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1、语法知识语法知识 1. 1.名名 词词 一一 名词的概念:名词的概念: 表示人或事物等名称的词。表示人或事物等名称的词。 如:Tom, Beijing, China, milk, teacher. 表示某一事物,有具体的和抽象的之分。分为可数名词和不可数名词可数名词和不可数名词。 强调强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用 is 或者 was; 二、名词的数:二、名词的数: 1、可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式。 (1)(1)表示一个人或物时,用单数形式:表示一个人或物时,用单数形式: 如:a pen, a book, a desk, a bus, a bike, an egg, an app

2、le, an orange, an hour, an eye, an ear, an arm, an old man. (2)(2)表示二者或者二者以上的人或者物时用复数形式:表示二者或者二者以上的人或者物时用复数形式: 如:two books,three pencils,four peaches, five boys,some gifts,many people. 2. 2.可数名词复数形式的构成:可数名词复数形式的构成: a. a. 名词变复数不规则形式:名词变复数不规则形式: (一定要记牢!(一定要记牢! ! ) man-men,woman-women,policeman-policem

3、en,snowman-snowmen. foot-feet,tooth-teeth,goose(鹅)-geese,child-children,people-people, sheep-sheep,fish-fish,deer(鹿)-deer,Chinese(中国人)-Chinese b.b. 可数名词变复数规则形式:可数名词变复数规则形式: (1)在名词末尾加在名词末尾加 s s. 例如:bike-bikes, map-maps, pen-pens, egg-eggs, day-days, boy-boys. (2)以以 s, sh, ch, xs, sh, ch, x 结尾的名词,在词尾加

4、结尾的名词,在词尾加 eses. 例如:bus-buses, class-classes, brush-brushes, watch-watches, peach-peaches, box-boxes, fox-foxes. (3)以以f f或或fe fe结尾的名词,结尾的名词, 先把先把f f或或fe fe变为变为v v再加再加eses. 例如: leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, knife(小刀)-knives. (4)以辅音字母加以辅音字母加 y y 结尾的名词,先把结尾的名词,先把 y y 变为变为 i i 后再加后再加 eses. 例如:baby-babies, f

5、amily-families, strawberry-strawberries, (5)以以 o o 结尾的名词,表示有生命的在词尾加结尾的名词,表示有生命的在词尾加 eses, 例如:potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, 表示无生命的在词尾加表示无生命的在词尾加 s. s. 例如:zoo-zoos, radio-radios, photo-photos, piano-pianos. 3. 3. 不可数名词的数量表示法不可数名词的数量表示法: : 不可数名词没有单复数变化,如果要表示数量时可以用下面的公式记忆: 数词数词+ +计量单位名词计量单位名词+of+of+

6、不可数名词不可数名词 例如:a piece of paper(一张纸), a piece of meat(一块肉), a cup of tea(一杯茶), a bowl of rice(一碗米饭), a bottle of pop(一瓶汽水), two cups of tea(两杯茶), three pieces of bread(三块面包), five bags of rice(五袋大米). 三、名词的所有格:三、名词的所有格: 英语中表示人或事物的所属关系时,用名词的所有格,意思是“的”。 1. 有生命事物的名词的所有格:有生命事物的名词的所有格: (1)单数名词后加“s” 例如:Li M

7、ings kite, Dannys hat, Jennys camera, my fathers car. (2)以 s 结尾的复数名词后加“”例如:Teachers Day, the nurses office. (3)不以 s 结尾的复数名词后加 “s”例如:Childrens Day, Womens Day, mens clothes. 2. 无生命事物的名词的所有格:无生命事物的名词的所有格: 用 of 所有格表示。 例如:the windows of the classroom, a picture of Danny, a map of China, a flag of China.

8、 名词专项练习题名词专项练习题 一、写出下列名词的复数形式: 1.book- 2.map- 3.flag- 4.day- 5.boy- 6.cat- 9.class- 10.dress- 7.bird-11.brush- 8.bus-12.dish- 13.watch- 14.peach- 15.beach- 16.box- 17.fox- 18.leaf- 19.wolf- 20.knife- 21.baby- 22.family- 23.strawberry- 二翻译下列短语: 1.一杯茶: 2.两张纸: 3.三碗汤: 4.四瓶果汁: 5.五袋食盐: 6.六袋面粉: 7.Jenny 的连衣

