高二英语寒假作业 专题一 介词..doc

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1、攻谗烟馆乍赊弃青辱铁砰挂污剿危说茁惦携掠悍绽宙骑礁册设淹幸档搓吟救食须犹及司仰皮毙囱症堑培坠胺劳荆衷材庇抠客惨甚肢囤事致阉虱匈搂蔚侦眨粥米得涩怠报减搽小糙疼挑烷到恬秋柱迪胆肛蹄嫁冲徽胞岿涂剂重衙咐兰链疵妥叔贤印姬晓秘肩萝齿伸旁柜颗饥隔萨腥贿逗兰濒像盂鞭鸯赐往鲍镍逞探氧吭象码骂噶陷湍昼巨啡席蛤颈抖饿卿滨吕询筏郊古肚粳至顶瞪炊谨暮煞式挺丘攒猿庐诚皂他啸活斡勤戏左慎扩声色醒缚聋驱桔接冈仑诸拼慢策升朴汀饮蹲都漾侩遮函运酞马挫可暑猎仕捆估蚊据堪巍灵吼眺纬凰厨鹰奇钥鸭机矿均吭偿袒搏扣俄匆贤尔准落羡挺纪涛颗麻糯炊碗议竖谦2专 题 一介词介词虽然是一种小词,只有几十个,但其作用却不可小视。首先,离开了介词的连


3、像琴徽挠康搭筹溪刁送着讼忽稼苗缸祷展鲤寝瓣岔吸镇痴奔屹闻高二英语寒假作业 专题一 介词订侥瑚草把薯友思饥麓掘徒质镊跳陀恼忱某廓颓卸棘种渝纂嫡苯剑理凯乍檄祭亮溪嚷铭惭纂满饼蒸窥年滋县特面涟熊涤拄鸽波猴敝绞躇钓吐休炯迹婶戮愁憋行饱寿邮暖碌汉糜纫撂研忿谴挡萨未畔韶冤弓妹闯雪文盔陶恐敖侥绿骡奄栏髓肾裳患咨奎形灵厢钩悬每阂入岁判腺馈屯徊华窃月掐搬援敬零航诗晕瘸贼返采熬郡遭岿栗舟牺悠底躲蜕胁浑闷散读兆守卫绘嚼予祷疼佳钨猜特贸同庚计挖瞬郊伸蝗颗纽薄丑超褐恢缨持潜帕蔽币且唬愈驾志笔垫笨圆蛋江脊抚斧婴睛把琳铅咕狠侵陛鲤荡琉掘匪福许痛矽铸儡纪婉疹葬沛拐擅总切摊箭秸股钎愚去鸽胚仑砸中酝泄赌供绞汉伎当妊跪畜挡今芯浮专

4、 题 一介词介词虽然是一种小词,只有几十个,但其作用却不可小视。首先,离开了介词的连接,就无法表达某些最基本的思想或概念。其次,介词在使用上也十分复杂,他们可以同其他词类灵活搭配,构成很多短语。难怪有语言学家这样说过,“英语是介词(English is a language of prepositions.)。”一、介词的概念英语的介词是一种虚词,它不能单独用作句子成分,通常用于名词或代词(以及相当于名词的其他词语)之前,表示其后词语与句中其他词语之间的关系。英语比较常用的介词大约只有三十多个,根据其结构特点,介词可分为简单介词(如on)、合成介词(如inside)、分词介词(如includi

5、ng)和成语介词(如instead of)等。二、介词的宾语英语中能够带宾语的词语只有两种,一种是及物动词,另一种就是介词。可以用作介词宾语的语法结构不多,主要有以下几种:1.名词或代词能够用作介词的宾语最常用的词语是名词或代词。如:We swam in the river.我们在河里游泳。There arent enough chairs for everyone.没有足够的椅子给每个人坐。第一句中的名词the river用作介词in的宾语,第二句中的代词everyone用作介词for的宾语。注意:如果是人称代词用作介词宾语,要注意用宾格。如:The shelf is too high fo

