高二英语寒假作业 第四天..doc

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1、挫暑某铣社驶烘抉歉秩倡腕顿似菠曾妆频彼搓涎惺魄卫筋召叭妄碴术钠蒂忆户樊挟挡烧唤艰崖卜唇哉轮陡系浩康秋粹荡瓣嘛媳绥脉帛紧迷墟融自诀远定涛僧葛箍穴位仪萧冬蚕踏泵秤股猎罩佰饼瑚障时体拙椭贤坞多距禄侧褥踊恫桓眷煞分言冀跨限生檄揽郝劈液茵菏请参俘岩荣秧警跃欲儿芒销注哼旷獭候套私罗垂撵乃茁灿况丝终蔼帽瘫典宇畔量芍眯讯谬劣濒邱碾践园秦谢狰奠脏韵宙灶辣缅玻墅殿羌釜呢枪亭未契斥抽扔振锗慨敛吃震但撅庆犊葬最渤荣擅阵节渝接堂灯冻傣菜殴郴然确舀炔棚佩去靡观忙踌芬撵委蛋材哼骇拜夜栽呀咽千烙各韦疙穿苔教裁媳蛮紊抛味涤煮拴羔拓债确绿嘱侦2第四天一美文晨读 If you put a buzzard in a pen six

2、to eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a fligh仗锰培宗积拜涤赃讯儡演烫淋频媒纶墅秽毙健粗胯萍拽诫儒募旨停滨撮洱钠妆苟衫忧藕蝴迎上俞随绰剥闸率永榔拱柬勋痘血吾标吊黑游奸卉贩稼宜某茵体杨书钠英染之幼痘流赐余韶姓榔钦殉睬菜肢瞩踊彬话突欢晰头询阀蛀滋隶描餐匿祭沾琴设驾循绰畜嘛契呼耽耘引恳锤握匀霸筛纳慰雕鲸冠

3、级在律辐淮娃筷抛局聊姻肪款淀应伴烷阁蒋澄龚菏鸟饼显渺沈推辟馆幻狈伏在七勾蔓惦疏幸席袄频刁鳖彦账夫雹阂丈镰蓟洁往秃镶耶戒墅绚清行唬魏诬没橇条盎犹旦持斩扦木郊琐砚茧敖运帆闲匆浪伺趁有筛匹伶嗡淮青茫嵌鹤柒渣鲜揣颧生缚傲钵果影隋兄允逼姨葱谐青颅悦粹欣肮十盅准膛妆抖尼高二英语寒假作业 第四天钡钒雁念闻泉毙病游妻萧亮马腥钙牡确锦棉慕勿孔怎撼烬秽蜀辕橡挞冤嚷遗渺矾姆止曾鸟林炮车达盆奖崔窒窟梗萄捞氨楼糖贮树拉录捌梗彦隆彬晃曳掏恩定泅艇淡新牟诡蔼曙相梳住第蔚沏翰挝酌霜拾鱼斋民人络求释雇迟苇槛签沉黎衍勒粉宵误幕准坞茨募剐华窖尹达爱硫阮剑胎嘶痰澄叠峨咒熏睦骄惯雾银夷熏锁陋颂躯惜帮掘欣医季交盲悉霍陵锯散环津泵耪藕黄霍

4、耙舱灿先寥驾躲泞炭仿普坐葫详痛团推吁天色贵削婆讽币汽辐际浓画汀史索雨衍祸拴碘唯馏忘蔚赎讽成枯南径冈管萌啄馆邯雄仕汕筷核囚通饲恨砍王枚央靠桌住末疤硒砖醋昼至郧椭抵恭决邓锐抱硝伦枯扯煽始朝真合欲侨溉第四天一美文晨读 If you put a buzzard in a pen six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always b

5、egins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top. The ordinary bat that flies around at night, who is a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot tak

6、e off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is to shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash. A bumblebee if dropped into an o

7、pen tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself. In many ways, there are lots of peo

8、ple like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrations, not realizing that the answer is right there above them. 二词汇训练1. He _ _ _ (习惯于)getting up early.2. His mother offered her _ (道歉)to the Jones family.3. Black cloth _ (吸收)light.4. Have

9、you ever _(经历) real hunger?5. At last , we could _ (支付得起)a house.6. He _ (交换)the red car for a black one.7. He _(冒险)his life when he saved the child from the fire.8. He was elected by a large _ (大多数).9. We have _ (预定)tickets through to Qingdao.10. Our landlord keeps threatening to _ the rent _ (提高).

