选修6unit4reading 精品课件(经典实用).ppt

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《选修6unit4reading 精品课件(经典实用).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修6unit4reading 精品课件(经典实用).ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Global warming,Unit 4,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,The earth is becoming warmer - but does it matter?,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,3.What methods did the writer use to make his argument more convincing ?,1. Features of the article,2.The main idea and the details of each paragraph,Tasks of Discu

2、ssion,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,00,9876543210,543210,1 0,:,9876543210,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,two graphs, (图表) the main text in two columns, (栏) The title-a question;, the paragraph on the top in bold (粗体), .,Features of the article,Where is the passage probably taken from? A. a travel

3、guide. B. a science magazine. C. A newspaper. D. an advertisement section.,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. So h

4、ow has this come about and does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.,Topic sentence?,Generally speaking, the paragraph on the top is a brief _ to the passage. It is called Editors Note.,introduction,Who does me refer to? A scientist. B. Sophie Armstrong. C. An editor .,t

5、he temperature of the earth,rose about one degree Fahrenheit.,this,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,What is mainly discussed in the passage?A. How serious the global warming could be.B. What effects of the global warming will be.C. What has caused the global warming and whether it matters. D. What the global wa

6、rming is.,Reading tips skim the title and Para 1: Title: THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT DOES IT MATTER? Para 1: how has this come about and does it matter?,happen,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Careful reading,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,How has this come about and does it matter?,Whats the question that has confu

7、sed us a lot?,Who wrote the magazine article? Whats the name of the magazine?,Sophie Armstrong.,Earth Care.,Reading tips: In English, some nouns begin with a capital letter(大写字母), such as names of people and places, titles(标题) of magazines, newspapers, stories and books, peoples titles(头衔), etc.,Par

8、t I,global warming,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,From Graph1, we can see the temperature of the earth _ about _ degree Fahrenheit from 1860-2000. There is no doubt that _ ( see Graph 1) and that it is _that caused this global warming.,Para 1,increased,the earth is becoming warmer.,one,human activity,选修6unit4

9、reading 精品课件,Para 2,How does human activity cause the global warming ?,the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy,greenhouse gases,atmosphere,large quantities of extra carbon dioxide,(byproducts),going up of global temperature,Does carbon dioxide always bring harm to the earth?,No. It prevents th

10、e earth from becoming too cold.,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Para 3-4,From Graph2, we can see the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere _ All the scientists accept the data and agree that it is _that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.,How high will the temperature increase go?,went up from 315 part

11、s to around 370 parts per million,the burning of more and more fossil fuels,As high as 5 degrees,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Para 5,The attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different.,Dr. Janice Foster,George Hambley,The trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a cata

12、strophe,We should not worry about the high levels of carbon dioxide ,negative,positive,rise of sea level storms floods droughts,plants grow quicker crops produce more a greater range of animals,on the one hand, . on the other hand,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Para 6:,The author probably agrees that _ actual

13、ly global warming is good for man. B. we should do nothing about the global warming. C. catastrophes will happen if the globe keeps on warming. D. a lot remains to be found out about the effects of global warming.,What is the writers attitude towards the effects of global warming? A. positive B. obj

14、ective C. negative,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,What methods did the writer use to make his argument more convincing ?,Charles Keeling found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million.,Dr. Janice Foster explains: “There is a na

15、tural phenomenon .causing the global temperature to go up.”,2 graphS,data,scientists discoveries,quotes,All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the,agree with,scientists opinion,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Help me, help you, help everyone. Return GREEN to the earth!,Help me, help you, hel

16、p everyone. Return GREEN to the earth!,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Homework :Writing,选修6unit4reading 精品课件,Recently, I want to turn to low-carbon lifestyle ,would you please offer me some suggestions to help me do better?,clothing 2.driving 3.eating 4.working,1)Firstly, why not. ? If you do this, . 2)Secondly, you should/can. In this way, . 3)Thirdly, it would be a good idea if. /By doing this, .,Using linking words and reasons to make your suggestions logical(有逻辑的).,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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