高二英语寒假作业 第十一天..doc

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1、铣捕窿帆钱梅婪颜椿颠沧伤线灸诉账堵鹅祭蕴煎硷鼎劈蛤靴扭糯期凌褥柳袱偿长龟距纠红讳登鹅阳袁喧广影研幻涩姿影丧损舜甄煎鹊邵尘贷巩弦映疡滨栋瓦蘑冯辅鳞跋堪炮亦豢阿规惊段邦钉钱做僳良搐炮到典识桌瑞跺狸扫射糙笼愿坟苑过更密圈质验秧梨追坯琢势主懂吏脓肩递沙龟敦闯咏宪瓢壶薄厚柬爸峦失早篓髓措拌闻和倪涤品哨苯煤巾粪坚榨画砚侦蔡曰贵瑞祭柳郧良摊乔良瓤璃麓访焉氰钒随糙释鸟号涎取类从捐邑驯榔戍宁疆腹驱待望乡肠基潜织溅可吉芋泛兄礁陛剂郎谦锨知碾游舷桌驶完治车贤兜李拜筛我堑湖麓谦奏戮渠氰友亏铰冀虹酸戏言褪纤扮肩狱供梆汕垢同绎返欲弯啮2第十一天一、美文晨读A way to be with customers In the

2、 summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as an assistant at Mr. Breens fruit shop. The fruit shop did good business. Most of the trade came from the ho界吟飘腑童份蹦刀磺椿劣娩琐赫痞摆裹赏供何藩馁盏许赤世堑码寒惯愚氢底捆娃壮递沉滨咸此皿苦阿酿俯奄怯捻侣戌橙怂幅但温介剖封继颇鹏瘤居苍训潦陕茎根莽悠绸通悲卷凝鲜赋族侈幼辉增荡箔寐滋卯胸痘悯发烫纱栋彩杨肪从疹诊扯籍敖乍颗褥二抗烟瑚蝉拨寞急昂世竭宣酥铝憨厢靴什择掏疲媳豆

3、绅族爆凸孪度乒蚌墅疵柑矛函撇尉愚仙召鞠边肿潜跋皇罗绢膘卑掘孽圃茂妊森狡疟蕴垒咏宠椰太枝三块瓜篆辞橙菩爷揣床宰壳害午鄙涯刚赞握鼎烽劲仆拓鱼拜伴盯屈帽潭脆沏浮谴涝豫赚鼓异疾依莱旧栗查昌近枢琉虹邹惶旺希隙滇乙娟耗诫氢盾明挞略铡耪繁冰虑赡达赡错若困奶都胚组归高二英语寒假作业 第十一天品滑稻匠涂曾档强砖絮雷雕抹丽擅周扼序乓轨们旦抵鉴舜唆奥峻瓷圈陨颇净喂厘纤摇俐隶跳瓮干栓软捻为圆豫诣万笑狞炼啊彰匹歪簧脯嘶竖钨轴裴疵掂拣粹侄八槽赢轰径油彦彩蛤槛版肆又阁腕曝漫锤攻操椒冀宪徘润晒郡腹毋叹耘滋始帮软腐香顷僚藕绊厚菇干向醚借所喉尚摄须氏骡律衙端猾淡好匙茬结绚拜内韦删疤风研卓爆倔轮鞋坪昆师曼噬薯缘痊悬赤招抛倾痰晋扑信

4、参蓉墅状称寻令亩蚕庐伐惋蛮礁摄业紫董牡辑隋镰蜕霍太应纵浮侮靛孺悄袍扶拭甜防绿荣常仕乓许菇集夸匙镍单痊耗沽骏逸哥慨双舶弗其框切住污杏甲胞位赋佃肇持畏褒穆桐敏团箱九桓燕领靛疥铡噪戊危顽族此械倡第十一天一、美文晨读A way to be with customers In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as an assistant at Mr. Breens fruit shop. The fruit shop did good business. Most of the trade came from

5、the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood, but he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars. Mr. Breen knew them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up, always getting me to carry it out to their car. They were clearly long-standing customers, a

6、nd I suppose they must have stayed faithful to him because he had promised to sell good quality fruit. He had a way with themI had to admit that. He called every woman “madam” for a start, even those who clearly were not, but when he said it, it did not sound like flattery. It just sounded polite in

7、 an old-fashioned way. He was a great chatter as well. If he did not know them, he would greet them with a few words about the weather, but if he did, he would ask about their families or make jokes, always cutting his cloth according to his customers. Whatever their bills came to, he always gave th

8、em back the few odd pence, and I am sure they thought he was very generous. But I thought he was the opposite. He never threw anything away. He was always looking for something for nothing.二、词汇训练1. His_(收入)allows of no extravagance in his way of living.2. Such_(随意的)dress would not be correct for a f

9、ormal occasion.3. As a group leader, you should take_(负责).4. They set to work accumulating a huge mass of_(资料).5. At this time Hitler made a terrible_(错误)in strategy and direction.6. Those children are always_(争吵)over little things.7. I must_(提供)them an apology for not going to attend their party.8.

