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1、景泰四中九年级英语下册导学案课题:Lesson45 Different Manners 个性修改学习流程及学法指导执笔教师授课教师授课时间课 时教研组长签字学校领导审核朱毓霞1一、【教学目标】1.语言目标: 学习并掌握重点单词、短语和重点句型。2.能力目标:(1)学习并了解中西方文化差异(2)学会用英语谈论或写中西方文化礼仪差异。3.情感目标: 培养学生热爱文化的兴趣。二 、【重点、难点】重点:词汇、短语和基本句型: 难点:了解文化差异,关注中外礼仪的差异。、预习我最棒 A .New words (A,,层展示)1.manners 原句:_2.though :_3.modest:_4.vert

2、ue:_5.praise:_6.elderly:_7.guest :_8.extra : _9.waiter :_10.tip :_Write a short passage according to the new words : (1号、2号完成 )【活学活用】用所给词的正确形式填空1.You should have good_ ( manner )all the time .2.She asked_ ( polite ), “Excuse me , can you give me a hand ?”3.Their hobbies are_ ( difference ) from your

3、s .4.Its interesting_ ( experience ) two different cultures .5.In Canada ,when you eat with Canadians you dont usually put food on_ ( they )plates .BSome important phrases : (短语可采用小组加分形式竞赛完成)1.好礼仪_ 2.文化塑造礼仪_ 3.叫某人_ 4.听起来像周的名字_5.很长时间_ 6.谦虚_7.表扬某人或某事_ 8.懦弱和不自信_9.成人的年龄_ 10.给老人让座_11.为被让座感到尴尬_ 12.外出吃饭_ 1

4、3.轮流结账 _ 14.共同负担一顿饭的花费 _15.盘中没有食物 _ 16.额外的钱_. 叫醒你的眼睛和耳朵Listen and finish “Lets Do It ” Part 1 . 我爱朗读(让学生大声朗读课文,可以分组比赛朗读,抽查每组展示)TASK: 1.Read loudly and finish “Lets Do It ” Part 2 &. Part 3 .2.Read again then retell the text in groups .【当堂检测】(约5分钟)1.I have lived in Canada for twenty three years . (划线

5、部分提问)2.To ask an adults age is not polite in Canada .(改为同一句)3.I spent ten dollars on that book .(改为同一句 )4.Canadian culture is _ _ ( 不同的 ) Chinese culture .5.In China , people may _ _ ( 轮流 ) paying for the meal .课后反思个性修改执笔教师授课教师授课时间课时教研组长签字学校领导审核马朝苹2【教学目标】1.检查复习上节课内容。2. 口语训练:完成Patr5 of “Lets do it” 3

6、.知识技能掌握与训练。【重点、难点】1.掌握本课重点句子与知识点;根据本课内容编对话。一复习巩固 (由课代表主持,组织小组互查或对子互订等多种形式的检查。约5分钟)二知识链接(小组讨论,对子讲解,2号展示,1号点评,最后背诵并默写这些句子,约10分钟 II.【自主领悟】(小组先讨论,再展示1. shape v. 对有影响 “ 使成形,使成为.形状”E.g ,: He was shaping an apple . shape n. 意为“形状,样子,外形” e.g The cloud has a strange shape .2 praise n .&v 称赞 ;赞扬。 作动词 praise+

7、n ./pron .称赞 praise sb for sth . 表扬某人某事 e.g. He praised her courage . Praise 作名词的用法 :表示对人或事物的“称赞,赞扬”时,为不可数名词;也可用praises 形式, 但较少见E.g He won praises for his modesty . in praise of 赞扬 E.g The teacher spoke in praise of the child for his honesty .3.Private adj. 私人的;私有的。常在句子中作定语或表语。in private 私密地;私下地 e.g

8、 We can talk about this matter in private.4.offer 即表示主动慷慨地给别人提供某物,也可表示无主动之情地提供,常用于 offer sb sth 或 offer sth to sb 相当于give ; offer to do sth 愿意做某事,主动做某事 ; provide 用于仅仅出于某种责任提供需要或有用的东西 , 常用于 provide sb with sth 或 provide sth for sb 中 ; supply 通常指定期供应,强调替代或补充所需物品,常用于 supply sb with sth / supply sth to

9、/for sb 5.take turns 轮流 take turns to do sth 或 take turns ( at ) doing sth 意为“轮流做某事” 轮流做某事的其他表达方法:do sth in turn / do sth by turns . 拓展 Its ones turn to do sth “轮到某人干某事了”汉译英1. 请把钢笔递给我 Please _ me the pan. 2. 你妈妈因为他的诚实而表扬了他。Your mother praised him _ his honesty .3. 这块布感觉又软又舒服 The cloth _soft and comfortable .4. 你给这辆二手车花了2万元。It _you 2 ten thousand yuan _ _ this car . You _ 2 ten thousand yuan_ the car . You _ 2 ten thousand yuan_ the car . 课后反思


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