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1、陕西中考英语完成句子题型的解题策略完成句子是陕西省2011年中考新题型。拒不完全统计2010年全国有北京、广东、兰州等8个省市有完成句子题型。我们可以把该节试题的考点归纳成以下六个:I. 结合句法知识考查单词拼写:1. 暑假何不去度度假?Why not_ go on a holiday during the summer holiday?2. 从你家步行去学校需要多久?How long does it take you to walk to school from your home?3. 你无法想象那天气有多么糟糕。You cant imagine how bad weather is!II

2、. 结合谓语语境考查单词拼写:1. 她通常早上六点起床。She usually gets up at six in the morning.2. 我到时他正在看杂志。He was reading a magazine when I arrived.3. 他很可能晚来一会。It is _likely that_ she will be late for a minute.III. 结合形容词和介词的固定搭配考查单词拼写:1. 老年人通常最怕过马路。Old people are usually _afraid of_ crossing streets.2. 躺床上看书对眼睛有害。Reading i

3、n bed is bad for your eyes.IV. 结合名词和介词的固定搭配考查单词拼写:1. 学生们放学后常去养老院做义工。Students often volunteer to work in a nursing home _after school_.2. 另一方面,孩子们也需要放松。On the other hand_, children need to be relaxed.V.结合非谓语动词考查单词拼写:1. 我喜欢中国产的商品。I like goods _made in_ China.2. 人们都盼着再看这部电影。People are looking forward _

4、to seeing the film_ again.3. 她捡起了仍在地上的那本书。She picked up the book lying on the floor.VI.单纯地考查单词拼写:1. 他没有说会议什么时候召开。He did tell me when the meeting will _take place_.2. 我根本无法辨认出远处的东西。I cant _make out_ what it is in the distance.3.去叫学生下午把作业交上来。Tell the pupils to _hand in_ their exercise books in the aft

5、ernoon.完成句子的解题步骤1 、仔细审题,根据句子设置的情景初步判断所缺单词的意义。也就是说要根据所给句子的意思判断用所给单词的哪种形式,学生应正确分析句子的含义,仔细理解每个单词的意思。这一步骤其实是要求学生要细心,因为细心是做完成句子的关键。2、 根据句子结构判断所缺的单词的语法形式。根据句子结构判断就是依据所学的句型、短语判断所给单词的正确形式。它需要学生掌握大量的语法知识包括时态、人称、主谓一致和被动语态等。3 、仔细检查,联系上下文,从逻辑,语法和拼写方面检查是否准确。当填出单词后,就需要学生联系上下文,从英语语法的各个方面检查。在这里尤其要仔细检查单词拼写,学生在写单词时,不

6、注意将第一个单词的首字母大写,而这却是考试中判断一个题做得正确与否的关键。4、掌握“四会”单词,熟记常见短语搭配。【例题】. 完成句子;根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句。56. 他性格外向,喜欢交朋友。He is outgoing and likes _. 57. 每天放学后,我们可以散散步来放松自己。We can _ to relax ourselves after school every day. 58. 日本大地震后,世界各地的人们给予了很大帮助。When the big earthquake hit Japan, people _ helped a lot. 59. 在去电影院的路上,

7、他听到了这个消息。He heard the news _ to the cinema.60. 由于“世园会”的举办,西安今年会迎来更多的游客。Because of the Expo, more _ will come to Xian this year.陕西中考英语完成句子(新题型)押题演练1 They _ _ _(开始读书) at once.2 祝你新年快乐!I _ you a happy new year.3 That sounds _(有趣的).4 You can call me _ (任何时候). 5 我正忙于做作业。I am _ my homework.6 Please_(记得要关)

8、the door when you go out.7 Each of us _(有) an English book8 直到妈妈回来了,我才睡觉。I _ go to bed _ my mother came back home.9 _(让我们去)to the movie.10 I could sing songs_ _(八岁时).11 There are _ _(超过9百个学生) students in our school.12 There are _(数千)workers in the factory.13 Ill call you _ _ (当我回家时).14 You should _(

9、到达) school _(按时).15_ (多远) is your home _ the school?16 我看见他正在看书。I saw him _a book.17 我们从Mr Green 处租用了一个房间。 We _ a room _ Mr Green.18 谢谢你帮助我。Thank you _ _ me.19 灯亮着,他肯定在家。The light is on. He _ _ at home.20 这件大衣多少钱? _ _ _ the coat?21 我希望有一天成为一位医生。I hope _ _ a doctor _ _.22 春天天气怎样?_ _the weather _ spri

