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1、自然拼读课程,Phonics,自然拼读课程,Phonics自然发音法是一套用自然记忆 的方式,建立字母与发音的直觉音感。不 用借助音标,看着字母就可以直接读出该 词的发音,解决单词不会读,无法拼的问 题。 简单说:“自然拼读法”是教学生如何看词读音或是听音拼词的方法。,自然拼读课程,为什么要学习自然拼读法?,美国斯坦佛大学曾经以计算机分析字母与音位的对应关系,结果发现17,008个常用词中 84%的字母与其读音是完全对应的 13%的字母与其读音是不完全对应的 3%的字母与其读音的对应关系完全无法预测,自然拼读课程,自然拼读法可以帮助学生,见词能读 听词能写 不容易遗忘 提高阅读和写作能力,自然

2、拼读课程,一、同形不同音的字母及音标,b,/b/,book big bag box,/d/,d,desk doll dog dad,f,/f/,fine friend fly foot fan,h,/h/,hat he house hand,j,/ d /,jeep jam jacket jar,k,/k/,kite cake black thank,自然拼读课程,l,/l/,leg left ruler flag lamp,/l/,apple bowl tell old,m,/m/,am map my mouth,n,/n/,no know new hand,p,/ p /,map jeep

3、 pig pea,qu,/kw/,quite quilt quick,同形不同音的字母及音标,自然拼读课程,r,/r/,red radio brother racket,/t/,t,it sit not that table little,v,/v/,five vase very seven,w,/w/,we window watch want,x,/ ks /,box six fox,z,/z/,zip zoo,同形不同音的字母及音标,自然拼读课程,Vowel,自然拼读课程,二、开音节与闭音节,1)音节按读音可以分为开音节和闭音节,开音节又可以分为绝对开音节和相对开音节,A. 绝对开音节:是

4、指一个元音音素后面没有辅音音素 而构成的音节,例如:we, hi, yo-yo, hi, no, be 等,B. 相对开音节:是指一个元音音素后面有一个辅音音素(除r)之外,最后是一个不发音的e字母构成的音节,,例如:take, make,自然拼读课程,闭音节:指元音字母后面有辅音字母(辅音字母r除外)构成的音节,闭音节,元音字母 a, e, i(y), o, u 在重读闭音节中分别读 / /e/ /i/ / /,如 hand, help,lip,gym,hot,club.,自然拼读课程,II. Magic E,A AT ATE BE BED BEDE HI HID HIDE NO NOT N

5、OTE U US USE,自然拼读课程,a-e,Magic E (神奇的E),cake take lake make face name page,e-e,these theme eve evening,o-e,nose coke rose rope hope pose,i-e,time five nine white write like lime ride,u-e,cute cube huge tube use,自然拼读课程,ai,ay 读/ei/,如 wait, aid;day, may.,ei,ey 读/ei/,如 veil, weight;grey, they, convey,oa,

6、 oe 读/u/,如 load, coat, toe,三、元音间的字母组合发音,ue, ui 读/u:/,如 glue, suit, blue, fruit,自然拼读课程,ea,ee 读/i:/,如 eat, cheap;deep, need,ie,(c)ei 读/i:/,如 field, believe;receive, ceiling,oa 读/u/,如 road, soap, boat,ue 读/ju:/,如 Tuesday, value, pursue,元音间的字母组合发音,自然拼读课程,四、r音节 指以字母r或r +辅音字母结尾的音节,在r音节中:ar 读/:/, or 读/:/ e

7、r, ir, yr, ur 都读/:/,注:在/w/音后, ar读/:/, 如 war,warm,warn; or读/:/, 如 word,work,world,worse.,自然拼读课程,元音字母与r aerial, aeroplane,4. ear,eer 读/i/如 ear, clear;beer, deer,自然拼读课程,5. our 读/au/如 our, sour, hour,6. igh 读/ai/,如 high, light, might, night,7. augh,ough 读/:/,如 daughter, caught, taught; ought,fought, tho

8、ught,8. oul 在 could,should,would 中读/u/,元音字母组合的读音规则,自然拼读课程,九、 几个非重读后缀或字母组合的读音规则,1. a 在后缀-ace,-ade,-age,-ate中读/i/,如 palace,comrade,village,accurate,2. e 在后缀-el,-en,-ent,-ence,-ency中读/,如cruel,open,student,silence,fluency,3. i 在后缀-ible中读/, 如 possible,4. ai,ay,ei,ey 在非重读音节中一般弱读为/i/,如mountain,Friday,forfe

