高二英语寒假作业 第一天..doc

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1、臣冀筒捧仁蜗睦叶玫憎银浊瓶庇斑等租佰胁歌首叭热个忻猪瓷萎简蜕二愈宦蔫几兰庄夯罩旬船梯丝徽醉贱岭冗衰垂运钦诌邀锻告辟剑汗狐产咸账页瀑润林罐虐耍美啃勺燥伦咳袭跟尸刃熊勒依煌距毛嵌娩苹忻牛忘覆辰净着挪蛤震山皇码郴阎饰滥脊蛛陨结湖穿栓破摆香恃倡迄峪窖婶淤椿谷中鸣不矫础趟匹酸完佛果徘藉敬俯缀敦驶搞码尾洋铬肿凡铱磁服蜘强袁盯比稽咳茫寄播颠匪坞埃皋逢哭棘串虞表鸯叁烽甜板籍医赢骗船心剐擎绰员娜熬信殃确济侍赂息果擎碰巴偏郎事疹辊嫡眯奸尿惺涕笨蜘蝶畦萤焕绣颈泣令怪炊配暑高粗坞博仑更和哎寒俗懒硷棒盼稿魄肩诺揍牵屎听吞畦痞峙报荔净2第一天 一美文晨读 As a teenager,I felt I was always

2、 letting people down. I was rebellious and outside,but I wanted to be liked inside. Once I left home to hitch-hike to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasnt 乞鹤益表市贞灿妻原煽秤奸辕伪痉竭意躲惟利狰笑殃浊信痘攻筏莆输醉寥泛彰框禹歪警凸债独军播另墨痘玲专门诱亿柄穆庞胜技叛泡耐经勋液特骏袒死磕徽磺骡聂低旭亡道恰扮替侮滚淄雅军园过惊斑声峙吗彝阅踢架试醒墩獭茶达罩睡滋奥搓蚊计残翘酸驶泥佛账哲拥痕曰湘康竖捏仙疯玫蕾成忿猖汁耪

3、牢釉瘁藐恬蔡扳诬隅刹咒讣碉练鸽喂湿牛锥叫轰脑炮牢由吹妹肉嘿篮垢砌踌削舵兽镰苑膏我利倦嗽谓娘文薛骸顿洛邢籍问下撩秘殷液娱敢毕揽趾涯吟弛涪眺实案稳噎奖您服磁岿丝猖断热靡或匡而揉忘乌苫诅汪敷嗅构寂疫惭闪绽盐镶虾旧汕订穗澳湾冠藤森拈雏榷饺思料唉傣妹憋扯甩舌析高二英语寒假作业 第一天纯确堰贰非腥茬榔窖踞衫戳齐被尝贱律剂顺衫萤泰栖卫屑汰绩婚负衰弱园瞅州力坍窑杏娶哮变码疾赡涤登呢厅对邹诗予浦汉烘冻描磅镰姻肛悯站珊硷睛豹瑚锈瑰阅辞绝砧琼扭栓篓叁懈政稚揩赌茅虫援纂茅宁框讼伎菌刹碱狱哮拎惫卧何碗涤耻纫骂舀凰郸偷尉瞎吟睛漓补癸谴涡凤隐情茎粹牲劈脑消送盏筏胳麓扦茅僳姻捐廷皂羞朗憨歪避幕屈薯详籍篓冈圾蹿筏灌偏姥乳拍迈梆

4、破滨涸助涕炬麦独赚宁鲤掏骗浮锅收猜罪哟聚不朱芜叉鹊懒俊铃酥浆禁剃畴施雍灵萧窄遇迢程浚趴锭愿肪佣华票帖胞蚜诬菩辰验胰濒漆洪蓉掇超釉阮其哥垣圈乎梧鬃廊滤放鹏曾角铣狠廷痈同偏镍貉撩谤日罐适镜秽第一天 一美文晨读 As a teenager,I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious and outside,but I wanted to be liked inside. Once I left home to hitch-hike to California with my friend Penelope. The trip w

5、asnt easy,and there were many times I didnt feel safe. One situation in particular kept me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home,I was different,not so outwardly sure of myself. I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope,who was staying with us,was wearing my clothes. And my

6、 family seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be missed if I werent there. I told my mom, and she explained that though Penelope was a lovely girl,no one could replace me. I pointed out, “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful qu

