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1、厦门市中考主观题型(情景交际及看图写句)练习汇编(共十份) 。 一 情景交际运用(共20分) VIII. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分) M: I want to do something tonight for a change; lets go out. W: All right. Lets go to the _(86). M: In this heat? Are you joking? W: Well, we can go to an outdoor movie. Do you think Id suggest an indoor one in the m

2、iddle of summer in San Diego? M: But Id rather go out for a meal. W: listen. Why _(87) we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in themovie. M: That _(88) like fun. But they never show any good movies in summer. At least not any of the new ones. W: And whats _(89)

3、 with them? M: Oh nothing, its just that weve seen them all half a dozen times. W: But thats why theyre good. Theyre worth seeing _(90) and again.M: Youve got a point there, dear. But you can never hear outdoor movies clearly. You hear all the traffic from outside. W: Well, we can find a movie _(91)

4、 subtitles(字幕), then you dont need to hear the sound. M: OK. Then lets go to an outdoor movie. IX. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空2分,共8分) 1 . 妈妈问你打电话向奶奶道别了没有,可电话占线,你这样告诉妈妈; _(92) just now. 2. 小明的箱子很重,请你帮忙,他该怎么说呢? _(93)? 3. 同学邀想请你去她朋友的晚会,你不想去,应该怎样婉言拒绝? _(94). 4. 你给你的朋友Ann打电话,在电话上,你的第一句话是: Hello! _(95), please

5、?X. 根据情景用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空2分,共6分) Jackie, today is my twelfth birthday. I phoned you but nobody answered the phone. I wanted _(96)my birthday meal today. Im going shopping with Amy and Clara this morning. Then well have lunch. Please join us at this lunchtime if you can. My birthday meal will be

6、 held at McDonalds near the City Hotel at one oclock. Were meeting at the entrance of the restaurant at 12:45. We will wait for you for 15 minutes before we go inside. I hope_(97). There will be a lot of friends. We will have our favorite McDonalds food. Oh, I nearly forgot. At 2:30 _(98) together.

7、The cinema is near the restaurant. So we wouldnt have to walk far. The film will finish at 4:30. I really hope you can join us. It will be a wonderful afternoon. 二. 情景交际运用(共20分)VIII. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分)W:CambridgeTheater.BoxOffice.M:Haveyougotany_(86)forRomeoandJuliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶)forthisSatur

8、dayevening?W:Whichperformance?5:00pmor8:30pm?M:8:30pm,please.W:Sorry,thatperformanceissold_(87).M:Well,haveyougotanyticketsforthe5:00pmperformance?W:Yes,wehavetickets_(88)4.5pounds,5.5poundsand6pounds.M:Id_(89)tobooktwoseatsat4.5pounds,please.W:Right.Thatstwoticketsat4.5pounds.Saturday,5:pm performa

9、nce.Whatsthe_(90),please?M:Bishop.HenryBishop.W: Thankyou.Youllcollecttheticketsbefore3:00pmonSaturday,_(91)you?M:Yes,ofcourse.Thankyou.Goodbye.IX.根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空2分,共8分)1.你的同学Bill来你家做客,你告诉他随便吃一些水果吧,你该怎样说?_(92),Bill.2.妈妈问你的成绩,你告诉她,老师说你在英语科还可以做得更好。Theteachersaid_(93).3.你到商店去买鞋,售货员问你穿多大号的,他应该这样问








17、thatour_89_isill.Sheisnowinhospital.IdlikeAnntogotoseeherwithme.Annsmother:Sorry tohearthat.IllletAnnknowit.Whenand_90_willyoumeet?Lucy:Whatabout9:00atthegateofNo.1PeoplesHospital?Annsmother:OK.Illgiveherthemessage.Andplease_91_metoyourEnglishteacher.Lucy:Allright.Seeyoulater!Annsmother:Seeyoulater!


19、amovie,hewont_(96)untilaftermidnight.Ifhedoesnt gettobeduntilaftermidnight,hellprobablybeverytiredinthemorning.IfhesverytiredintheMorning, hemightoversleep.Ifheoversleeps,hell_(97).Ifheslaterforwork,hisbossmight_(98)andhewilllosethejob.So,eventhoughRonaldwantstostayuplatetowatchamovietonight,heisntg

20、oingto.TooBad1一Answers: movies; dont; sounds; wrong; again; with; 92: The line was busy 93: Can you help me with the box? 94: Id love to, but I have to study for a test. 95: May I speak to AnnAnswers: 96: to invite you to 97: you can come 98: were going to see a movie/film99.Shehastoplaythepianoever

21、ySunday.100.Wewontgooutifitrainstomorrow.101.Susanusedtohavecurlyhairwhenshewasyoung.102.WatchingtoomuchTVisbadforoureyes.二Answers:tickets ;out;at;like;name;wont92:Helpyourselftosomefruit 93:IcoulddobetterinEnglish94:Whatsizeofshoesdoyouwear/need.?95:Therewillbemorecars96.whatshouldwedo97.ourworldwi


23、atterwithyou?/Whatswrongwithyou?93.Sorry,Imastrangerhere.94.Doyouhaveanyothercolors?95.HowlongmayIkeepthebook?96:alongtime/manyyears/thousandsofyears97:drinkingacupofcoffee 98.Forexample99. You should see a dentist if you have a toothache. 100. I like going shopping with my friends. 101. On weekends

24、, I have to help my mom clean the room. 102. What are you going to do next Monday?四Answers:86:speak87:this88:message89:teacher90:where91:remember92.Wouldyoulikesometea?93.Idontlikemathbecauseitstoodifficult.94.Iamlookingforapairofshoes./Iwanttobuyapairofshoes.95.Whatifeveryoneelsewearsjeans/WhatshouldIdoiftheotherpeoplewearjeans96.gettobed97.belateforwork. 98.getangry Answers:99. My brother wants to be a guitar player when he grows up.100. Im going to the beach next summer vacation. 101. We had fun reading in the library last Sunday. 102. The boy began to learn the piano when he was seven.


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