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1、实义动词have“有”的用法,实义动词have“有”的用法,实义动词have“有”的用法,实义动词have作“有”讲时,强调“所属关系”,表示“拥有”的意思。其主语常为人或物。 I have a baseball. He has two ping-pong bats。 -Do you have a basketball? -Yes,I do./No, I dont. -Does she have a tennis ball? -Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. They dont have a soccer ball. He doesnt have two voll

2、eyballs.,我有一个棒球。,他有两个乒乓球拍。,你有一个蓝球吗?,是的,我有/不,我没有。,她有一个网球吗?,是的,她有/不,她没有。,他们没有一个足球。,他没有两个排球。,实义动词have“有”的用法,1. 实义动词have (有)在一般现在时的肯定句中,当主语是第三人称单数时用has, 当主语是其他人称时用have。,我和你都用have, Has 用于他,她,它, 所有复数都用have。,第一人称: I have 第二人称: You have 第三人称: He / She / It / Jane has 复 数: They / The girls / The boys /The ch

3、ildren / Ben and Jane have,口诀,具体用法,实义动词have“有”的用法,我有一只狗。 你有一家 农场。 他们都有苹果。 它有一个大嘴巴。 他有一双大眼睛。 她有一只猫。 Mary有一个弟弟。,I have a dog.,You have a farm .,They have apples.,It has a big mouth.,He has two big eyes.,She has a cat.,Mary has a brother.,例句:,实义动词have“有”的用法,2. 实义动词have (有)的一般现在时的肯定句变为否定句时,要借助助动词do和does

4、, 且have要用原形。当主语是第三人称单数时助动词要用does, 当主语是其他人称时助动词用do.,I have a dog.,They have apples.,It has a big mouth.,He has two big eyes.,She has a cat.,Mary has a brother.,I dont have a dog.,You dont have a farm.,They dont have apples.,It doesnt have a big mouth.,He doesnt have two big eyes.,She doesnt have a ca

5、t.,Mary doesnt have a brother.,You have a farm.,实义动词have“有”的用法,3. 实义动词have (有)的一般现在时的肯定句变为疑问句时,也要借助助动词do和does, 且have要用原形。当主语是第三人称单数时助动词要用does, 当主语是其他人称时助动词用do. 肯定回答:Yes, 主语(人称代词)+ do / does。否定回答:No, 主语(人称代词)+ dont / doesnt。,Do you have a farm? Yes, I do./No, I dont .,Do they have apples? Yes, they d

6、o./No, they dont.,Does it have a big mouth? Yes, it does./No, it doesnt.,Does he have two big eyes? Yes, he does/No, he doesnt.,Does she have a cat? Yes,she does./No, she doesnt.,Does Mary have a brother? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.,They have apples.,It has a big mouth.,He has two big eyes.,She h

7、as a cat.,Mary has a brother.,You have a farm.,实义动词have“有”的用法,动词have表示“有”, 位置就在主语后。 “三单”主语用has, 其他人称用have。 一般问句句首do/does添。 否定句子也一样, dont /doesnt主语后面站。,口 诀,实义动词have“有”的用法,单项选择。,1. you have a volleyball? A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does 2. I dont a tennis bat, but Kate one. A. has; have B. have; have C. hav

8、e; has D. has; has 3. a basketball? A. Do you have B. Are you have C. Are you D. Do you are have 4. I a ping-pong bat, and Meimei a volleyball. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; has D. has; have 5. - Bob have a red pen? -Yes, he . A. Does; do B. Do; do C. Does; does D. Do; does 6. -Do you have a tennis ball? - . But I have a baseball. A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I have D. No, Im not 7. My parents a big house. A. doesnt have B. dont have C. doesnt has D. dont has,C,C,A,B,C,B,B,实义动词have“有”的用法,Thank you for watching!,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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