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1、第1讲 Unit 1 Helping those in needPart 1 知识概览(1)Wordsraise v. 筹募,增高,增加 permission n.准许,不可数名词 ask permission报请批准 disabled adj.丧失能力的 able adj. 有能力的 be able to = can offer v.主动提出 offer to do sth.主动提出做某事, serious adj. 严重的 ly adv. organize v. 组织 organization n. lonely adj. 孤独的 alone difficulty n.困难 difficu

2、lt adj. 困难的 hurt v.伤害 hurt oneself 伤了自己 (hurt , hurt )pay v. 付费 pay for 与 take cost spend 的区别 (2)Phrasesin need 需要帮助的 voluntary work 义务工作 ask permission 报请批准suffer from 因受苦 raise ones spirits 使振奋 = cheer up in order to 目的在于so that 为的是 与so that的区别 make friends with 与交朋友 look after = take care of = ca

3、re for 照顾 because of 因为 与because 的区别 talk to / with / about 谈论 teach sb. to do sth. 交某人做某事 offer to do sth 主动提出做某事take photos of 照相 help sb. do / with sth. 帮助某人做某事 continue to do sth. 继续做某事 need to do sth. 需要做某事 in good health 身体健康 be afraid of + n. / pron / doing害怕 enjoy oneself / doing 玩的愉快/喜欢做某事

4、decide to do sth. 决定做某事(3)Sentences1 I met a girl called Cindy. 我遇见一个叫森迪的女孩。过去分词作后置定语 called = named2 We taught them to tell stories .我们教他们讲故事。 tell talk speak say 的区别 tell “告诉,讲述”,把某事/ 信息传达给别人 tell stories tell a lie talk “交谈,讲话”,talk to / with sb. talk about sth. speak “说,发言”,+ 语言 say “说”, 强调说话的内容

5、。3 We spent time with a girl called Vivien . 我们和一个叫薇薇安的女孩共度时光。spend “花费” 主语(人)+ spend(s) + money / time + (in)doing sth. / on + n.4 I taught them to sing because music can bring then joy and peace . 我教他们唱歌是因为音乐可以给他们带来快乐和宁静。teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事bring take get carry 的区别bring “带来”+ 双宾语 -来 Remember

6、 to bring me the pictures.take “带到,去” 去- I wont take you here .get 去某处将某人/ 物带到说话人处 Please get some paper for me .carry 强调负重或搬运 Hecarried a baby on his back .5 One of them had difficulty walking . 其中有一位病人行走困难。One of + 可数名词复数/ 代词复数 谓语动词用单数One of + the + 形容词最高级 + 复数名词 “最之一”6 He used to love sport until

7、 he hurt his legs in an accident .他过去热爱运动,直到他在一起事故中双腿受伤。until “直到才”a until 与延续性动词连用时,动词用肯定形式。e.g.We walked until it got dark .b until 与非延续性动词连用时,动词用否定形式。 e.g.The little girl didnt stop crying until she saw her mother .(4)Grammar 动词不定式结构: to + 动词原形 (有时to可省略)用法: 1 作宾语 (作及物动词的宾语,不作介词宾语) Remember to pos

8、t the letter .2 作宾补 放在宾语后,表示宾语是什么或怎么样。 ask , tell , like , love , hate , would like , teach , want , etc. e.g.The doctor wanted him to have a good rest .3 作目的状语 常用逗号与句子隔开,在末尾时,则不用。e.g.To get there on time , we set out at five in the morning .He goes there to enjoy the fresh air .(5)Practicemillions

9、of 数百万的 be unable to不能 be able to能 = can since then 从那时以来 close to 靠近 in order to 为了in hospital生病住院 in the hospital在医院Part 2 知识详解一重点词汇详解:1. Helping those in need.in need:意为“有困难的”常位于名词后作后置定语in need of 需要什么 例:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情!The buildings is in need of painting. 这座建筑需要粉涮。2.