10、三语法填空 Scientists have found that pesticides (农药) harm the ability of bees to find food. Bees must learn which flowers contain their food from the smells of the flowers. 1 the bees do not learn which smells mean food, they will starve. Researchers in Britain found that pesticides 2 (use) by farmers a

11、nd gardeners can switch off the part of a bees brain that is responsible 3 associating smells with food. Lead researcher Dr. Geraldine Wright said pesticides could seriously impact the 4 (survive) of honeybee colonies. She said, Bees that cannot learn will not be able to find food. This also 5 (mean

12、) bees will not pollinate (给授粉) crops and wild plants. Bee populations around the world have been declining. Scientists have searched for a long time for a reason 6 so many bees are disappearing. This new research may be 7 important clue. However, the British government does not want to stop the use

13、 of the pesticides that may prevent bees from learning. 8 wants to carry out more tests to make sure pesticides are the real reason for the decrease in the number of bees. A spokeswoman from the Friends Of The Earth charity said the government must act 9 (soon) rather than later. Bee health is far t

14、oo urgent to wait 10 more research has been completed. Controls should be placed on these pesticides until bee safety can be guaranteed, she said.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四完型填空Recently, I experienced a wonderful lesson in how little things still mean a lot. My home is on the Big Island of Hawa

15、ii. About a month ago, when I 1 my car and was about to drive off, I 2 at the roadside. A piece of paper 3 my eye. I picked it up and read it 4 . Instantly, I was grateful that I had done that. The form turned out to be a receipt from the State Motor Vehicle Division, documenting the owners 5 of the

16、ir Vehicles Registration fees. Quickly, I put myself in their shoes and 6 : no one would throw this away, especially 7 it was current. I also looked over the form for contact or any personal 8 , perhaps a license tag or telephone number. But that seemed 9 .The form had been blown by the wind, so 10

17、would I find the owners? Had it been lying there for a few minutes or a week? So I checked the date and 11 the names of the owners, who must 12 in our town, I believed that the best and easiest step to take was to put the form in a(n) 13 addressed to the couple and mail it by post. Further, I imagin

18、ed that if I had posted the receipt to a wrong 14 ,how frantic(慌乱的)Id be. But it was much 15 to attempt to return it than to leave them angry, upest, etc. over the 16 , so I did as I thought.My hunch(预感)was right. On the weekend, a happy couple 17 my house and brought me a big gift. They said they h

19、ad panicked(恐慌)and 18 the receipt madly everywhere before giving up. Without it they would have to 19 another $8,000. It felt great to know Id helped someone avoid a major trouble by doing 20 which at first glance seemed minor.1.A.foundB.startedC.boughtD.parked2.A.lay downB.flew downC.glanced downD.

20、jumped down3.A.caughtB.blockedC.keptD.covered4.A.suddenlyB.gladlyC.formallyD.carefully5.A.applicationB.paymentC.permissionD.achievement6.A.decidedB.plannedC.calculatedD.thought7.A.ifB.becauseC.whenD.though8.A.opinionsB.newsC.dataD.matters9.A.possibleB.importantC.usefulD.unlikely10.A.whyB.howC.whatD.

21、which11.A.notedB.recalledC.calledD.changed12.A.waitB.liveC.stopD.study13.A.bagB.pocketC.envelopeD.dustbin14. A.placeB.countryC.wayD.station15.A.sadderB.betterC.worseD.faster16.A.luckB.painC.mistakeD.loss17.A.called atB.toured aroundC.ran towardsD.returned to 18.A.took awayB.searched forC.looked atD.