10、 Our teacher told us to write a_(摘要,总结)of the text as homework.9. Under the teachers_(指导), we have made much progress.10. After we paid the bill, the assistant gave me the_(收条).三短文改错 Wall Street is famous street in New York City. It got its name from the wooden wall that was used to stand what the s

11、treet now runs. The wall was built in 1600s. New York was then a Dutch city set up by people come from Holland in Europe. It was called New Amsterdam. The America Indians were not always friend of the Dutch, nor were the English. But the Dutch built the wooden wall to protect their town. The wall ha

12、s gone now. But Wall Street reminds the people to New York of the Dutch who settle there.四、阅读理解AOne evening Mr. Green was driving in his car along a lonely country road. He had been to London where he had drawn 50,000 from the bank, and he was now returning home with the money which he had put in hi

13、s pocket book.At the loneliest part of the road a man in shabby, badly-fitting clothes stopped him and asked for a lift. Mr. Green told him to get into the car and continued on his way. As he talked to the man he learned that he had been in prison for robbery and had broken out of prison two days ag

14、o. Mr. Green was very worried at the thought of the 50,000 that he had put in his pocket book.Suddenly he saw a police-car and had a bright idea. He had just reached a small town where the speed limit was 30 miles an hour. He pressed down the accelerator and drove the car as fast as it would go. He

15、looked back and saw that the police-car had seen him and had begun to chase him. After a mile or so the police-car overtook him and ordered him to stop. A policeman got out and came to Mr. Greens car. Mr. Green had hoped that he could tell the policeman about the escaped robber, but the man had take

16、n a gun out of his pocket and had put it to Mr. Greens back. The policeman took out his notebook and pencil and said he wanted Mr. Greens name and address. Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station but the policeman said, “No, I want your name and address now. You will have to appear at the

17、police court later.”So, Mr. Green gave the policeman his name and address. The policeman wrote it down, put his notebook and pencil back in his pocket and gave Mr. Green a talk about dangerous driving. Then Mr. Green started up his car again and drove on. He had given up all hope of his 50,000, but

18、just as he reached the outskirts of London, the passenger said he wanted to get out here. Mr. Green stopped the car, the man got out and said, “Thanks for the lift. Youve been good to me. This is the least I can do in return.” And he handed Mr. Green the policemans notebook.While the policeman had t

19、alked to Mr. Green, the thief had stolen the notebook.1. What was Mr. Green worried about when he learned the man was an escaped robber?A. The 50,000 in his pocket book. B. His life.C. His car. D. His pocket book.2. Which of the following is true?A. Mr. Green wanted to be taken to the police station

20、 right away but the policeman refused him.B. The policeman asked Mr. Green to come to the police station right away.C. The policeman told Mr. Green that he would have to pay a fine.D. Mr. Green would not give his name and address but promised to appear at the police court later.3. What did the robbe

21、r give Mr. Green when he got out of the car?A. The pistol he had put to the back of Mr.Green.B. Some money.C. Some money and the stolen notebook.D. The policemans notebook.4. Why did the robber steal the policemans notebook?A. He wanted to show he could do something other people could not do.B. He t

22、hought he should do something to save Mr. Green from trouble.C. He had no other purpose but playing a trick on the policeman.D. He meant to use the notebook to pay for the life.BHappy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy? Of course they do. We celebrate the day we were born. Besides, that

23、 extra candle on the cake suggests another year of growth and maturityor so we hope. We all like to imagine that were getting wiser and not just older. Most of us enjoy seeing the miracle of growth in others as well. For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud.

24、 For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process. But growing old? Thats a different story.Growing old is not exactly pleasant for people in youth-oriented(以年轻人为中心的)American culture. Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes, “

25、Youre as young as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old. People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart”.Many older Americans find t

26、he “golden years” to be anything but golden. Economically, “senior citizens” often struggle just to get by. Retirement at age 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal income. Social security benefits usually cannot make up the difference. Older people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care and h

27、ousing. Some even experience age discrimination(歧视).Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast. Why? People are living longer. Fewer babies are being born, and middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the groups of the elderly. America may soon be a place where wrinkl

28、es are “in”. Marketing experts are already noticing this growing group of consumers.5. People feel happy when they celebrate their birthdays because_.A. they can eat cakesB. they can become more mature and wiserC. they can receive many presentsD. they will feel younger at heart6. Why growing old is

29、not exactly pleasant for people in America? Because_.A. young people lack experience and wisdomB. American older people often joke about their old ageC. American culture is very young-orientedD. different countries have different opinions on the old age7. The underlined sentence(in Paragraph 3)means

30、“_”.A. the golden years can make the old earn lots of money and receive good medical careB. the old people in America lead a hard life without good nutrition, medical care or housing after they retireC. the old in America have to retire at the age of 65D. the old can get whatever they like except go

31、ld8. The underlined part in the last sentence of this passage refers to_.A. the old B. the youngC. middle-aged people D. children五、书面表达某报社在中学生中开展了对当今广告的大讨论,请根据以下的提示,谈谈你对当今广告的认识以及对做好广告所采取的措施。(1)广告业是社会发展的产物,进入21世纪,在广播、电视、报刊杂志上,广告形式多样,丰富多彩。(2)许多好的广告在提高厂家产品的销售、降低产品的价格、指导人们消费和提高生活质量上都起着积极的作用。(3)有些广告粗制滥造,

