人教四下 教案 U6-A 第一课时 .docx

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1、Unit 6 ShoppingPart ALets learn & Complete and say【教学目标】1. 能够听、说、认读sunglasses、gloves、scarf、umbrella。2. 能够听懂并会用句型“Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.”来模拟购物。3. 学习Complete and sa并写出适合冷、热不同天气的衣服的单词,运用示范句型“Its hot”. 4.能够根据情景,结合以前学过的内容和本节课新内容,模拟购物。【教学重难点】重点:能够听、说、认读sunglasses、glo

2、ves、scarf、umbrella。难点: 能够听懂并会用句型“Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.”来模拟购物。【课前准备】1. 单词卡片/时间展示图;2. 教学光盘或其他录音机设备;3. 教学课件。【教学过程】Step 1:Warm-up1. 学生三人一组表演Lets talk对话。2. 利用课件展示各种衣物的图片,然后一个学生当售货员,另一名学生当顾客,进行对话,如:S1: Can I help you?S2: Yes. Can I try these on?S1: OK. Here you are.

3、S2: Oh, theyre too big. Step 2: Presentation 1. 创设情境,呈现新知。 T:Well, boys and girls, its a good season to travel. Our friends go to travel now.课件呈现中国地图,注明城市和天气,逐个出示人物头像:John,Mike,Sarah。(1)T: Boys and girls, look, who is he?S: John.T: Yes, its John. Where is John! Let me call him. Hello, John!This is.W

4、here are you now?John: Im in Harbin. Its snowy and cold here.(呈现寒冷的天气和搓手取暖的图片)T: Look, John is so cold. What does he need?教师做出脖子冷的动作,引导学生说出He needs a scarf.教师注意结合语音教学scarf,这里c浊化成g,学生跟读并拼读。用实物操练scarf,并拓展scarf的复数形式scarves。教读句型The scarves are nice. (配上手势好的动作) 教师做出手冷的动作,引导学生说出He needs a pair of gloves.注

5、意强调手套是由两只组成,一般以复数形式出现。实物呈现,并教读句型The gloves are nice. (配上手势好的动作)(2)T: Next, lets see our friend, Mike. Where is Mike? Let me call him. Where are you, Mike?Mike: Oh, Im in Shanghai now. Its sunny and warm in Shanghai. I would like to go fishing.T: (呈现对着火辣太阳眯着眼睛,拿着钓鱼竿的Mike)Mike would like to go fishing

6、. He needs a pair of sunglasses.渗透语音教学,由glasses过渡到sunglasses的读音。教师用自己的眼镜glasses实物呈现到实物sunglasses,并操练sunglasses。(3)(电话铃响)T: Oh, boys and girls, wait a minute. Sarah is calling me. Hello, Sarah, where are you?Sarah: Im in Hong Kong同样方式呈现umbrella。2. Go over the four new words.Game 1: 看口型猜单词。Game 2: Wha

7、ts missing?3. 呈现对话Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.T:John needs a scarf and a pair of gloves. Mike needs a pair of sunglasses. Sarah needs an umbrella. But they dont have any. So they go to the shop. Step 3: Consolidation and extension1. 完成Complete and say。教师示范Its hot, so

8、 I put on my T-shirt.让学生结合图片,模仿句型进行分类整理。2. 教师拿出单词卡片,学生开火车快速说出单词。 Step 4: Homework将所学新单词抄写在四线三格里。【板书设计】Unit 6 ShoppingPart A Lets learn & Complete and saysunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrellaCan I help you?The gloves are nice. Can I try them on?【教学反思】本课时以单词教学为主。教师在教授新单词的过程中,以旅游为话题,创设外出游玩而去购买生活用品的情景,通过电话,创设情境教授单词,让学生带着任务学习。并结合语音教学法、拼读法加深学生对单词音形义的理解。新知识的学习必定要伴有适量的练习。学生说唱并自编新的顺口溜,既起到了巩固新知识的目的,又让学生在紧张之余得到了片刻的放松。设计一些有意义的任务,让学生去运用、实践。在完成任务的过程中帮助学生理解对话,巩固单词,达到运用语言进行交流的目的。关注“小学教师园地”公众号各科最新学习资料陆续推送中快快告诉你身边的小伙伴们吧


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