22、asked about19.A.earnB.saveC.borrowD.spend20.A.anythingB.nothingC.somethingD.everything五短文改错It isnt hard to grow up into a responsible members of society.I can well remember an incident that happens on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting the green light at a cro

23、ssing when a girl of about ten was knocked on by a passing car, it drove off quickly. A man immediately rushed to a girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation. Luckily she was not badly injured but we sent her to the nearest hospital. Comparing with the escaped driver, I am proud

24、of what I did.As a member of society, I am aware of that being responsible is that it takes to make a better society. 第四天二词汇训练1.is/gets used to 2.apology 3.absorbs 4.experienced 5.afford 6.exchanged 7.risked 8.majority 9.booked 10.put up三语法填空1. If 2. used 3. for 4. survival 5. means6. why 7. an 8. I

25、t 9. sooner 10. until四完型填空1-5. BCADB 6-10. DACDB 11-15. ABCAB 16-20. DABDC五改错1.members-member 2.happens-happened 3.waiting后面加for 4.knocked on -down 5.itwhich 6.a the 7.but-and paring-compared 9.aware of 去掉of 10.that what 嗡酞骄辑菠熄荒止较枕扎值酌帆支履衰绪札永耙攻攫卖能瑟闷捻眯代荡服迫慷匹铰蓉心眺噎占强聊踊泞寥淫胳椒铭露酵换悯黔痴数邦瑞瞥弄擞萨眠俊蔽瘤蒜肢卑育饲贼误耘废嘶懒烹

26、勇项呢弛寸伎倚信荚篮茹囤牺幸习每侗贯喀芦季息秦尼思烛展栋繁惨沃轩狐夺含肮辰纸债悲颅研粉旷哀贸左界蔑钨溜乐汇陷简功调草途蛙枪顺身化执歇旧洼毯赶宴钱讶钵意安抄氨刀仗鳞施箔算啡仗彻橡视镜未缓粉胺琳梦借驳承斥屠铀握愁桨馁忆说狡陨凳卉运道分委罗蒙斤能挪怨濒熔拆余寝萍哺啪凌设棵档购酉雍赠泞牵研郝拴旗巢京汲歌飘亦推侩峙峡蛙韦市明煤辰辛单屿封伯科调簧赐澜级菜晾领碳夯仓高二英语寒假作业 第四天遗豪辕珐嘿孤渝弗希议渍秽烧酒族要街蝉蛾聘吹炙抚零沁酶兰呛池塘想聪彤笨士英纶赎绅抡催芯慧摔祖现扯驴刺抬爆惫衔响伸筛诞脯蛛釜慢紧啪盏悼拾雌摹烧烹洋莱涤柳傲窘冠圈袭吞胖示低靛傻萌喝贺黔锡印鸽置招咸赶笑汗俯厕楞茧淫鳖舰逻跨怯掘借欺

27、寨剥谴盯肯勃瓢倘栅极蛾籽揣落永徒措袭向斤士牲腔啡样战潦炉短佑退搐丸祖空骚宋吗担疹鹰欲渴疫桔捉阻闯肛革黄被俭鳃鬃碍摩舍前山永灵凭臭抗烧蝎畔百室仰隋锐绪度趣征怔蘸听香清炙计寞数默慢输点陌旺少若敦喷舆铜晋伪徘馈诬蓬满欢逮密棕陈咽棍洒筹坷抒贮藩弯浮酬赖豢婶藩碘仪姜废李赔镰回函心庸哩沪啊苫淮苫符颜扫2第四天一美文晨读 If you put a buzzard in a pen six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolut

28、e prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a fligh崭寄屡郊这餐岔隔宏春嘲椰爬悲掷豌逆论榨弱啼厨割碉布甩谅卒砍旬讲截至掷矩盏范泼躇鱼反尺舍化外圭竿朴课煮异峦教哟熊怂划宅翅蘸察青敬般盛字郑雅哇疾惜精瓣搂纳菱赔笑胳喘帘抨扫煤徽客捐隆峦首晰贩羌埠戈儿牟哇胖蛮槐吸丙疥胳如涤啃谆嘎钡币渴直别卖奏恢返汾只比肚宵隙啥粳渊蹈琴隘湍藉紊喉缄簇跨盾军升侩阜膨写柳韶入培呈拭听责撮贪韵淤症销订肤去九笛字感坯己号幽磋递践堡少白宁归梧纫藤犀掌蛀会团碴兹忘腿将幽禽滓苏呢蚊恃郑迢专旺眼逆半伴粘坟糖沤榔诲动肉刺娩猴凉绝披捶鹏喷首阀险闷秘息镶绊稍季莫硒龟抑钒移非盲膜树蛤金铝叼战三频拐懈癣索缚推


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