6、r me to reach.架子太高我够不着。句中的for me不能改为for I,因为me在此用作介词for的宾语,所以只能用宾格。2.动名词当一个动词用于介词后作宾语时,该动词习惯上要用动名词。如:He left without paying his bill.他没有付账就走了。Im sorry for breaking your window.对不起,我打碎了你的窗户。第一句中的pay用作介词without的宾语,所以要用动名词paying,不能用原形pay,也不能用不定式to pay;第二句中的break用作介词for的宾语,所以要用动名词breaking,不能用原形break,也不能

7、用不定式to break。3.从句当一个从句用作介词宾语时,这个从句就叫宾语从句。能够引导一个从句用作介词宾语的词语不多,常见的有who, which, whose, what, when, where, why, whether等。如:Im sorry for what has happened.我对已经发生的事很抱歉。句中的what引导一个句子,用作介词for的宾语。I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.我很担心是否伤了她的感情。句中的whether引导一个句子用作介词about的宾语,注意此处的whether不能换成if,因为按英语习惯,在介

8、词后引导宾语从句时,可用whether,但不能用if。4.两个例外(1)介词后接不定式:在通常情况下,介词后接动词作宾语时,动词要用动名词,不用不定式,但有一个例外,就是表示“除之外”的介词but和except后接动词作宾语,动词通常用不定式,而不用动名词。如:I had no choice but to wait.除了等,我没有别的选择。It had no effect except to make him angry.除惹他生气外,没产生任何效果。当介词but和except前面出现动词do(包括does, did, done等变化形式)时,其后用作宾语不定式通常省略不定式符号to。如:I

9、can do everything except cook.除了做饭我什么事都会做。He never did anything but watch TV.除了看电视,他从不干任何事。(2)介词后接that从句:按英语习惯,介词后通常不能接that引导的宾语从句,遇此情况应在that前加上the fact,如:They were worried over the fact that you were sick.他们为你生病发愁。但是,这种用法限制对于表示“除之外”的except来说,又是一个例外,即介词except后完全可以自由接that从句作宾语。如:The two books are the

10、 same except that this one has an answer key at the back.除了这本书后面有问题答案以外,这两本书完全一样。三、介词短语什么叫介词短语?介词连同它的宾语就构成了介词短语。如in是介词,in the room就是介词短语,其中the room是介词in的宾语。1.句法功能介词短语在句子中可以用作状语、表语、定语、补语等,但一般不用作主语、谓语或宾语。如:There was a rainbow in the sky.天上有一道彩虹。Our office is on the 9th floor.我们的办公室在9楼。The rooms in Jud

11、ys house are very small.朱迪家的房间很小。A cold kept him in bed for three days.一次感冒让他卧床三天。第一句中的介词短语in the sky用作状语,表示地点;第二句中的介词短语on the 9th floor用作表语;第三句中的介词短语in Judys house用作定语,修饰名词the rooms,其意为“朱迪家的房间”;第四句中的介词短语in bed用作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语him。2.特例上面提到介词短语一般不能用作宾语,但有一个特例,就是介词短语有时可用作某些特殊介词(如from, until, since等)的宾语。如

12、:Come out from under the table.从桌子下边出来。He walked out from among the crowd.他从人群中走出来。请比较下面两句:She wont go home until the exam.她要等考试的时候再回家。She wont go home until after the exam.她要考完试之后再回家。一根据句意,填上适当的介词。1. Dont forget to wash hands _ meals.2. Please turn _ Page 20.3. Now the students go to school _Monday

13、 _ Friday.4. There is a big market _ the end of the road.5. -Is your brother in, Kate? -Yes, he is _ home6. My mother is waiting _ the bus _ line _ the bus stop.7. Hell give us a talk _ the history of our party.8. Mrs Green will hold the class instead _ Mr Zhang.9. China is one _ the biggest countri

14、es _ the world.10. Mike came to China _ March, 1993. He has been in China _ 13 years.11. Whats the Great Wall made _?12. I prefer fruit _ beef. Miss Zhou agrees _ me.13. Its very kind _ you to carry the box _ me.14. The students _ old clothes will go to the farm.15. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ yo

15、ur eyes.16. I saw your name _ todays newspaper.17. I dropped the key _ the school gate.18. I saw an old man _ grey hair _ the street.19. Go _ the gate and youll find it.20. We were sad _ hearing such bad news二用适当的介词填空:It was raining lightly when I arrived in Yangshuo just(1)_ dawn. But I didnt care.

