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1、 七年级下学期英语第M1M4检测题(一)一单选。( )1. As a student , you must be careful _your homework.A. of B. to C. with ( )2. Children should talk their parents.A. to B. of C. about ( )3. Look! So many people are getting _ the bus. A. up B. on C. of ( )4. Can I use _ book? isnt here.A. your; mine B. your; my C. you; mi

2、ne ( ) 5. At the moment, my little sister _homework. She often homework at home. A. does; is doing B. is doing; do C. is doing; does( )6.-What are you doing? -Im my mobile phone, but I cant it. A. looking; find B. find; look for C. looking for; find ( )7. In the morning most people go to work _ a hu

3、rry. A. to B. in C. with ( ) 8.There are students in our school. A. thousands B. three thousand of C. thousands of ( ) 9. Can you play the guitar _? Yes, I can.A. good B. well C. nice( ) 10. Can he _ basketball? A. play B. plays C. playing ( ) 11. My brother would like _ the music club. A. join B. t

4、o join C. joins ( ) 12. Mary can dance_ she cant swim. A. and B. or C. but ( ) 13. Tom can play _, but he cant play_A. football,piano B. the football,the piano C. football,the piano( ) 14.I get well with my classmates. A. in B. on C. up ( ) 15. Li Lei hopes I can choose him the cleaning monitor.A. o

5、f B. for C. as( ) 16. He doesnt study hard. Thats he does badly at school.A. so B. because C. why ( ) 17. They are American but they can _ ChineseA. talk B. speak C. tell ( )18. Its going to _ tomorrow. A .raining B. rains C. rain( )19 . I am looking forward to _ Disneyland. A. go to B. going to C.

6、goes to ( )20,She is going to have a piano lesson _ Sunday morning. A, in B, on C, at( )21. Would you like _ the World Cup? A. to watch B. watch C. watching( )22,I hope you enjoy _ during the holiday, children. A, myself B, yourself C, yourselves( )23. There _ an interesting TV play tonight. A. is B

7、. is going to have C. is going to be ( )24. _ the morning of 1st May, Im going to get up late.A. On B. In C. At ( )25. Would you like to go shopping? _. A. Yes, please B. No, I wouldnt C. Yes, Id love to( )26. My uncle enjoys _ every day. A, himself B, myself C, herself ( ) 27. We hope the machines

8、can do the jobs in the future. A. free B. interested C. dull( ) 28. Will your father send his work to the boss email? A. by B. in C. with( ) 29. Nancy her mother do some housework next Sunday.A. helps B. is helping C. will help( ) 30 He often cheats(欺骗) others, and no one to make friends with him. A

9、. want B. wants C. to want( ) 31. There a football game this afternoon. A. will have B. is going to be C. are ( ) 32.What you do when you grow up? I be a scientist like Yuan Longping. A. do, will B. will, will C. will, do ( ) 33.Will they go swimming after school? . A. Yes, they do B. No, they wont

10、C. Yes, they are ( ) 34. My brother will go to Beijing _ three days. A. after B. before C.in( ) 35. What will the future . A. be like B. be C. like 二、完形填空(10分)Mike is seven now. Its time for him to go to school. A new _1_ begins and the boy is in Grade _2_. He must get up at six thirty in the mornin

11、g and after _3_ he cant play with his cat. So he doesnt like to be _4_.The first class begins and Miss Hunt come into the _5_. She sees Mike is drawing something on the blackboard. She asks,“_6_ are you drawing here?”“A cat,” says the boy. It doesnt look _7_ a cat at all and the _8_ begin to laugh.

12、The teacher says,“Now _9_ have our lesson.”After school the boy comes back and says to his father, “Miss Hunt doesnt know a cat!”“Yes?” the _10_ says in surprise.“I draw a cat on the blackboard,but she doesnt know it!”( ) 1. A. day B. week C. term D. lesson( ) 2. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( ) 3.

13、 A. school B. supper C. class D. breakfast( ) 4. A. at work B. at school C. at home D. in the bus( ) 5. A. shop B. factory C. bedroom D. classroom( ) 6. A. Where B. Who C. What D. Which( ) 7. A. at B. like C. after D. for( ) 8. A. boys B. girls C. child D. children( ) 9. A. let me B. lets C. tell me

14、 D. tell us( ) 10. A. teacher B. student C. man D. woman三、阅读理解 (30分)AOne morning Mr. Black is driving in the country and looking for a small hotel. When he sees an old woman on the side of the road,he stops his car and says to the old woman,“I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?”“Yes,”the o

15、ld woman says.“I will show you the way.” She gets in Mr. Blacks car,and they drive about twelve miles (英里). When they come to a small house,the old woman says,“Stop here.” Mr. Black stops and looks at the house. “But this isnt a hotel,”he says to the old woman.“No,”the old woman answers. “This is my

16、 house. And I will show you the way to the hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you will see the hotel.”( ) 1. What is Mr. Black doing that morning? _.A. He is walking in the country B. He is working for a restaurantC. He is looking for a hotel to live in D. He is driving a small bus( ) 2

17、. Mr. Black asks the old woman _.A. to take his car B. the way to the hotelC. the way back home D. to help him mend his car( ) 3. After She gets in the car,they drive _ and stop.A. nine miles B. twenty miles C. thirteen miles D. twelve miles( ) 4. Why does the old woman stop him in front of the smal

18、l house? Because _.A. the small house is hers B. she is too hungryC. theres something wrong with the car D. they get to the hotel( ) 5. Which sentence is right? _.A. The old woman doesnt know the way to the hotelB. Mr. Black wants to go to the Moon HotelC. The old woman doesnt get off until she goes