10、ng?23 昨天下大雨。It rained _ yesterday.24 你最好带把伞出去。Youd better _ _ _ when you go out.25 天气变得越来越暖了。The weather is _ warmer and warmer.26 今天的温度是多少?_ the _ today?27 I visited lots of _ _ _ (名胜) in China.28 The weather here _ _ _ ( 有区别于) that in Japan.29 你还要些什么?_ _ would you like?30 银行与医院中间有个公园。Theres a park

11、 _ the bank _ the hospital.31 你不应该错过长城,当你参观北京时。You _ _ the Great Wall when you _Beijing.32 许多人在这场战争中失去生命。Many people _ _ _ in the war.33 别在街上玩,很危险的。_ _ in the street, its very _.34 帮助孩子过马路是好样的。Its _ _ _children cross the road.35 我们必须遵守学校纪律。We must _ the school _.36 上学别迟到!_ _ _ _ school.37 课堂上请保持安静。P

12、lease _ _ in class.38 我能看一看你的新手表吗?Can I _ _ _ _ your new watch?39 他看起来好像他的爸爸。He _ _ his father.40 他正在公园里拍照。He _ _ _ in the park.41 在老师的帮助下,我考试合格了。_ _ _ _ , I passed the exam._ _ _of the teacher, I passed the exam.42 中国人对外国人都很友好。All Chinese people _ _ _ the foreigners.43我出生于一个炎热的下午。I _ _ _ a hot afte

13、rnoon.44 Im _ (确实) sorry about it.45 Dont _(错过) the early bus, or you will _ _ _(迟到) school.46 The weather in China _ _ _ (不同于) that in Australia.47我一到上海就给你打电话。 Ill call you _ I arrive in Shanghai.48西安世园会和上海世博会一样受欢迎。Xian EXPO 2011 is _ Shanghai EXPO 2010.49西安以其众多的名胜古迹而闻名于世。Xian _its many places of i

14、nterest in the world.50我们非常高兴您将参加“地球一小时”活动。_that you will take part in the “Earth Hour” event.51在你们学英语的时候别害怕犯错误。Dont _ mistakes when you learn English.52在床上看书对你的眼睛有害处。Reading in bed_ your eyes.53同学们都在忙着为考试做准备。 All the students _preparing for the exam.54仔细想一想,你就会想出好办法。Think carefully,and you_ a good

15、idea.55珍妮很热心,她与同学相处得好。Jane is so warm-hearted_56我希望我的爸爸戒烟。I hope my father_57我打算明天去游泳而不是爬山。 I am goingtoswim_the hill.58我昨天用了三个小时才完成作业_ finish my homework yesterday.59多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处。_ our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.60十点钟了,该休息一下了。Its 10 oclock. _ have a rest.61她不会介意帮我们完成这项工作的。She wont _th

16、e job.62我想我们应该阻止人们在公共场所吸烟。I think we should _ in public places.63你已经工作8个小时了,为什么不停下来休息一下呢? You have worked for 8 hours,_?64他家离学校很远,干嘛不给他买辆自行车?His home is far from his school, _ him a bike?65多好的天气啊!去“鸟巢”怎么样?What a nice day !_ to the Bird Nest?66我不知道他喜欢什么。I dont know_。 参考答案1 begin/start reading/to read

17、 2 wish 3 the most important 4 interesting 5 whenever6 busy doing 7 remmber to close 8 has 9 didnt until 10 Lets go 11 at the age of 8/eight 12 more than/over nine hunderd 13 thousands of 14 when I go home 15 get to/Arrive at on time 16 How far from 17 reading 18 rent from 19 for helping20 must be 2

18、1 How much is 22 to be; some day 23 How is in 24 heavily 25 take an umbrella 26 getting 27 Whats the tempreture 28 places of interest 30 is different from 31 between and 32 What else 33 shouldnt miss ;visited 34 lost their lives 35 Dont play dangerous 36 Its good to help 37 obey rules 38 Dont be lat

19、e for school 39 Be quiet 40 have a look at 41 looks like42 is taking photos 43 with my teachers help; Thanks to help 44 are very friendly to 45 was born on 46 really 47 miss; be late for 48 is diferent from 49 as soon as 50 as popular as51 is famous for 52 I am glad 53 be afraid of making mistakes 5

20、4 is bad for 55 are busy 56 will come up with 57 that she gets well with her classmates 58 will give up smoking 59 instead of climbing 60 It took me 3 hours to 61 Its good for 62 Its time to 63 mind helping (to) finish the work 64 didnt come back until 65 stop people smoking 66 Its very important for students to do sports 67 Why not stop to have a rest68 There is something wrong with 69 Why not buy/ Why dont you buy 70 Would you like your seat 71 How about going 72 What he likes


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