2020外研版七年级英语下册学案:Module11 Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them.docx

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1、2020年外研版七年级下册Module11 Unit2学案导学教学目标1. 熟读M11unit2的单词 2. 理解M11unit2的课文内容 3. 掌握重点词汇和句型的用法课前预习根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语1. 手指 n. _ 2. 膝盖 n. _ 3. 腿 n. _4. 嘴; 口 n. _ 5. 身体; 躯干 n. _ 6. 握着; 使不动 v. _7. 移动 v. _ 8. 某个地方 adv. _ 9. 挥(手); 摆(手)v. _10. 粗鲁的; 无礼的adj. _ 11. 带来 v. _ 12. 北美人_13. 南美人_ 课文呈现1、 Match the words with th

2、e parts of the body .2、 Read Part 2 and answer the questions1Is body language the same in different countries?_2Is it all right to stand close to people in the Middle East?_3Do the British like touching people?_4Do Americans look at people when they talk?_5Do people in Greece wave goodbye?_三、根据汉语提示完

3、成下列句子1. 下面是欢迎他们的一些方式。 Here are some _ _ _ them. 2. 给他们更多私人空间。 Give them _ _ _. 3. 中国女孩经常和她们的朋友臂挽臂地走路。Chinese girls often walk _ _ _ with their friends. 4. 你们怎样告别? How do you _ _? 5. 在希腊, 它一点儿也没礼貌。In Greece, its _ _ _ polite! 6. 实际上, 它非常粗鲁。_ _, its very rude! 语言知识知识1 close adj . 靠近的;接近的(1) adj. “靠近的;

4、接近的”,常用结构:_ 靠近;_ 站得离近(2) v. 意为“关;关闭”,其反义词为open知识2 类似表达【练一练】()We often walk arm _arm when we go to school. A. onB. in C. at D. to知识3 hold ones arm 抓住某人的胳膊hold 的意思【练一练】The small classroom can _ 50 students at most . AhaveBholdCnodDsell知识4 polite的用法(1) 作形容词, 意为“礼貌的”。副词_ , 意为“有礼貌地”; 反义词_ , 意为“没礼貌的”。(2)

5、_ 意为“对有礼貌”【练一练】变形题The teachers welcome their students _(polite) at the school gate every morning. It is _(polite) to keep others waiting in many western countries.知识5 词汇变形(1) foot为名词, 意为“脚; 足”; 它的复数是_。on foot意为“步行”(2) personal为形容词, 意为“个人的”; 其名词为_, 意为“人”(3) foreign为形容词, 意为“外国的”; 其名词是_, 意为“外国人”课堂练习1、

6、单选题1. My parents are both teachers, so they like me _ a teacher when I grow up. A. be B. being C. to be D. been2. My brother doesnt like eating vegetables _. A. at all B. on all C. in all D. of all3. I dont like maths. _, Im bored with it. A. In a hurry B. Guess what C. In fact D. Be careful4. The b

7、oy doesnt show good manners to others. He is _. A. polite B. politely C. rude D. rudely5. Its too noisy here. Lets go _. A. anywhere quiet B. somewhere quietC. quiet anywhere D. quiet somewhere6. Everyone in our village likes Harry because he is very _. A. friend B. love C. polite D. slowly7. _is ve

8、ry important to learn how to ask for help politely. A. That B. This C. He D. It8. Some parents dont like their children _ computer games. A. playing B. to playing C. play D. plays9. Is the supermarket very _ your house?No. It only takes me ten minutes to go there by bike. A. far from B. close to C.

9、close from D. nearly10. Dad, can you help me _ the chair to the other side?A. nod B. move C. touch D. wave11. I cant find my wallet. Dont worry. It must be _ in your room. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere12. My friend _ the book with him when he came to see me. A. took B. carried C.

10、 brought D. got13. _ get off the bus before it stops. A. Dont B. Doesnt C. Didnt D. Werent14. Dont walk along the street_. Its too dangerous. A. arm with arm B. arm to armC. arm in arm D. arm on arm15. Dont be late again, Mike. _. A. No, I dont B. Dont worryC. Sorry, I wont D. I dont know2、 词汇变形clas

11、smates, promised,a,for,best,friendly, happily, write, that, mePablo and I were walking home from playing football. On the way, I told him that our school needed _1 football team. At once, Pablo suggested, “Why not run for(竞选) class president so that you can set one up?”“Who would want _ 2 ?” I asked

12、, surprised at the idea. Pablo made a list of reasons: I was the _3 student of all in sports and lessons; I was _4 to everybody. When I told him running for president would be much work, he _ 5 that he would help me. I did run, and Pablo did help me. First, we made posters to hang in the hallway. Ne

13、xt, Pablo helped me _6 a speech about why Id be a good class president. The big day came. I gave my speech in front of the whole grade, promising my _ 7 that if they chose me, Id start a football team. As Pablo and I nervously waited _ 8 the result, I was told that my speech was so successful _9 I w

14、as the right person to be class president. Now we go _ 10 to Coach Simpson and ask how I can start our new football team.M11U2参考答案课前预习1.finger 2.knee 3. leg 4. mouth 5.body 6. hold 7. move 8. somewhere 9.wave 10.rude 11. bring 12. North American13. South American 1. No,it isnt.2. Yes,it is.3. No,the

15、y dont.4. Yes,they do.5. No,they dont.课文呈现1、 二、 三、 语言知识知识1 (1)be close to ; stand close to知识2 B知识3 B知识4 (1) politely; impolite ; (2)be polite to 【练一练】politely; impolite知识5 feet ; person; foreigner课堂练习1、 单选题 CACCB CDAAB BCACC2、 1. a 2. me 3. best 4. friendly 5.promised6. write 7. classmates 8. for 9. that 10. happily


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