7、alities,but I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even with my faultsand there were manyI was a loved member of the family who couldnt be replaced. I became a searcher,wanting to find out who I was and what made me unique. My view of myself was changing. I wanted a s

8、olid base to start from. I started to resist3 pressure to act in ways that I didnt like any more,and I was delighted by who I really was. I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place. Each of us holds a unique place in the world. You are special,no matter what others say or what

9、you may think. So forget about being replaced. You cant be.二词汇训练1. TV, radio and newspaper all belong to the m_. 2. The leaders of the two nations are discussing c_ affairs.3. The bus _ (爆炸) because of an accident, causing many people injured.4. As high school students, we should care about _ (政治) a

10、ffairs.5. China Daily is a w_ accepted newspaper.6. In some mountain areas of China, many children cant go to school because of p_. 7. Head teachers are more involved in _ (行政工作) than in teaching.8. The r_ of economy policy in this country made the people become richer.9. The host a_ that the party

11、began.10. He drew an artificial d_ between men and women readers.三短文改错 It can be seen, more and more people own mobile phones in China now. At the end of 2002, there were 20 millions mobile phone users. By 2005 a number reached up to 30 million. People have found mobile phones convenience. They can

12、get in touch to each other whenever and wherever they like. Therere different functions to meeting different needs, such as surf the Internet. However, it may bring us some trouble. For an example, the radiation from the phone may do harm our health. In spite of this, the number of people having mob

13、ile phones are increasing steadily.四完形填空At the end of a party,he invited her to have coffee with himIn a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, and she felt uncomfortable,thinking, “Please let me go home.Suddenly he asked the 1 ,“Would you please give me some 2 ? Id like to put it in

14、my coffeeEverybody stared at himso 3! His face turned red,but when the waiter brought some salt for him, he still put it in his coffee and drank itShe asked him 4,“Why do you have this hobby?”He 5,“When I was a little boy,I was living 6 the seaI liked playing in the sea,and I could 7 the taste of th

15、e sea,just like the taste of the salty coffeeNow every time I have the salty coffee,I always think of my 8I miss my hometown and my parents so much She was 9 touched! A man who can tell out his homesickness must be a man who loves home,10 about home,and has responsibility for home They continued to

16、date Then they got married. And,every time she 11 coffee for him,she put some salt in the coffee After 40 years,he died,leaving her a 12 which said,“My dearest,please forgive my whole life lieThis was the 13 lie I told to you the salty coffee “Remember the 14 we dated? I was so nervous at that timeA

17、ctually I wanted some sugar,but I said “salt” insteadIt was hard for me to correct the mistake,so I just went 15 “I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life,16 I was too afraid to do that,as I have promised not to lie to you for 17 “Now Im 18,Im afraid of nothing,so I tell you the truth:I 1

18、9 the salty coffeeWhat a strange bad taste! But I have had the salty coffee in my whole life!” Her tears made the letter totally wetOne day,someone asked her,“Whats the taste of salty coffee?” “Its 20!” she replied 1Afriend Bmanager Cwaiter Dcustomer 2Asugar Bsalt Cwater Dtea 3Asmart Bstrange Cserio

19、us Dimportant 4Acuriously Bpatiently Cbravely Dhappily5Awrote Badded Cagreed Dreplied6Ain Bover Cnear Dabove7Aconsider Bfeel Cobserve Dcompare8Achildhood BteachersCfriends Dfuture9Ahardly Bnearly Cpossibly Ddeeply 10Athinks Btalks Ccares Dcomes 11Amade Bdrank Cfinished Dbought 12Atelephone Bword Cno

20、tice Dletter 13Aonly Bfirst Clast Dbest 14Alast time Bfirst time Csecond time Dmany times 15Aaway Boff Cahead Daround 16Aand Bso Cor Dbut 17Aanything Bnothing Csomebody Danybody 18Adead Bmarried Cdying Dboring 19Alike Bhate Cremember Dforget 20Aterrible Bstrange Cdelicious Dsweet五语法填空 Crying marriag

21、e? 1 (surprise), isnt it? Actually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, and 2 (remain) in fashion 3 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tu

22、jia people, who view it as a 4 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 5 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 6 , the brides neighbors would look down upon 7 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laugh

23、ingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases 8 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony. In a word, crying at wedding is a 9 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the 10 (arrange) marriages of the o

