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1、Unit 4 Reading What would you do if ? 主备人:谢宏艳 编码: YY20129127English Proverb:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Class Group Name Day Date Weather 【抽测】抽测完后,请给你的学习伙伴一个评价。抽测得满分者,可获得;测得满分且书写工整漂亮者,可获得。【学习目标】Learning Aims and Demands.1、能准确读出并默写下列词汇和短语: first-aid, shelf, cover, deep, downstairs, correct, burn, kne

2、e, pain, hurt, offer, refuse, helpful, come out, by accident , offer sb sth, hide sth from sb, 2、能找出并背诵下列句子: What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. You must always hide medicine from children. 3、通过学习紧急事件的处理方法,培养学生的应变能力以及解决问题的

3、能力。【预习导学】Preview根据提示完成句子,若在课前完成得好,可获得。1. You should (覆盖) the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.2. In the room there used to be many (架子)for book.3. I know his secret (偶然).4. The famous authors another new book will (出版)next month.5. You should put the fish under (流动的冷水).6. All of us know (吸烟的

4、危害)【基础知识】Basic Knowledge. Self-study. (独学) 1. Listen and read the passage.学法指导:Read the passage carefully. Underline some key expressions. (读文章。 找出重要短语。) 一本急救书 偶然的,不小心 吸烟的危害 出版 藏起某物某远离人 处理 摔下楼梯 采纳某人的建议 Pairwork and groupwork. (对学与群学)学法指导:Correct some mistakes, read the e-mail as possible as loud.(纠正

5、错误,熟读课文。)【深入探究】Further Learning. Self-study. (独学)Translate the sentences below. (翻译下列句子。)他一个具有处理青少年问题丰富经验的著名医生。 针对许多不同情形下应该怎么做,它给出了建议。 如果你不小心弄伤了自己应该怎么做。 你应该把受伤的地方放到冷水下去冲。 如果我是你,我会告诉你的朋友吸烟的危害。 Pairwork and groupwork. (对学与群学) 学法指导:Talk about the difficulties in groups.(组内讨论疑难点) 【展示提升】Show Lets do it i

6、n front of the class. Go! Go! Go! Everybody! (让我们在大家面前大胆地展示自己吧!快!快!块!)【当堂反馈】Feedback.翻译下列句子。1. It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations. 2. What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? 3. You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. 4. Get the medical hel

7、p first, then make her comfortable and stay with her. 5. You must always hide medicine from children. 6. An “internet friend” has asked if you could children. 【课堂作业】Homework.完美句意,翻译下列句子. 1. 玻璃被一张纸给盖住了。 The glass a piece of paper.2. Mary主动帮我学英语。 Mary offered with my English.3. 他赶紧穿过街道。 He cross the s

8、treet.4. 她似乎向他们隐瞒了信息。 She seems to information them.5. 他无意中打开了他的信。 He opened her letter . 【整理与评价】Summing-up and Assessment.1. 请把以上内容补充好,把笔记整理好,若还有问题,请向同学或老师请教。2. 反思一下这节课你的表现;若你做到了,可获得;若你做得很好,可在后面的括号中画上。这节课我学会了新知识。 ( )这节课我展示了。 ( ) 这节课我帮助了同学。 ( )这节课我质疑、补充、点评了。( )这节课我按时完成了练习。 ( ) 这节课我共得 颗 这次家庭作业我共用 分钟 学科组长签字


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