10、Could you give me a hand? Here you are!give sb a hand: = 帮助某人3. to ask permission to raise money(1)permission n. = agreement 准许;批准 ask permission (to do sth) 报请批准permit v. - 过去式: - 过去分词: permit sb. to do sth. = . 允许某人做某事 (2)raise v. 筹集;提升;增加=move it higher第三人称单数: 过去式: 过去分词: 现在分词: 搭配:raise ones voice

11、 提高嗓门;raise a family 养家糊口;raise money 筹款; raise price 提高价格;raise ones spirits 打起精神 raise = keep 有“饲养,抚养”的意思,如: raise children(抚养孩子) 辨析:raise, rise(rise-rose-risen)的区别这两个词都有“提高,上升,增加”的意思,但其用法不同。raise是及物动词,其主语通常是人;而rise是不及物动词,其主语通常是物。例如:The sun rises and bathes the earth. 太阳升起,普照大地。 If you want to ask

12、 question, please raise your hand. 如果你想问问题,请举手!4. Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays.(1)teenagers:n 青少年 在口语中常用 teen 来表示“青少年” (2)offer:v. =be willing to do something 主动提出offer to do sth. 主动提出 Peter offered to teach them water-skiing. 彼得主动提出教他们滑水。 辨析:provide,

13、offer, give的区别: 1). provide仅仅是出于某种责任,强调提供必须用的东西,尤其是生活用品。常用于provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 的固定搭配中。2). offer表示主动提供服务、工作等。常用于offer sb. sth.或offer sth. to sb. 固定搭配中。例如:offer sb.主动提出帮助某人;offer sb. a good salary 给某人一个好工资。 3). give 意为“给”常用于 give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物 (3)voluntary:adj. 自

14、愿的,自发的;无偿的;adv: 自愿地 自愿者 练习:1. Schools need _ to help children to read. 学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。 2. In her spare time she does _work.她在业余时间做义工。5. The children there all suffer from serious illnesses. (1) suffer:v (因疾病等) 受苦,受折磨 She suffered greatly as a child. 她童年深受苦难。suffer from因而痛苦, 指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。1). suffe

15、r from+疾病名词(或者他人闲言碎语、劳累、记忆力减退等),表示患病、为受苦。She suffers from headache. 她患头痛病。2). suffer from+自然灾害China suffered from bad floods in 2013. 2013年中国遭受严重的水灾 (2) serious:adj 严重的 = bad and dangerous adv. serious还有以下意思: 1). 认真的: He is a serious student and works very hard. 他是一个认真的学生,学习非常努力。 2). 严肃的: Be serious

16、! Dont make fun of me. 严肃点!别拿我开玩笑!(3) illness n. (某种)病= in bad health ill (adj.) 生病的; 坏的 注意:当illness表示某种具体的疾病时,是可数名词,但当表示“疾病,生病期间”是不可数名词。fall ill 病倒了 feel ill 感觉不舒服、生病 speak ill of sb. 说某人的短处例:The children there all suffer from serious illness. 那里的孩子都遭受疾病的折磨。 同根词:ill adj. 有病的 (比较级:worse, 最高级:worst)

17、辨析:ill, sick的区别: 1). ill和sick都有“生病的;有病的”之意,但用法并不完全相同。ill表示“生病的;有病的”这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick既可以作表语又可以作定语,如“病人”可以说a sick man或the sick, 但不能说an ill man或the ill。例如:She is ill/sick in bed. 她卧病在床。 She is looking after her sick father. 她在照顾她生病的父亲。 2). sick 有“恶心的;厌倦的”之意。例如:The smell makes me sick. 这气味使我感到恶心。

18、 ill作定语修饰名词时是“坏的;邪恶的”之意。例如:He is an ill child. 他是一个坏孩子。6. We organized a painting competition for them.(1)organize v. 组织策划 (n.) 组织者 (n.) 组织 (2)competition n. 竞赛 (v.) 竞赛 (n.) 竞赛者 (adj.) 有竞争力的 7. I met a girl called Cindy. Called 被叫做 =named 名为 The girl called Lucy is one of the best students in our sc

19、hool. 那个被叫做Lucy的女孩是我们学校最好的学生之一8. We taught them to tell stories. Taught -(一般现在时): 教师: 用法:teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 teach sb how to do sth 教某人怎样做某事 Teach us English 教某人英语 teach oneself 自学9. This helps them express their feelings.(1)help v/n 意为“帮助” 用法:help sb to do sth/do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth

20、帮助某人某事 With the help of sb = with ones help 在的帮助下(2)express v. 表达;表露 (n.) 表达;表情; 习惯用语(常用复数) 当express 表示“表达,表示”之意是后不加双宾语 1). He expressed his thanks to her. 2). He expresses her his thanks. X 练习:1). Words cannot _ how pleased I am. 言语无法表达我的愉快心情。2). Teenagers often have difficulty _ themselves. 青少年在表达

21、思想方面常常有困难。10. My friends dont understand my pain. pain n (身体上的)疼痛 adj 痛苦的,烦恼的11. She is unhappy and very lonely. lonely adj 孤独的,寂寞的 辨析:lonely,alone的区别: 1). alone 既可以用作形容词,又可以用作副词,意为“独自的(地),单独的(地)”,侧重于说明独自一人,没有同伴或助手,指的是客观情况,alone用作形容词时,一般与be动词连用,在句子中作表语 She is alone at home. I like to work alone. 2).

22、 Lonely 只作形容词,在句子中既可以作定语,又可以作表语,其比较级和最高级形式:lonelier-loneliest Lonely用作定语时,意为“无人烟的,荒凉的,偏僻的”等,用作表语时,可以表示“孤独的,寂寞的”之意,带有浓厚的感情色彩,具有“渴望得到同伴”的含义。 That is a lonely island. I was alone but I didnt feel lonely. 11. She needs friendship. friendship n. 友情;友谊 同根词:friend n. 朋友 复数:friends. friendly adj. 友好的 friend

23、liness n. 友善 12. I will continue to visit Vivien. continue to do sth = go on doing sth 意为“继续做某事”13. I wanted to help disabled children. disabled adj. 有伤残的;丧失能力的;不中用 I taught disabled children to sing. 我教残疾的孩子唱歌。 同根词:disable v. = make (sb.) unable to do sth. 使无能力;使残废,使伤残 the disable 表示残疾这一类人。 enable

24、v. = make (sb.) able to do sth. 使(某人)能够做某事 搭配:mentally disabled 有智力缺陷 learning disabilities 学习障碍14. They have difficulty walking and moving.have difficulty (in) doing sth 表示“做某事有困难”= have trouble (in) doing sth若后接名词:则常用have difficulty with sth 的结构 15. Because music can bring them joy and peace. joy

25、(n.) = happiness / pleasure高兴,喜悦,快乐 (adj.)高兴的 (adv.)高兴地 to ones joy 使某人高兴的是. 练习:1. Looking after the baby is both painful and .2. They greeted him _ _.3. We should study with _ _.peace n. 平静;宁静 adj. 和平的;爱好和平的;安静的;平静的 t he Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔和平奖 Evening in the country is a very peaceful time. 乡村里的今

26、晚是平静安谧的时刻。16. He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage.courage n. 勇气;勇敢 He showed great courage and determination. 他表现得十分勇敢和果断。 同根词:encourage v. 鼓励,鼓舞;支持;促进; encourage sb to sth 鼓励某人做某事 My English teacher often encourages us to read English aloud.Part 3 基本练习一. 按要求写单词。permission(动词

27、): volunteer(形容词): ill(名词): lonely(比较级): difficult(名词): pain(形容词): expression(动词): joy(形容词): pay(过去式): organize(名词): peaceful(名词): raise(现在分词): 二. 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。ask permission raise money in need voluntary work offer to suffer from spend time with continue to have difficulty raise ones spirit

28、s1. My grandfather has a serious heart disease for a long time.2. My friend drive me to the airport last week because it was raining hard and I couldnt find a taxi.3. The students completing the project without any help from adults. So most of them asked their parents for help.4. I think you need to

29、 before you use Wendys computer.5. We should use the money to help those people .6. I dont want to go to Paris for such a short holiday. Id rather stay at home and my kids.7. Cheer up. Simon! Drink a cup of coffee now and it may .8. The students at Guangzhou Middle School will for the children in po

