot71独自

8、on ones own72.更多的空余时间 more free time73同样的感受 the same feeling74喜欢和朋友聊天 enjoy chatting with friends75现代生活 a modern life76一个良好的环境 a good environment77更少的树 fewer trees78引起许多问题 cause many problems79离远 be far away from80不如以前好 not as good as before81过去曾是 used to be82感到高兴 feel happy/pleased83公园隔壁 next to the park84无用处的东西 something useless85的反义词 the opposite of 86指示给某人看如何做某事 show sb. how to do sth87.带某人参观某地 show sb. around sp.88.把某东西给某人看show sb. sth.=show sth.to sb.


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