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1、英语名词所有格,How much is/are? Its / Theyre,英语名词所有格,名词所有格,brush,tooth,brushes,story,stories,child,children,photo,photos,thief,thieves,shelf,shelves,army,armies,复习,Review,teeth,英语名词所有格,名词中表示所有关系的形式,定义,名词所有格,英语名词所有格,Mary 的书,男孩们的足球,Jack的儿子,女孩们的裙子,Marys book,boys soccers,Jacks son,girls skirts,中国地图,map of Chi

2、na,英语名词所有格,有生命的名词,无生命的名词,英语名词所有格,人们的生活,妇女节,peoples life,Womens Day,男孩的书本,boys books,有生命的名词的所有格,名词(物主)+s或 ,英语名词所有格,学生们的手机,姐姐的微笑,students phones,Sisters smile,学生们的周末,Students weekends,有生命的名词的所有格,英语名词所有格,boys book,Womens Day,peoples life,students phone,sisters smile,students weekend,不以“s”结尾的名词,其名词所有格形式

3、: S,以“s”结尾的名词,其名词所有格形式: ,有生命的名词的所有格,英语名词所有格,无生命的名词所有格,of+名词(物主),英语名词所有格,书 的封面,电视 的颜色,the cover of the book,the color of the TV,无生命的名词所有格,英语名词所有格,我家庭的照片,教室的门,中国的地图,a photo of my family,The door of the classroom,A map of China,衣服的颜色,the color of the clothes,Practice 1,英语名词所有格,归纳,名词 所有格,有生命名词,无生命名词:of+

4、名词,以s结尾:词尾+,不以s结尾:词尾+S,英语名词所有格,the schools history,Chengdus spring,half an hours class,a days trip,学校的历史,成都的春天,半小时的课程,一天的旅程,Practice 2,英语名词所有格,共有&不共有,名词所有格形式的表达,英语名词所有格,Lilys and Lucys rooms,Lily and Lucys room,莉莉和露西的房间,共有,莉莉的房间和露西的房间,用法辨别,不共有?,不共有,共有?,英语名词所有格,Bills and Toms teachers are both famous

5、 in our school,Look! Bill and Toms teacher is coming.,看,比尔和汤姆的老师来了,共有,比尔的老师和汤姆的老师在我们学校都很有名,用法辨别,不共有?,不共有,共有?,英语名词所有格,如果一样东西为两人所共有,则只有在后一个名词后“s”,如果不是共有,则两个名词之后都要加“s”,概念,Frank and Robins ,Franks and Robins ,共有&不共有,英语名词所有格,随堂监测,英语名词所有格,2._(双胞胎的卧室) is very nice,The twins bedroom,1._(教师节) is on September

6、 10th,Teachers Day,随堂监测,英语名词所有格,4._ (王平和王明的父亲)is hotel manager,Wang Ping and Wang Mings father,3._ (我父亲的和她父亲的朋友)are teachers,My fathers and her fathers friends,随堂监测,英语名词所有格,5. I feel terribly hot, whats the _ ?(05,全国) b. rooms temperature c. room temperature d. temperature of rooms,6. The woman over

7、 there is _ mother.(08,全国) b. Julias and Shelleys c. Julia and Shelley d. Julias and Shelley,a,a,a. temperature of room,a. Julia and Shelleys,随堂监测,英语名词所有格,7. He is very tired. he needs _.(10,全国) a. a night rest b. a rest night d. a rest of night,8. Well have a _ holiday.(06,全国) What about going to t

8、he west lake? b. two-day c. two-days d. two days,c,a,c. a nights rest,a. two days,随堂监测,英语名词所有格,1.不以“s”结尾的有生命的名词,其名词所有格形式:,2.以“s”结尾的有生命的名词,其名词所有格形式:,3.无生命的名词,其名词所有格形式:,4.共有和不共有:如果一样东西为两人所共有,则只有在后一个名词后 ;如果不是共有,则两个名词之后都要加,s,of+名词,“s“,“s“,英语名词所有格,( )1. Today is September 10th. Its _ Day. Teacher B. Teac

9、hers C. Teachers D. Teacher ( )2. Its June 1st, its _ Day. Childrens B. Childrens C. Childrens D. Childrenss ( )3. _ is on May 9th. A.My mothers brithday B. My mothers brithday C. My mothers brithday D. My motherss brithday ( )4. Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the _ . doctor B. doctors C. doctor

10、s D. doctor,英语名词所有格,( )5. Where is Mr. Zhang?He is in the _ . teachers reading room teachers reading room C. teacher reading room D. teachers reading room ( )6. This is _ ball. Its not _ . A. the boys, girlsB. the boys, the girlsC. the boy, the girlD. boys, girls ( )7. This year, the most popular _ hat is that kind. womans womens C. womens womans ( )8. Look at the book, its not mine, and its not yours, so it must be _ . somebody elsesB. somebody else C. somebodys elseD. somebody else,英语名词所有格,12._(赵敏的鞋)are white,Zhao Mins shoes,Thank You,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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