30、or areas.9. Nowadays, more and more teenagers take part in to help people they dont know at all.10. After Judy completed her Maths homework, she do more Physics exercises.三. 根据划线部分在句中的意思,找出意思最接近的选项。1. The ole man is ill in these days. A. worried B. in good health C. in bad health D. nervous2. If you

31、 know the answer, please raise your hand.A. get up B. put up C. use up D. stand up3. Do you have trouble learning English.A. difficulty B. decisions C. memory D. ideas4. The fans were very happy when the team won the final match.A. in trouble B. in low spirits C. in high spirits D. in danger5. Jack

32、got up early to catch the school bus.A. because of B. instead of C. so that D.in order to6. After his wife died, he lived alone.A. unhappily B. by himself C. lonely D. badly7. Tony didnt go to school because he was sick yesterday.A. lonely B. ill C. glad D. fit8. They offered to help those in need.A

33、. refused to B. provided C. were willing to give D. helped9. They have permission to build 500 new schools.A. are made B. have decision C. have direction D. are allowed10. Tim fell off the bike and hurt his legs.A. injured B. made C. expressed D. stayed四用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1. They have (difficult) wal

34、king or moving.2. Why do you think it is very important to ask your parents . (permit)3. Mother (pay) ten dollars for the English dictionary.4. In her spare time she does _ (volunteer) work.5. Looking after the baby is both painful and (joy).6. I am really hungry. Can I stop (eat) something.7. Mr. L

35、iu often teaches us how (speak) English well.8. I asked him (lend) me ten Yuan, but he didnt.9. Lets (go) shopping today if it doesnt rain.10. It took me two days (finish) the job.11. Please tell the boys (not make) any noise, my baby is sleeping.12. The girl (name) Lucy is one of the best students

36、in our school.13. If you know the answer, you can (raise) your hand.14. You should (expression) your feeling clearly.15. I didnt decide when (go) yesterday.Part 4语法:动词不定式动词不定式是一种非谓语动词,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、定语、状语和宾语补足语等。动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,但to有时可以省略。动词不定式在句子中不做谓语,所以没有人称、数和时态的变化。一动词不定式作宾语:基本结构:动词+动词不定式动词不定式可以

37、在agree, choose, decide, learn, plan, hope, promise, want, seem, would, like等后面做宾语。 如:I want to play basketball. 我想玩篮球。 I agree to meet Susan outside the cinema. 我同意在电影院外跟苏珊见面。 有些动词后面可以跟“疑问词+动词不定式”这种结构,这些动词包advise,ask,decide,discuss,forget,know,learn,remember,show,teach,tell等 如:We teach him how to wa

38、lk. 我们教他走路。 I forgot what to do. 我忘记要做什么了。 二动词不定式作宾语补足语:基本结构:动词+宾语(名词/代词)+动词不定式 动词不定式作宾语补足语时,有带to和省略to 的两种情况。(1) 常跟带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有advise,ask,tell,order,invite,allow,wish,get,want,encourage等。如: My teacher often encourages us to study hard. 我的老师经常鼓励我们要努力学习。 Tom asked me not to sleep in class. Tom叫

39、我不要在课堂上睡觉。(2) 常跟省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:使役动词let, make, have等,感官动词see, feel, notice等。 如:You can let the girl go first. 你可以让那个女孩子先走。 I saw him open the door. 我看见他开门。三动词不定式表目的:动词不定式还可以用来表示某一动作或状态的目的。动词不定式也可以位于句首。如:She went to the department store to buy a new book. 她去百货商店是为了买本新书。 To learn English well, yo

40、u should speak English as much as possible. 想学好英语,应该尽可能多的说英语。动词不定式专题练习一用括号内“动词+动词不定式”的结构完成下列句子。1. It is spring now. Our monitor_ (want, organize) a class trip.2. What would you _ (like, drink), tea or coffee?3. I _ (hope, travel) around the world when I grow up.4. At last, her parents _ (agree, live

41、) in the city with her.5. Sandy _ (prepare, make) a speech at the evening party now.6. The two boys will_ (learn, swim) in the Swimming Club.7. You have poor eyesight, so you can _ (choose, sit) in the front of the classroom.8. Please_ (remember, close) the door when you leave the room.9. Dont _ (forget, take) an


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