冀教版英语五上《Lesson 19 Meet LiMing's family》ppt课件.ppt

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《冀教版英语五上《Lesson 19 Meet LiMing's family》ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语五上《Lesson 19 Meet LiMing's family》ppt课件.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Free talk,I love to travel. It is fun! I want to go to _. I want _ and _to come, too. We will go there by _. _ is a big city. There are many _ _ in _. It is great.,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Month of the year,January,February,March,April,May,J

2、une,July,August,September,October,November,December,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,My birthday is on October 11.,When is your birthday?,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Last unit we have learned : Li Ming wants to have a trip to Beijing, he invites Jenny and Danny to come. Jenny

3、and Danny arrive in Shijiazhuang at ten oclock in the evening on January 31.When they arrive in Shijiazhuang ,they will stay with Li Mings family.,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Lesson 19Meet Li Mings Family,冀教版五年级上册,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,What time is it ?,It is one oc

4、lock.,Its ten oclock.,1:00,10:00,Its 9:40 .,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,What time do you _?,I get up at _ in the morning.,7:30,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,I go to bed at _ in the evening.,10:00,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Follow the model and make sentences.

5、,When will you go to _?,I will go to _ at _ in the _ on _.,April 11,2.00,afternoon,6.50,morning,May 2,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Please reading the dialogue aloud with affection:,Nice to meet you!,Did you have a nice trip?,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Read and Answer.,Is

6、it a long trip from Canada to Shijiazhuang? b.How many days will Danny and Jenny have for the Spring Festival in Shijiazhuang? c. When will they go to Beijing? d. How will they go to Beijing?,Yes , it is .,Two days.,They will go to Beijing at 11:58 in the morning on February 3.,They will go to Beiji

7、ng by train.,冀教版英语五上Lesson 19 Meet LiMings familyppt课件,Read and write:,Word list: to at in on by,We will go _ Beijing _ 11:58 _ the morning _ February 3. We are going _ train. We will arrive _ Beijing _ 1:17 _ the afternoon. We will eat Beijing Duck _ the evening.,to,at,in,on,by,in,at,in,in,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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