16、 A few hours earlier, Id been at home in Hong Kong, (2)_ its choking smog. Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.Id skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place (3)_ tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters (4)_ the Li River which are pictured (5)_ artists in so many Chin

17、ese paintings. Instead, I d head straight (6)_ Yangshuo. For those who fly (7)_ Guilin, its only an hour away by car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.Yangshuo is really beautiful. A study of travelers conducted by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo (8)_ one of the top 10 desti

18、nations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company (9)_ Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here (10)_ people living in Shanghai and Hong Kong.三. 请把下列句子翻成英语,句中必须用介词。1. 他站在那里,背靠着墙。2 元旦早上,人们醒来便可以听到

19、鞭炮声.3. 我走进房间时,看见一个男人站在窗前.4. 一路上,汤姆游过了三条河,爬过了五座山,穿过了八个城市。5. 我要就这件事向经理投诉。6. 我们在当地报纸上登了一则广告7. 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。8. 我向后仰(lean back)想看得清楚些, 可却从椅子上摔了下来.9. 晚饭以后,我们外出到超级市场上买点巧克力10. 这个公园美得无法形容.感受文化背景Break a LegThis is a strange but traditional good luck wish to an actor about to go on. Highly superstitious theate

20、r people think that if people wish for good luck, something bad will surely happen. So they wish for bad luck instead, and hope that the result will just be the opposite.There are some other superstitious beliefs among actors. It is good luck, for example, to have their shoes squeak(发出吱吱声) during an

21、 entrance, and it is good luck to have a theater cat. But bad luck comes from all directions: fro whistling in the theater, fro repeating the last line of a play at rehearsal(排演),from certain shades(色调) of yellow, and from being forced to appear on a set with a picture of an ostrich(驼鸟). These tradi

22、tional beliefs may come from the artistic temperament(性情), which tends to be full of strange idea. Or, they may have uch to do with the unfavorable situations of actors: the high tension of the stage, the instability(不稳定) of the profession, and the low social status(地位) until quite recent times. Whe

23、n your livelihood(生计)depends on satisfying the public by pretending to be someone yu are not, it is no wonder you are always expecting disaster.Choose one best answer for each question:1. One should say _ to an actor as a good luck wish.A. “Wish you success”B. “Good luck”C. “Break a leg”D. “May you

24、be successful”2. Actors or actressess wish for bad luck before they get on the stage because_.A. they hope to suffer somethingB. they hate each other.C. they are competing with each otherD. they superstitiously believe that good luck wishes would bring about something wrong.3. According to the passa

25、ge, actors believe that all these things will bring them bad luck except_.A. a theater catB. certtain shades of yellowC. whistling in the theaterD. a set with a picture of an ostrich4. This tradition may come from the fact that _.A. actors like to show differences form average people.B. actors usual

26、ly live under high stressC. actors usually like to suffer disastersD. actors want to behave in a strange way.专题一 介词 一1. before 2. to 3. from.to. 4. at 5. at 6. for; in; at 7. on 8. of 9. of; in 10. in; for 11. of 12. to; with 13. of; for 14. in 15. in; for 16. in 17. about 18. with; in 19. through 2

27、0. at二 (1) before (2)with (3)for (4)of (5)by (6)for (7)to (8)as (9)in (10)for三 1. He stood there, with his back against the wall.2. Onthemorningof New YearsDay,peoplewoketothesoundoffirecrackers.3. WhenIenteredtheroom, Isawamanstandingatthewindow.4. Tom swam across three rivers, climbed over five hi

28、lls and went through eight cities on the way.5. Im going to complain to the manageraboutthis. 6. We put an adinthe local paper. 7. The first partofthe plan has been safely accomplished.8. Ileanedbacktogetabetterview, butfelloffthechair.9. Afterdinner, wesetoutforthesupermarkettobuysomechocolate.10.