19、 back to the hotel with Mr. BlackD. At last Mr. Black has to go back nine miles to find the hotelBBirds can fly and so can bats. But is a bat a kind of bird? No, a bat is not a kind of bird. They are different animals. A bat has four legs .A bird has only two. Bats have teeth and birds have no. Bats

20、 have large ears but birds ears are small. All bats like to eat insects. They eat at night and sleep in the daytime. In the evening bats are busy flying and catching insects. Its legs help it fly. The piece of skin joins them together It is just like a wing. Some people think bats cant see. In fact

21、it is wrong .Bats have eyes , but they cant see well. Bats have better ears than men have. They can hear things which people cant. They can feel where a thing is. Thats why the bats can fly about in the evening.( )6. Birds ears are much _ than Bats. A. smaller B. longer C. wider D. larger( )7.A bird

22、 has _legs and has no_ . A. two, wings B. four, wings C. two, teeth D. four, teeth( )8.Why can bats fly about in the evening? A. Because they have many teeth. B. Because they can hear where a thing is. C. Because they can feel where a thing is. D. Both B and C.( ) 9.Which of the following is true? A

23、.A bat is a kind of bird. B.A bird has four legs and teeth C. All bats eat in the daytime and sleep at night. D. Bats can not see well.( ) 10. Bats have no _. A. eyes B. ears C. wings D. feathers四、句型转换(10分)1. She can sing and dance. (否定句) She _ _ _ dance.2. Li Lei can play the violin. (一般疑问句) _ Li L

24、ei _ the violin?3. Is this your pen? (改为同义句)_4. She wants to join the music club. (就划线部分提问) _ club _ she _ to join?5.Will Lucy watch TV this evening?(否定回答) _,_.6. There will be computers in schools.(变为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)_7. He goes to school at 7:30.(否定句)He_ _to school at 7:30.8. Im going to Qingdao becau

25、se its a very beautiful city.(划线提问) _9. The children are having a picnic now.(把now 改为next week)_10. Id like to play football.(划线提问) _五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(15分)1、This is_(I) bag.That one is _(she)2.Look,The boys _(play) football on the playground.3.Is this book_(your)?No,it isnnt.4.We must make our world _(

26、beauty).5.Guo Mingyi is always ready _(help) others in trouble.6.Mr Black _(teach) us English and he is a good _(teach).7._ you _(go) to see a movie next weekend?8.Im going to enjoy_(I) this Sunday.9.His father _(not learn) to swim next summer.10._(work) hours in this factory is long.11.Its _(real)

27、cold today.12.I often do_(clean) at home.六翻译句子。1.首先,过来看看失物招领箱。(lost and found box)_2.从现在起,请每个人小心保管好自己的物品。(be careful)_3.每天成百上千人到这里来。(every day)_4.人名中或匆匆忙忙时经常丢东西。(lost things)_5、我有亲和力,总是乐于助人。(ready)_6.我认为她想参加舞蹈俱乐部,因为她确实跳得很好。(dance well)_7.我确信每个人都愿意要一个清洁的教室,就像家。(would like)_8.我盼望着明天的足球比赛。(look forward

28、 to)_9.我打算查看邮件并做作业。(be going to do)_10.老师将来不再用粉笔在黑板上写字了。(notany more) 测试二单项选择 ( )1.Look! Lucy her homework. A. does B. is doing C. do D. are doing ( )2. Are you getting ready Spring Festival A. for B. of C.to D. on ( )3.Daming and Lingling are waiting a bus. A. to B. for C.of D. from ( )4.There are

29、students on the playground. A. a lot B. lot of C. lots of D. a lots of ( )5.There a football match in our school next week. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. is D. are ( )6.I am going to a plane to shanghai. A. by B. sit C. take D. have ( )7.Lucy is looking forward to the great wall. A. visit

30、ing B.visit C. visits D. visited ( )8.No one in our class swimmingo one in our class swimming. A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like ( )9.-Will there be schools in the future. -Yes, . A. there be B. there will C. it will D. it wont ( )10. In the future, we will use our computers our homework. A. doe

31、s B. doing C. to do D. do ( )11. is the population of China? A. What B. How many C. How much D. Where ( )12.The cake is bigger that one. A. of B. than C. for D. and ( )13.Shanghai is of China. A. in the north of B.in the south of C. in the east of D. in the west of ( )14.Hongkong is a city than Beij

32、ing. A. new B. newer C. old D. older ( )15.China is famous the Great wall. A. for B. at C. as D. of 二、适当形式填空。1、 I dont like my job. I think its _ (dull).2. Dont go out. It is _ (rain) now. 3. This chair is _ (comfortable) to sit on. I dont like it.4. Could you give me some _ (chalk)?5. My grandma te

33、lls me that a cat has nine _ (life).6. Christmas is an important _(节日) in America.7. He is _(打扫) the floor in the room.8. I am _(复习) for the English exam.9. An orange is a little _(big) than an apple.10. Lucy _(查看) her emails on the computer.五、汉译英三、填空1. 这个周末我们打算去观光We are going to this weekend.2. 我们通常用剪纸装饰窗户。We usually the windows paper cuts3. 伦敦是英国的首都。 London is the UK.4. 我认为滑雪比骑车和跑步都要更流行。 I think skiing is cycling and running.5. 此时此刻我们都在为春节做准备。 We are Spring Festival at the moment.


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