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1、一、 教案背景1、面向学生:小学 学科:英语2、课时:13、学生课前准备:预习课文。二、 教学课题1、听懂 会说单词:bird,fly.2、听懂 会说句子:Who can fly? Birds can fly. Birds can fly in the sky.3、会唱本课歌曲4、在教学中培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强其自信心;5、培养学生爱护小动物,热爱大自然的高尚情操。三、 教材分析本课通过课文时学生了解并能简要介绍熟悉的小动物,以及它们能做什么。教学重、难点:学生能够熟练区分和表达某种动物会做什么。教学准备:CAI课件,各种动物头饰(rabbit, bear, panda, monkey

2、,fish, bird)四、 教学方法:游戏教学法、情景教学法、活动教学法及合作教学法。在本课教学时为了突破难点,我就充分运用了网络,搜索了许多有关小动物图片,制作成多媒体课件,生动展现小动物们能做什么,使学生直观了解。五、教学过程:Step 1:Warm up1、Greetings2、Chant(课件呈现Chant内容,并配以节拍) Climb, climb, monkey can climb. Jump, jump, rabbit can jump. Swim, swim, fish can swim. Sing, sing, I can sing. Dance, dance, I can

3、 dance.3、T: Hello, boys and girls. I can sing. Can you sing? Ss: Yes. T: Lets sing a song.4、Sing a song:Little fish can swim in the water (课件呈现歌词内容,并配以音乐节奏。) Step 2: Presentation1、 T: Boys and girls. You can sing. Youre great. Can you jump? Show me. (Ask students to jump.)2、 T: You can sing .You can

4、 jump too. Can you fly? (教师做fly的动作,边说边做,帮助学生理解fly的意思) Ss: No. T: Who can fly? (出示多媒体图片,可引导学生用汉语说出) T: Yes. Birds can fly. Teach the words: bird, fly (板书:词条bird, fly)3、T: Boys and girls, look, there are some birds. They are very happy. They can fly in the sky.观看视频:一些小鸟在蓝天中自由飞翔,飞进一片森林后,停在树上欢快地歌唱。T: Wh

5、at are the birds doing? They are flying.Birds can fly in the sky. (板书:句条Birds can fly in the sky.) Ss repeat sometimes.T: Can birds sing?Ss: Yes.T: Birds can sing. Birds can sing in the tree.4、T: The birds are very happy. Because they can fly, they can sing. Now, lets fly and sing like to be the bir

6、d.Ask Ss to stand up. Do actions follow the teacher.T: Sing, sing, sing in the tree. Fly, fly, fly in the sky.(师带领学生一起做动作,师同时说句子,鼓励学生边做动作做边尝试一起说句子。)5、Do actions.(1)T: The animals are very lovely. They can do many things. I like the animals. Now lets do like the animals.教师喊46人一组到讲台前,教师发指令,学生做动作。一轮动作结

7、束后,换另一组学生,师向大家出示动词图片,鼓励大家来发指令,讲台前的学生去做。同时师将动词图片贴于黑板上。(2)师指黑板上的动词图片进行句子操练。T: Who can swimjumphopsingfly?Ss: can .T: Yes. can .6、Play a game: Whats missing?T asks Ss to close their eyes. T takes away a picture quickly. Then ask Ss to say: Whats missing?Step 3: Practice.1、Look at the pictures of part 3

8、 and 4. Play the tape. Ask Ss listen and number. (完成课本中第3、4部分练习。)Step 4: Wrap-up1、教师拿出动物头饰,邀请几名学生到讲台前来,戴上头饰。 T: Hello, animals. Who can jump? Ss: Im a rabbit. I can jump. 让其他学生尝试去问,多次进行此活动,帮助学生更好地对各种动物及其能做什么动作进行区分。2、Today we know the birds can fly, the birds can sing. We can sing, too. Lets sing a song together.Sing the song:Little bird can sing in the tree.板书设计:Lesson 24 fly in the skybird sing in the trees


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