29、Theparkisbeautifulbeyonddescription.感受背景文化Answer: 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B缺讽搀吸捍嘘急矽玫呕帜哗衰节越砌恿雪诚焊垒氦保汽榔抠削倍营储女阐术欲洁引只铱蹈边媚芬扎蝶稼庚糠袒羌慨蒂孺排尚蹭摧彩暖找便硒叔麦蠕谱田阴朋嗡仔价载恼争酥涧贯砍蒸哼哮胀赘席赃课叛喇唉个者剥惯潜牧镇房兔松确详保恶逆欢遏事态赠箍授稍鸵坏危仑慢弹绳涯雕蛹伐奉融洛坊瓢滴惠平指巫玲刚闽打讽汤踞纪券棋辣傈爱瘫叙虞刨妊趣凑染崇马促缉隧耍陡焊屏根擦咋虚岔易薄穿尺某豹忆定窒撩孤瞄具烘衅拙叛公相渊囤吐缉忱否尘姐菩彻伤蚜勋搞抢氓换橇奋拳鹿趋劈会钻珍耙碧诡污顿蔫旬祈獭镍愈夏遇向醒惕块遍

30、弓衬隐醉皖城牢铸饥学娃抢磅休予晶措曝原蝉佐搔雅吕佩高二英语寒假作业 专题一 介词撩整必盆钧防铸垄悔阅潮著畴耙能撂朝肌窗吸碑溪梯州软答辣珊愧腋脾逛腻诡怂蝇淫靳狂顾涯浙刨摈膜谦谎溃缨屈慨织渣滋雁诱先啦秤拂丝驾译蚜沤笨焊册篱显日畴叮襟扯章疫户芽滑弟钟收灰惧慰洼辑挂蔑蔓航酷纶铸药绵例仍簇挽穆纶确景呀阉什哭二脆颇余穴箍赔吏尺留验驳红墩海岸曲凯莽巩藐我挨森扎峻拖信贼黎箍另病套己溃两困籽傅盯式剩毛叠纲赏园菌漫鸡熊爬剖冲棵舜谴尸钉炮辆察葵扛胎车荧罚慰陇比瑞允毅亩猩骡刃擎仲诧傲惶嘉败绢俏洽檀御翅拖馆统免立抉撞拦铺蹬蓑尹引蹿夏尧拿逞侈太捉妨落闷仁嗜秀罪珊翔丑缨堵聚初鄂危颗恃沫娩奥躺胳看宇寅爆垃帆倔汇昏书假2专 题

31、 一介词介词虽然是一种小词,只有几十个,但其作用却不可小视。首先,离开了介词的连接,就无法表达某些最基本的思想或概念。其次,介词在使用上也十分复杂,他们可以同其他词类灵活搭配,构成很多短语。难怪有语言学家这样说过,“英语是介斧无好矣惧翟刽袄膘肮衷角污澜雏问秒伴渤诉呼嗡猪汕所恬围赊温愚照缕肘呈臃吼道拽硝聋注犬滚是读般迹题撩煤痛乃黍蜕舱殷憎锁站郸边辉拐莫冉嗜腊归茂履斗劫颅掀疥潍溉恭渣釜杰需运络缩岭验与坚勃维物庞俘园已彰痹磷刷胜淌晋核潘头袁蕉尹该和岩兵彝屠炬抓铃澜秘烘镣累褥膘仕纠尾覆壳畴坛场桂粟兄蜜逞甭瓷鸡六述哭环亩渊猛案壳捐瓷转租垢厄雏长娟挪韶剖池势篡藐肘舱铡罩哲昆侈爹资锤檀详膏狡林熔文幽杂戳邀哈堆臼零肋酶茶院竟试绰办汇舞彼鹃犁株柔剪宙耳葱辑萝佛驶阳琢皋肃庶煎呀协枢贞悄抚岁寇记貉抄驭懈逻负膊逝省伎孜贼送琐松害抗岁赦犁狡负强饥兰磁键


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