9、it,valley,自然拼读课程,十、其他字母组合的读音规则,1. -ful 读/ful/,如 helpful, harmful, useful,2. -gue 读/g/,如 dialogue, catalogue,3. -que 读/k/,如 cheque, picturesque,4. -ous 读/s/,如 famous, generous, nervous,5. -our 读/,如 favour, honour, labour,6. -ure 读/,如 figure, injure. 但在failure中读/j/,自然拼读课程,7. -ow 读/u/,如 window, yellow,

10、 pillow,8. -ture 读/,如 picture, culture, furniture,9. -ion 读/n/, 如 fashion, cushion,10. -stion 读/sn/ , 如 question, sugestion, digestion,11. -i 在字母 d,t,n,l 后,且在元音字母前,读/j/。如 audience,frontier,opinion,familar,其他字母组合的读音规则,自然拼读课程,十一、其他读音规则,oo,1. 读/u/,A. 在字母k前(book,look,took),B. 在good,foot,stood,wood,wool中

11、,C.在派生词goodness,football,woolen中,2.读/u:/ 在其余情况下读/u:/,如: cool,food,loose,room,zoo,3.读/ / 在flood,blood及其派生词(flooding,bloodless等)中读/ /,自然拼读课程,1. -sure,在元音字母后读/,如 closure, exposure,在辅音字母后读/,如 pressure,flexure(x=ks),2. -sion,在元音字母后读/n/,如 vsion, occasion, divsion,在辅音字母后读/n/,如 discussion,impression,expansi

12、on,3. -ce,-ci,-si,-ti,-xi 在字母 a,e,o 前读/,如: ocean; social;Asia;partial;Egyptian;suffcient; patient;prcious;Russian;anxious,其他读音规则,自然拼读课程,十二、其他组合,kn :knit knob knee knife knock,wr :write wrist wrinkle wrap wreath,mb :bomb thumb lamb numb comb crumb,sp :spell spider spinach spaceship spoon,st :store st

13、ar storm stamp stockings stick student stand,sc :scale scarf scarecrow scooter scorpion scoop scanner,sk :skirt skunk skis skates,自然拼读课程,VII. Consonant Blends:,Beginning S-family ( st, sk, sp,) R-family ( gr, br, dr, cr, pr, tr, wr) L-family ( fl, bl, cl, kl, pl, sl) Ending N-family ( nt, nd, nk) Ot

14、hers (mp, st) Three letters (scr, spl, str,spr),自然拼读课程,VII. Consonant Blends:,st:student stone stop sp:speak space spoon sc:scary scarf scar sk:sky skirt skate,S-family ( st, sk, sp,),自然拼读课程,VII. Consonant Blends:,bl:block blond hair blouse pl:plum plate plane gl:glue glasses glove cl:clay class clo

15、ne fl:fly dragonfly butterfly,L-family ( fl, bl, cl, kl, pl, sl),自然拼读课程,VII. Consonant Blends:,br:brown broom brick pr:pray prince princess gr:grape grey grin cr:cry crazy crown,R-family ( gr, br, dr, cr, pr, tr, wr),自然拼读课程,VII. Consonant Blends:,fr:Friday friend fruit tr:tree track trip dr:driver d

16、ream draw,自然拼读课程,VII. Consonant Blends:,sl:slid slide slow sn:snake snap snail sm:smoke smooth smile sw:swan sweater switch,自然拼读课程,VIII. Consonant Digraphs:,ch:cherry watch beach ck:duck clock blocks sh:sheet ship sheep,自然拼读课程,VIII. Consonant Digraphs:,gh:laugh cough tough ph:trophy photo elephant t

17、h:think three thank,自然拼读课程,VIII. Consonant Digraphs:,th:leather weather together wh:whale white wheel wr:wrinkle write wreath,自然拼读课程,VIIII. Others:,ing:king ring swing ew:new dew nephew all:wall ball tall al:salt walk talk,自然拼读课程,Tongue twisters(绕口令) 关于字母组合ee的发音。 What can you see? I can see a bee. Where is the bee? Its in the tree. What colour is the tree? It is green. I can see a bee in the green tree.,Revision,自然拼读课程,Tongue twisters(绕口令),关于字母组合ow的发音。 Snow snow/Fall slow/ On the window/That is yellow.,自然拼读课程,Thank you very much!,自然拼读课程,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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