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1、天堂电影院经典台词精选 有意大利导演托纳托雷指导的时空三部曲,包括海上钢琴师,西西里的漂亮传奇以及天堂电影院为我们讲解并描述了三个不一样的故事。或许看过电影的我们对每一部电影的理解都不同,然而对人生的感悟肯定是有些许相同的。天堂电影院经典台词,不是只有天堂才有的电影。 天堂电影院经典台词 Alfredo: Living here day by day, you think its the center of the world. You believe nothing will ever change. Then you leave: a year, two years. When you c

2、ome back, everythings changed. The threads broken. What you came to find isnt there. What was yours is gone. You have to go away for a long time many years before you can come back and find your people. The land where you were born. But now, no. Its not possible. Right now youre blinder than I am. 阿

3、尔夫莱多:在这里居住了一天又一天,你认为这里就是世界的中心。你信任一切都永不会转变。然后你离开了,一年,两年,当你回来时,一切都变了。那条线断了,你所查找的并不是这里。你只能再次离开很长时间许多年直到你能回来查找你的人们,你诞生的土地。(经典语录.lz13.-)但是现在不行能。现在你比我还要瞎。 Salvatore: Who said that? Gary Cooper? James Stewart? Henry Fonda? Eh? 萨尔瓦多:这些是谁说的?加里库帕?詹姆士斯图尔特?亨利福达?嗯? Alfredo: No, Toto. Nobody said it. This time it

4、s all me. Life isnt like in the movies. Life is much harder 阿尔夫莱多:不是,多多,没有人说过。这次是我自己说的。生活并不像电影,生活更困难。 If you dont walk out, you will think that this is the whole world. 假如你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是全世界。 Salvatore:Just that ive always been afraid to come back.And now,after all these years ,I thought I was strong

5、er that Id forgottena lot of things. But in factI find Im right backwhere I wasas if Id never been away.Yet,when I look around ,I dont recognize anyone. And you,MamaI deserted you.Ran out on you like a banditwithout any explanation. 萨尔瓦多:有件事,我始终想说其实我很可怕回来。这么多年了,我应当更顽强,更放得开,但事实上,我发觉我只是回到了原点仿佛没有离开过。然而

6、,当我环顾四周,我不认识任何人。而你,妈妈我离弃了你。我什么都没说明就跑了 His Mama:I never asked for any.You dont have to explain to me.I always thought it was goodwhat you did.Why harp on it?You were right to leave. You did what you wanted to do.When I call you,a different woman always answers.But I never heard in any of their voices

7、 that they really loved you. I wouldve known. All the same ,Id have liked to see you settled Loving someone. But your life is there. Here there are only ghosts. Let go,Toto. 你不用向我说明,我也不需要你的说明。我始终信任你是对的,你何必耿耿于怀呢?你走是对的,你达成了心愿。当我打电话给你,总是不同的女人来接,但我从来没有听到其他任何声音她们真的爱你,我都知道,有时真想看到你安定下来,有心爱的人,但是你是属于罗马,这里太阴沉

8、了。忘了她吧,多多。 天堂电影院经典台词精选 1)I know how it is.The blue-eyed ones are the worst.我知道那种感觉 蓝眼睛的女人最难追 2)要尊敬上帝,他在两、三天内制造世界,而我花的时间会更久些、更久些,但我很虚心,我愿做好我的一切。 3)-Whatever you end up doing,love it. The way you loved the projection booth when you were a little squirt.要热爱你的工作 就像小时候热爱放映机一样 4)-I choose my friends for l

9、ooks,my enemies for intelligence. Youre too foxy to be my friend.以外表选伴侣 以才智选敌人 你太聪慧 不能当伴侣 5)lf you do and you come back,dont come see me. I wont let you in my house.Understand?要是你失败逃回来 不要来见我 我不会让你见我 懂吗? 6)When you come back,everythings changed. The threads broken.再回来时 一切都会变 你会断了牵挂 7)Living here day

10、by day.you think its the center of the world.每天待在这里 会把这里当成全世界 8)No matter what you do,theyll never be your friends. Nothing for it.不管你怎么做 都没有用 都成不了伴侣 9)-Who said that? Gary Cooper? James Stewart? Henry Fonda?是谁讲的? 贾利古柏? 詹姆斯史都华? 亨利方达? 10)You believe nothing will ever change. Then you leave.a year, tw

