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1、课题:Unit 5 I love reading 教学内容外研社Join in六年级下册 Unit5 I love reading part1 andp67-1教材分析 本课内容是一首歌曲,主题是 I love reading. 该主题与学生日常紧密相关,学生对话题有熟悉感,而且内容也比较简单,没有过多的生词和疑难句子。通过学习,可以培养学生良好的阅读习惯。学情分析本节课的教学对象是六年级学生,经过之前知识的积累,学生对于本文的小篇章学习已经很有基础了。因而教学的重点应该放在高阶目标的达成上。高阶目标包括句子的连读弱毒,改编歌词创编歌曲,阅读故事提取信息,描述自己阅读过的书籍等等。因此一切要为

2、调动学生的高阶认知服务。教学目标1、知识与能力(1)理解并学唱歌曲。(2)掌握词汇:bookworm, open up a book, there are., until a story ends, islands, short and tall A house without books is like a room without windows.(3) 学生能自主修改歌词,创编歌曲。(4) 学生体会歌词之中的韵律之美和连读现象,提高英文歌唱的能力。2、过程和方法模仿歌曲,学唱歌曲;任务教学法;谈话法3、情感态度价值观学生养成良好的读书习惯。3、教学重点理解并学唱歌曲4.教学难点改编歌词,

3、提高英文歌唱能力教学准备 PPT课件,教案,录音前置作业 Do a survey about your readingBook nameThe writerContents about the bookYour feelings and receiving(收获) 教学流程:1. Warming up 利用日常读书汇报表打开主题:What are they about? Do you read a lot everyday? What kinds of books do you read? How do you read? Pupils answer and free talk. Introd

4、uce different kinds of books-detective stories, comic books, short stories, scientific books, biography.2. PresentationA. 设置情境,Your old friend is here, does he love reading?B. Listen and read the passage.C. Answer questions: Does Toby love reading? How does he read books? What does he learn from the

5、 books? 教学内容:bookworm书虫: those people who indulge themselves in reading,somebody reads a lot (废寝忘食)-Are there any bookworms in our class? He reads and reads and reads and reads until a story ends- what is the best way to read a book? Word by word / skimming/ scanning / fast read-辨别并建构正确的阅读方法和习惯。 Whe

6、n he open up a book, there are _ and _, there are _ and _.D. Listen and try your best to follow the passage.3. PracticeA. Lets sing the song.B. 讲解歌词中的连读,弱读以及韵律现象,学生体会。 I love reading ,reading, reading. Yeah, I love reading books. It is true that Im a bookworm. My books are my best friends. I read an

7、d read and read and readUntil a story ends.There are lions, there are horses.There are monsters, big and small.I just open up a book.And I can see them all.There are islands, there are castles. There are people, short and tall.I just open up a book.And I can see them all. 韵律现象:books, friends, ends/

8、horses, castles/ small and tall and all 连读现象:It is true that Im a bookworm. My books are my best friends. There are lions, there are horses. I just open up a book. And I can see them all. 弱读现象: short and (n) tall. big and(n) small. 4. Perform改编歌曲Recreate the song lyrics in groups展示 完成p67-1练习。5. Exte

9、nsion A house without books is like a room without windows. By reading, you can see the world, and by reading, you can see a better self. When the World Book Day comes on 23 April, lets be a good reader, how to read efficiently?6. Homework 板书设计: Sayings questions I love reading Phonetics text words教学反思:本课内容简单,但是聚焦内容提升了难度。第一,唱歌过程中常见的连读弱读等现象,学生在唱歌过程中应该逐渐产生这样的意识。第二,创编歌曲。第三,聚焦如何高效阅读一本书进行了思考,给学生读书习惯的培养进行了较为细致的指导。通过这节课,学生有所收益,对阅读这件事产生了比较深刻的感触。


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