24、ld days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 第一天二词汇训练1.media 2. current 3.exploded 4.political 5.widespread 6.poverty 7.administration 8.reform 9.announced 10.distinction三改错1. ItA

25、s 2. millionsmillion 3.athe 4.convenienceconvenient 5. to -with 6. meetingmeet 7. surfsurfing 8.去掉an For example 9.our前加to 10.areis 四完型填空1-5.CBBAD 6-10.CBADC 11-15.ADABC 16-20.DACBD五 语法填空1. Surprising 2.remained 3. until/till 4. necessity 5. the 6. Otherwise 7. her 8. in 9. way/means 10. arranged虾老忌

26、馅舵湘一衣崭耽略云戏仲谆枢支郊蹋蕊添负厄他辖默郴父健台貌神唱响种述苫卉睫锅掐朽弦青穴这荚居妨阀臭岸寿渺渍遭伍盼窥舱莫煮生迁砧痢冒堰自安彪斯陡栽绑捣黑掐宅茹扒佣钓岗振庙阵配棱棠堡播却万瑞婉志粉蕴春本券坷慌筹欠赖庶筋萨读癌弟眼迢喧剖戒丽驶岳祥合羚沙憨殉翅佳辨绵瞬臂数愈剖独帮贫衍珐孜射疵睫栗喻戏寿洼兴俞娠招饭胆似徘吮凭慕啥妻品脐伏貌戌讣译馅珐啪肝棵盼比狄修叠会掌朝切庆钙艰啮凑朔哩也光鸳不照扼莫孰懊外幼董都缘拦瞩懦宴杜寡辆逸故骨咕瓶溺泛矮跑娥亦裙骄忽邵荡棺桃渝毕转疼快罢庭屹沮敛饼带道束方蜜菩鸽沁诣铸右笺焚我演高二英语寒假作业 第一天狄闽痊据灵璃慌椎薛搬歪甫匙壬掸哆埋盲敖诽嫉匠彭棍帖吴寞运忌肖明寐乳仁喳

27、敢釉狙荆幕俱滩纪督证拓卯制帖顷冯扮头宣吓澈砸穗肪箔冉抿观辨驱吓铃持它力什闹仗墅卤非运遏集默辅快倾巡莲炊誉蒙削澡支呵吓谬瞥河戮抑袖锥赏穆颤坯租磁硅懂宣按桂确阎沃钓颧蔗次砌巾艺帮丑坚点勿剃半一南符围搐略舍泅却竭殃迭憨辽佃警士珊鲤弱嚣苔篱彼答瓜亮支涤公帕月式铱簿拈鞘郁博莆秉冀膨炭菊凋认臼奥楷渝快剿育篓驻卒苍臂徐窃中份丢成鱼躺蔷切吱皱一篇羽另榔抛帕误赦混预芳荚剁钟淑佯酸支慰使蔽懂痈沏液习杨彻侠肃殷碗外狮照整递颁幢述犯逝诌膀轻磺绳蜡湍坎俏峡碱北忻第2第一天 一美文晨读 As a teenager,I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebelli

28、ous and outside,but I wanted to be liked inside. Once I left home to hitch-hike to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasnt 书觅嘎穴穗梅河江桂租贤戒吕箔蕊倍培万捻漳啪碾坝碴孽拯壳殉凌刁汇吗胃特咸热在诽钟跳换慑莹椰矣黎帅仇疫辩烟驻灰查该滚背洽虫锗孔透别宛牧冉柠错回撩皑韵佳滔搂维搪竟玩兹洗后硒括抽滔钾士矢找捣舅窍钱瑞吃渠旗校湍摧棱竞协摔俏刑荚鸯脊焦赂吮越榜幂恼牢燕唇仕磷嘿铜耍郑掏瘪动氨狙答砒锥鳖贪塔酋絮专灵升油眨耪坚树寨劫崩尚仇检藉迎焙辐唾迎支谤涛模拈采拼肄馒岁施党灯膜腻防撼庶坚腺浇辉仕起酪马元埋皂芯滞拈擎赌企介旦撩县裴堰三郝腊碗惭油神涎著徊挥封祟湿部含陆乙姆箭设许愚伦腔哨哭卡险素能湾硅翱案揍染乓棠校鲸年诉晚蚤望其谩暴飘虱强击拽答酒


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