11、o years.会信任事情一成不变 离开之后 过个几年 11)You have to go away for a long time.many years.before you can come back and find your people.你得离开一阵子 去闯一闯 再回到亲友身边 12)-When I do, Ill tell them.等我有了 我就会说呀 13)-You havent got any children.你又没有小孩 14)But your life is there. Here there are only ghosts. Let go, Toto.但你属于罗马 这

12、里太阴沉了 忘了她吧 多多 15)从前有一个国王为他的公主举办一场宴会,有个卫兵见到公主走过,她实在太美了,他立即坠入情网,但是卑微的士兵哪配得上公主?后来他最终有机会,告诉她他不能没有她,公主深深受到感动,她告诉士兵,你假如连续一百个昼夜守在我的阳台下,我就以心相许,于是,士兵去等了一天,两天,十天,二十天,公主每晚都可以看到他,刮风下雨他都不走,小鸟歇脚,蜜蜂蜇他,他还是不动,然而到了第九十天他变得苍白虚弱,双眼不听使唤,流下泪来,他甚至睡不着觉一切都看在公主眼里,到了第99夜,士兵起立,搬起椅子,走了。 16)我始终可怕回来,如今过去这么多年,我以为我更顽强了,我已经忘掉了许多事情,结果

13、我发觉我只是回到原点,仿佛从没有离开过,但我看看四周,却什么都认不出来。 17)Now that Im older and go to fifth grade. I dont say I should come in the booth, but cant we at least be friends?现在我长大了 要上五班级了 就算不能进放映室 但至少能和你做伴侣吧? 18)有件事,我始终想说其实我很可怕回来。这么多年了,我应当更顽强,更放得开,但事实上,我发觉我只是回到了原点仿佛没有离开过。然而,当我环顾四周,我不认识任何人。而你,妈妈我离弃了你。我什么都没说明就跑了 19)越是煎熬,越刻

14、骨铭心,爱了就要受苦,明知没有结果。每天待在这里会把这里当成全世界,会信任事情一成不变。离开之后,过个几年再回来时,一切都会变。你会断了牵挂,不再追寻,不再拥有。你得离开一阵子,去闯一闯,再回到亲友身边,回到这片故土。但是现在不行,你比我还盲目。不,多多,这不是电影对白,这是我的心里话。人生与电影不同,人生要困难得多。 20)Dont come back. Dont think about us. Dont look back. Dont write. Dont give in to nostalgia.Forget us all.不准回来 不准想到我们 不准回头 不准写信 想家时要熬住 忘了

15、我们 21)Get out of here. Go back to Rome.Youre young.the world is yours. And Im old.离开这里 去罗马 你还年轻 世界是你的 我已经老了 22)I always tell my children. Be careful how you choose your friends.我常常告诉我的孩子交友要谨慎天堂电影院经典台词 23)If you have no faith in me,have faith in what you see.就算你不信任我 也要信任你的眼睛 24)-Thats nice,what you j

16、ust said. But sad.你说的这番话好美 也好哀痛 25)The bigger the man,the deeper his imprint. And if he loves, he suffers, knowing its a dead-end street.越是煎熬 越刻骨铭心 爱了就要受苦 明知没有结果 26)The land where you were born. But now, no. Its not possible. Right now youre blinder than I am.回到这片故土 但是现在不行 你比我还盲目 27)We, each of us,

17、have a star to follow. Get out of here. This land is cursed.人人都有所追寻 离开这里 这里被诅咒了 28)What you came to find isnt there. What was yours is gone.不再追寻 不再拥有 29)All the same, Id have liked.to see you settled.loving someone.有时真想.看到你定下来.有心爱的人 30)-No, Toto. Nobody said it. This time its all me. Life isnt like in the movies. Life.is much harder.不 多多 这不是电影对白 这是我的心里话 人生与电影不同 人生.要辛苦多了 31)I dont want to hear you talk anymore. I want to hear talk about you.我不想再听你讲 我要听别人来讲你


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