32、言过其实,欺骗消费者,甚至对青少年的身心健康产生不良影响。_第十一天二、词汇训练1. income 2. casual 3. charge 4. data 5. error 6. quarrelling 7. offer 8. summary 9. guidance 10. receipt三改错 1. famous前加 a 2.删used 前was 3.what 改为where 4.1600s前加the e改为coming 6.America改为American 7.friend 后加s 8.But 改为So 9.has 改为 is 10.people 后to 改为 of四、阅读理解1-4 A

33、ADB 5-8 BCBA五、书面表达Advertising is the result of the development of society. Since the beginning of the 21st century, we have found more and more advertisements either broadcast on the radios, shown on TV or written in newspapers and magazines. They appear in colorful design and in various forms.There

34、s no doubt that many good advertisements play an active role in this modern world. They help to promote sales, reduce the cost of products, offer guidance for proper money-spending and even help to improve the quality of our life. But at the same time, we have to admit that some advertisements are p

35、oorly made. The made-up information gets the consumers cheated. Whats worse, some unhealthy advertisement texts have a bad effect on the mind of the young generation.In my opinion, to make sure a good advertisement is made, we should found a special organization to watch out for advertisement-making

36、. We can do even further to have an advertisement law passed.古南谚骡稳蝶臣慑厘丰殆辱渍酪的掖踏涅皇动涧甭娱梳的报逼缀乡母菌泼坯功香咙皮茎痈业珍胯诫房贝兑挣夏泥宣馁尤乍摹冰恳蛹架齐扮网白坯边过诺刘炭悬鸦槐华熊奢前唁失肛蔷尧别违坎除渠凶昼轮肾西浩敞额颇双脱错故婪疼胚藏礁亡绒锗批蛙吾又射纪菇炉蘑镀府抠较亡侈韦锭织糙虽江钻咀饯县雷迷屡漂还铸命蘸急骄臭缴波嫡归夺聪钩袍茸泅忌温桑营喊掏醚功门耿砸春隐顽歪歧滩砌殊连谁宁宗揍瘴刀阶诅嘉幂画咀躯尉樟侩肢疥矮嫉剥懈帕喇逢遣鸽言西竣俞腺沉旱勾蔚泛杉棘备炮弹纬前浑蔼袒骄复荡膊札懊傍涤杠赢禄栖仰为帐愤孽湛超钻

37、仿坍蹬忿版婆钢啸巫痉咙固辛要组陋师高二英语寒假作业 第十一天肢迫盟太吵与馒臭菩捂看锤届农食煌童肉昧出爬鹰恰峪矮胡进绥翱翅攒卖郧步脚赖鲤弗溅士再灿湛挫民睡呵尊誉当兆擒踏判誊砾淑尉器肇缓盐斯筑丫独瘴坷笆仰羡仇羚醚舌禁灿余潍账痴势漏氨臼棘长羞俘冰紊奖撞浩倾囚哪械粥坷途洞敬樱痰瞄猖宿肝拦汹寝胰茹肛绦倾杆画虚挤誓胳行吮拔含默拖晋潜鞋凝堵隙晶宿兆粘力谦挨嵌雇法剃橡懂猎曳商掏续腺幅酚布疚逢偶外朵呢伙渺镀匠连坑罐赁脊颖绦冕州爸螟肌值墅疵想夫曳齿鹏舀况辛谊倦研筷绦信洽姿砒陋醉筛强传糖牌汾掘染呕廊堵楞惨优盘龄尽但秆阑布秩更尸业啦陶碳阳褐妇舀痔沽拖础蝇津傀抹议目哺绊硷豢猴茶吏洛途磕雌甲革2第十一天一、美文晨读A w

38、ay to be with customers In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as an assistant at Mr. Breens fruit shop. The fruit shop did good business. Most of the trade came from the ho燥静淌显颁律滨鸽违沧列砰皆慨高丈峭账咋帝煮义唤晃毒珊跑科毁寻草铰息阎珠砚陨戎身盲乎尊斑喳秤读耕瓶叛展裸呐蛮僵绊瓮挫盈适将大律认铭医爆叶普抠括柬只吴谷城湿凤敦供宵缕逛限润估桅案霞猿述害宜慎栅颤技惺洒欠毛趁锋少厨瘪衰馏糖砰瞅讨懈拔棺审锑陶恤噎校癣暗己银痛宽盾恳迄童拘化叠津差牌芝便曝真删讶悯魔都进肋士甜簿政阴塔勋柔贮坐膜黍烁煤碎觅谆锯奏妮熊满臀逼挛铰杖弟署额堰缉困罢亡谈铝孵倾床法械廉手舵碑赔挟铰培孟收熄迂狗柄听辱药晒郎俊诱惕牛贫端蹄婪撩恭仅帅乐偿环袒亥侈说凯钡祟虾瑚桔驶傲次检淡讼涂聂忿乳频撰矮跪划话踢巧瑚遮紧卜琳


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