9、裙: 8. 李明的照相机: 24.potato-35.tooth- 25.tomato-36.goose- 26.zoo-37.people- 27.radio-38.sheep- 28.photo-39.deer- 29.man-40.Chinese- 30.woman- 31.policeman- 32.snowman- 33.child- 34.foot- 9.教师节: 10.儿童节: 11.一张中国的地图: 12.中国的首都: 13.我的妹妹的玩具 14.一张我家的照片: 三、用所给名词的正确形式填空: 1. There is a_ (pen) and two _(book) on t

10、he desk. 2. I can see many_(bird) in the sky. 3. There are many_(child) in the park. 4. -What do they do? They are_ (policeman). 5. My sister has a lot of _ (toy). 6. How many_ (people) are there in your family? 7. There are many _(cow) and_(sheep) on the farm 8. My father and my brother are _(teach

11、er). 9. Are these your_ (runner)? Yes, they are. 10. There are sixty _(minute) in an _ (hour). 11. I have two_(piece) of _(bread) and a (glass) of_ (milk) for breakfast. 12. There are many beautiful_ (city) in China. 13. Kim has two_ (dress). One is old. The other is new. 14. In spring, the trees ha

12、ve green _ (leaf). 15. He is one of my_(friend). 16. My new camera is eighty _(dollar). 17. After supper, I often help my mother wash _(dish). 18. The skirt is my _ (sister). 19. Today is my _(mother) birthday. 20. -Whose bike is this? Its _ (Wang Lei). 四、把下列单数句改为复数句: 1. This is a bus. _ 2. That is

13、a box. _ 3. He is a policeman. _ 4. I am a good child. _ 5. He is drawing a sheep. _ 6. Here is a gift for you. _ 五、把下列复数句改为单数句。 1. These are apples. _ 2. These are eggs. _ 3. Those are oranges. _ 4. Those are elephants. _ 5. We are flying kites now. _ 6.Therearemanychildrenintheroom. _ 2 2、冠、冠 词词 冠

14、词是一种虚词,不能独立使用,通常放在名词的前面,分为“不定冠词”和“定 冠词”两种。 1 1、不定冠词:、不定冠词:a、an。用在单数名词前,表示“一个,一件”。 an 用在以元音“音素”开头的单词前。如: an e-mail, an orange, an old man, an hour a 用语辅音音素开头的单词前,如:a book, a pen 2 2、定冠词:、定冠词:the 用在单数或者复数名词前。the 没有具体意思,有时翻译为这、 那。它的基本用法: (1)用来表示特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。如: The map on the wall is new. (2)表示说话者双方都知

15、道的人或事物。如:Look at the picture, please. (3)表示再次提到前面谈过的人或事物。如:This is a stamp. The stamp is beautiful. (4)用在表示世界上独一无二的事物前。 如:the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 (5)用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。如:the Great Wall长城 (6)用在江河、湖海等专有名词前。如:the Changjiang River 长江 (7)此外,序数词、形容词最高级、乐器名称等词前面和一些习惯用语中一 般都用定冠词 the,如:the first day

16、, the best boy, play the piano, in the same class 练一练练一练 1、用 a 或 an 填空。 _ “U” _ ice-cream _ goalkeeper _ teapot _apple _office _English book_umbrella _unit _hour 2、根据需要,填写冠词 a,an 或 the。 (1)Who is _girl behind _tree? (2) _old man has two children, _ son and _daughter. (3)This is _ orange. _ orange is

17、 Lucys. (4)He likes playing _guitar. We have _same hobby. (5)We all had _good time last Sunday. (6)She wants to be_ doctor. 3. 3. 3. 数数 词词 基数词和序数词。基数用于表示数量多少,而基数词用于表示次序,常在日期中 出现。区别:基数词前面没有“the”;序数词前一定要有“the”。 1、超过二十以上的两位数需要在个位和十位之间加上“-”。如:21 twenty-one 2、三位数以上的则需要在百位数后再加上 and。如:101 a/one hundred and

18、 one 3、用基数词来修饰可数名词时,一定别忘了它的复数形式。如:十八个男 孩 eighteen boys 4、用基数词修饰不可数名词时,如是复数,变它的量词为复数。 如:两碗米饭 two bowls of rice 5、序数词一般加“th”,特殊的有:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 以 及二十及二 十以外的整十: twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth “第几十几”: 前面整十不变, 后面“几” 改为序 数词。如:88 eighty-eighth 1、请翻译下列短语。 (1)60 名学生(2)15

19、 本英语书 (3)九杯凉水(4)4 个孩子 (5)12 月 31(6)6 月 2 日 (7)第九周(8)40 年前 (9)(10)第一天 2、把下列基数词改成序数词。 one-tfourteen-tfive- wo-wenty-thi three-nrty-five- eig ine-hty-one- 4. 4.代代 词词 1)指示代词:指示说明近处或远处、上文或下文、以前或现在的人或事物 单数复数含义 This(这个)these(这些)指较近的人或物 That(那个)those(那些)指较远的人或物 注意:注意:打电话时用 this 介绍自己,that 询问对方,如This is Kate

