高一英语 Unit8--8 Lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic导学案 北师大版.doc

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《高一英语 Unit8--8 Lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic导学案 北师大版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语 Unit8--8 Lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic导学案 北师大版.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Advendure(导学案8)Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic寄语:Doing is better than saying.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上.Learning aims:1学习本课新单词并且背会。2 学习课文Journey to the Antarctic,理解文章意思并总结文章大意和词组。3学习并分析文章中1-7自然段中难句。4 学习探险家不畏艰险,直面困难的大无畏精神。Learning important points: 通过学习课文逐步提高同学们的阅读能力。Learning methods: 记忆 阅读 辨析 感悟 总结Lea

2、rning steps:Step1 单词自我检测:先写下汉语,然后再写英语单词,最后对照课本用红笔修改,错误的单词再抄写三遍。(on ones way-aim)(A级)_Step2 短语互译。(A级)1在途中_ 2用完,耗尽_3继续做_ 4损坏,不能运转_ 5为.做准备_ 6开始,进行_ 7漆黑的极地冬夜 _ 8筋疲力尽 _9 the first to do_ 10 make rapid progress _11 have some difficulty/trouble in doing sth _have some difficulty with sth _12 at one time _

3、at a time _Step3 Lead-in.(导入) 思考与讨论。(B级)Do you know who reached the Antarctic first?_Step4阅读课文,判断正误。(True or False)(B级)( )1 Scott and Amundsen started their journeys in the polar spring.( )2 Scotts use of sledges and horses was a success.( )3 Amundsen travelled more quickly than Scott.( )4 When they

4、 got to the Pole,Scotts team had a celebration.( )5 Caption Oates went for a walk and died in a snow storm.( )6 Scotts last letter was to his wife.Step5 课文疑难解析Para1-7(仔细阅读课文1-7自然段)。(B级)1 on ones way ( to) _课文原句再现:_【知识链接】in this way 用这种方法 in the way 挡道in a way 从某种意义上说 in any way 无论如何 in no way绝不,无论如何

5、不 by the way顺便提一下 No way! 没门! all the way一路上,自始自终经典回放-I think he is taking an active part in social work.-I agree with you_.A in a way B on the way C by the way D in the way2 be on _课文原句再现:_The film had already_ _when we arrived.我们到时,电影已经上演了。3 接着漆黑的极地冬夜开始了。翻译:_【导学】这是一个_句。正常的语序应该是:_倒装句分为_和_。全倒装是指_部分倒

6、装是指_。拓展 时间的副词或介词短语放在句首并且主语是名词时,句子要_倒装。Eg :(读一读,记一记)There stands a temple on the top of the mountain.Here are coats for young people.Then ended the meeting.Up and up go the prices. Only by working hard can we succeed.经典回放1) At the foot of the mountain _.A a village lie B lies a village C does a villa

7、ge lie D lying a village2) _you eat the correct foods_be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A Only if;will you B Only if; you will C Unless;will you D Unless; you will4 have sb doing sth 使某人(不停地)做课文原句再现:_Eg: You cant have your child running all the way.拓展 have sb do sth 让某人做某事 have sth done 使某事被做Eg:T

8、he teacher had us_ (retell )the story.We _ _all the things_(prepare).我们已经把一切都准备好了。练一练:-Excuse me,sir,wher is Room301?-Just a minute.Ill have Bob_you to your room.A show B shows C to show D showing5 because of _ make (great/ much/little/no) progress_课文原句再现:_辨析 because of 是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词;而because引导原

9、因状语从句。They went back because of being cold.= They went back_ _ _ clod.练一练:1)Tom is now making_ at school.A muchp rogress B many progressC much progresses D much progresses2)He was highly honored_what he had done for the flooded area.A because B because of C owe to D as a result of6 run out of _Eg: W

10、e have already run out of food. 我们的食物吃完了。【归纳】表示用完、耗尽的短语有:sb run out of sth We have run out of our money. Our money has been run out of.sth run out Our money has run out.sb use sth up We have used our money up.sth be used up Our money has been used up.sth give out Our money has given out.典题印证 What sh

11、all we use for power when all the oil in the world has_?A given out B put out C used up D run out of小结反思:_Unit 8 Advendure检测卡8Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic 日期: 姓名: 层次:一 单词拼写(A级)。1. We are going to invite a N_ as our guide.2. They have made good p_ for the coming examination.3. He is c_ in spite

12、of his illness.4. In the past, studying abroad was a d_ dream for most people.5. I can finish the difficult task w_ five days.6. Whats your n_? Are you from Britain?7. His a_ is to become a great scientist in the future.8. I was s_ when I heard about your accident.二 翻译句子(C级)1. 先是,他的两个摩托雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始应付不了大雪和严寒的天气。_2. 不久他们筋疲力尽,而且随身所带的干粮就要吃光了。_三 单句改错。(C级)1 Out rushed he as soon as he saw the bus coming. _2 After a long trip,the food they took with them was run out. _3 The men were soon exhausting and lay down. _错音与纠正:_- 5 -用心 爱心 专心


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