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1、Unit4Weather天气 -Whatstheweatherlike today? 说课人:赵冬景 高一英语一等奖说课课件 说课内容 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 板书设计 教学方法、 用具 教学过程 教学重,难点分析 学情分析 教材分析 教学目标分析 教学反思 1 高一英语一等奖说课课件 教材分析(Analysisofteachingmaterial) 1.Introductionoftheteachingaimsofthis unit 2.Thestatusthatthisspecificlessonplays intheunit 高一英语一等奖说课课件 学情分析(Analysisofst

2、udents) 12 Infirstyear ofvocational highschool. Students learnmore seriously, andare eagerto learnEnglish well. Thestudents Englishlevel isuneven, mostofthe studentslevel onlyhaltson thefirstortwo gradeofthe middleschool 高一英语一等奖说课课件 教学目标分析(Analysisofteachingaims) A级 掌握以下单词: weather, temperature, deg

3、ree, windy, cloudy, rain, Snow。 C级 学会使用下列句型: Whatstheweather like? Itswindy. Whatsthe temperaturetoday? Its815. B级 掌握有用表达式: asunnyday afoggyday wearacooldress begintorain 返回 知识目标 高一英语一等奖说课课件 能力目标标 Trainthestudents abilityto communicatewith eachother Improvethe studentsability ofworkingin pairs 返回 高一

4、英语一等奖说课课件 Compassion to the weather The awareness of protecting environment 情感目标 高一英语一等奖说课课件 教学重,难点分析 Mastertheuseofkeywords andphrases Toimprovestudentslistening andspeakingabilities,make sentencesindependently 重点重点 难点 Analysisofteachingimportantanddifficultpoints 高一英语一等奖说课课件 教法分析 学法指导 教学手段 问题抢答 分层

5、次教学 情景交流 自主学习 合作学习 视频观摩 多媒体教学 教学方法(teachingmethodsandlearningways) 高一英语一等奖说课课件 教学过程5 TeachingProcedures 3 句型学习 5 4 5 强化练习15 角色扮演 10 单词学习 5 新课的导入5 1 2 共 计 一 节 课 6 归纳总结,布置作业 5 高一英语一等奖说课课件 1.Warmup Free talkFree talk 高一英语一等奖说课课件 2.Lead-in: IntroducetheShandong Province Playvideo 高一英语一等奖说课课件 3.Newwords:

6、 weatherwn.天气 temperaturetemprt(r)n.温度 degreedgri:n.度,度数 sunnysniadj.阳光充足的,晴朗的 foggyfgiadj.有雾的 windywndiadj.有风的 rainrenv.下雨 snowsnv.下雪 高一英语一等奖说课课件 1.raining 2.windy 3.cloudy 4.sunny 5.snowing a e d b c Match the words with the pictures a-e 高一英语一等奖说课课件 Sleet SunnyOvercastCloudyHeavyrain Lightrain Fog

7、 Sandstorm Storm ShowerHeavysnow SnowstormLightsnow 高一英语一等奖说课课件 4.Sentence patterns 询问天气和温度的句型: 询问天气: 回答: 询问温度: 回答: 怎么读: Whats the weather like? How is the weather? Its cloudy/foggy/rainy (raining). Whats the temperature? Its (8 -15 ) sentgred dgri: degree centigrade 高一英语一等奖说课课件 Rain 8- 15 HowsHows

8、thethe weather?/weather?/ Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like? Its rainy. Its raining. Whats the temperature?Whats the temperature? Its8-15 5.Practice 高一英语一等奖说课课件 sun 22- 35 Hows the weather?Hows the weather? Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like? Its sunny. Whats the temperature?W

9、hats the temperature? Its22-35 高一英语一等奖说课课件 cloud 17- 28 Hows the weather?/Hows the weather?/ Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like? Its cloudy. Whats the temperature?Whats the temperature? Its17-28 高一英语一等奖说课课件 wind 2- 9 Hows the weather ? Whats the weather like? Its windy. Whats the temperat

10、ure?Whats the temperature? Its2-9 高一英语一等奖说课课件 Its foggy. fog 8- 15 Hows the weather? Whats weather like? Whats the temperature?Whats the temperature? Its8-15 高一英语一等奖说课课件 snow 0-1 Hows the weather?Hows the weather? Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like? Its snowy. / Its snowing. Whats the tem

11、perature?Whats the temperature? Its0-1 0degreeto1degree 高一英语一等奖说课课件 rainy windy cloudy sunny snowy 6.Roleplay warm hot cool cold A:Whats the weather like in.? Hows the weather in.? B:Its.in A:Whats the temperature there? B:The temperature there is. 1-3 10-19 15-2417-26 20-33 高一英语一等奖说课课件 归纳总结 Conclud

12、ethekeywordsand sentencepatterns Arousethestudents awarenesstoenvironment 课堂总结 高一英语一等奖说课课件 (1)broadcast a weather report in English (学生模仿课文用英文播报一 则天气预报) (2)预习本节课语法知识 布置作业 Homework 高一英语一等奖说课课件 Part1Whatstheweatherliketoday? 1.掌握以下有关天气的词汇: sunnyrainysnowywindycloudy 2.学会如何询问天气情况。 -Whatstheweatherliket

13、oday? Howstheweathertoday? -Itssunny. -Whatsthetemperaturetoday? -Its815. 板书设计 高一英语一等奖说课课件 教学反思 1.Adopt showing pictures ,video ,asking and answering ways to attract students. 2.Emphasizetheimportanceto practice 3.Howtoencouragestudentsto speakEnglish 高一英语一等奖说课课件 高一英语一等奖说课课件 此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!


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