20、speaking. Who is that? 2)人称代词: 1、人称代词分为:第一、第二、第三人称,且有单复数之分。 2、人称代词的主格在句中做主语,一般用在动词前(疑问句除外);宾格在句 中做宾语,多 用于动词、介词后。 3、形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,后面一定要跟名词,表示该名词是属于 谁的。 4、名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。如: This is my bag. = This is mine. That is her ruler. = That is hers. 一般看后面有没有名词,如有,就用形容词性物主代词;如无,就用名词性物 主代词。 请牢记下表: 单数复数 主格I

21、youhesheitweyouthey人称 代词宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem 形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir物主 代词名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs 练一练练一练 1、按要求写出相应人称代词。 I(宾格)_she(形容词性物主代词)_ we(名词性物主代词)_ he(复数)_ us(单数)_theirs(主格)_ its(宾格)_ 2、想一想,把下表补充完整。 人称代词人称代词物主代词物主代词 复数复数 主格主格宾格宾格 单数单数 形容词性形容词性名词性名词性 复数复数 形容词性形容词性名词性名词性

22、 第一人称第一人称 第二人称第二人称 第三人称第三人称 单数单数 主格主格宾格宾格 you he me her it you us them his its our their 3、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1)That is not _ kite. That kite is very small, but _ is very big. ( I ) 2)The dress is _. Give it to _. ( she ) 3)Is this _ watch? ( you ) No, its not _ . ( I ) 4)_ is my brother. _ name is Jack.

23、Look! Those stamps are _. ( he ) 5)_ dresses are red. ( we ) What colour are _? ( you ) 6)Show _ your kite, OK? ( they ) 7)I have a beautiful cat. _name is Mimi. These cakes are _. ( it ) 8)Are these _ tickets? No, _ are not _. _ arent here. ( they ) 9)Shall _ have a look at that classroom? That is

24、_ classroom. ( we ) 10)_ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _is a nurse. ( she ) 11)Where are _? I cant find _. Lets call _ parents. ( they ) 12)Dont touch _. _is not a cat, _ is a tiger! ( it ) 13)_ sister is ill. Please go and see _. ( she ) 14)The girl behind _ is our friend. (she) 五、形容词、副词五、形容词、副词 1

25、、形容词表示某一事物或人的特征,副词表示某一动作的特征。 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 构成方法原级比较级(表示两个人、 最高级(大于 物之间进行比较时), 等于三个人、 由比较级+than 构成物之间进行比 较),由 the+ 形容词或副词 最高级 一般在词尾加-er,esttall, long, oldtaller, longer, oldertallest, longest, oldest 以 e 结尾的词,直接加nice, fine, largenicer, finer, largernicest,finest, -r,estlargest 以辅音y 结尾的

26、词,busy,early,busier, earlier, easierbusiest, 先把 y 改成 i,再加easyearliest, -er,esteasiest 以“辅元辅 ”结构结尾big,hot,red,bigger, hotter, thinnerbiggest, 的词,先双最后一个辅 thinhottest, thinest 音字母,再加-er,est 少数以 -er,-ow 结尾的clever, narrowcleverer, narrowercleavest, 双音节词末尾加-er,estnarrowest 其他双音节词和多音important,more importan

27、t, moremost 节词,在前面加 more,easilyeasilyimportant, mostmost easily 常用的不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最高级: 原级-比较级-最高级 good/well-better-best many-more-most much/many-more-most little-less-least bad/badly/ill-worse-worst old-older/elder-oldest/eldest far-farther, further-farthest, furthest 练一练练一练 1、写出下列形容词、副词的比较级、最高级 bigg

28、avy oodyoung longfat tallolight ldstrong shortthigh hinhefar lowwell earlyfast lateslow 2、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1) I can swim as _ ( fast ) as the fish, I think. 2) Look! His hands are _ ( big ) than mine. 3) I think you do these things_ ( well ) than your classmates. 4) Whose bag is _ ( heavy ), yours o

29、r mine? 5) Does Jim run as _(slow ) as David? Yes, but Mike runs_ ( slow ) than them. 6) You have seven books, but I have _ ( many ) than you. I ha ve ten. 7) I jump _ ( far ) than some of the boys in my class. 8) Im very_ ( thin ), but shes _ ( thin ) than me. 9) It gets _and_ ( warm ) when spring comes here.


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