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1、 密封线 (密封线内不要答题)密封线乡 镇学 校 镇学 号 别 镇班 别 镇姓 名 别 镇pep小学三年级英语Unit5模拟检测试全卷满分:100分 考试时间:40分钟一、露一下你的英语书法吧。请在四格线上正确的抄写下列单词和句子。(单词6分,句子6分,共12分)二、将下列单词前的序号填在对应的图下。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) coke chicken French fries cake hamburger 三、找出不同类单词,并将其序号填在提前的括号里面。(10分)( ) 1. A. coffee B. coke C. juice D. chicken ( ) 2.

2、A. hot dog B. bread C. dog D. hamburger ( ) 3. A. cake B. water C. squired D. French fries( ) 4. A. ear B. arm C. eye D. tea ( ) 5. A. bear B. bird C. milk D. pig四、选出最恰当的一项,将其标号填入括号内。(10分)( )1.Chenjie: Can I have some water? Sarah: . A. Yes. B. Sure, here you are C. Thank you. D. Youre welcome.( )2.

3、Miss White: Have some milk, John. John: . A. Ok. B. Thanks. C. Yes. D. Here you are.( )3.Amy: I like hamburgers. Mike: . A. Me too. B. Im too. C: Thank you. D. OK.( )4.Wu Yifan: Good morning. Sarah: . A.Good morning. B. Here you are. C. No, thank you. D.Youre welcome.( )5.John: . Mike: Fine, thank y

4、ou. A. Good morning. B. Here you are. C. Nice to meet you. D.How are you?( )6.John: Sarah: My name is Sarah. A.Nice to meet you. B. Whats your name? C. How are you? D.Where is it?五、根据下列句子的意思,将图画和人物用直线连接起来。(10分) John likes bread. Sarah likes juice. WuYifan likes tea. Mike likes French fries. Mike Joh

5、n Sarah Wu Yifan 六、读一读,选择恰当的答句。(15分)1. ( ) Have some chicken. A. You are welcome.2. ( ) Thank you. B. No, thanks.3. ( ) I like hamburgers and coffee. C. Sure. Here you are.4. ( ) Can I have some cake? D. I like hot dogs.5. ( ) What do you like? E. Me, too.七、请把下列句子中的中文用正确的英文替换,将答案的代号填在括号里。(8分)( )1. C

6、an I have some鸡肉? A. chicken B. water C. hot dog D. milk( )2. I like 可乐. A. tea B. coke C. coffee D. cake ( )3. Have some 果汁. A. water B. tea C. juice D. bread( )4. I dont like 咖啡. A. cat B. milk C. water D. coffee A. Sure. Here you are. B. Good afternoon! C. Youre welcome. D. No, thanks! E. Here yo

7、u are.8、 将下面各个句子,根据你的判断,填到对话的横线上,只填句子前的字母编号。(15分)A. Good afternoon, mom! B: _A: Can I have some chicken? B: _A: Thank you. B: _.Have some Coke!A: _. I like juice. B: Ok! _A: Thank you.九、我会翻译。(将代号填入括号内)(10分)( )1.Show me your hamburger. A.把炸薯条递给我。( )2.Pass me the French fries. B.让我看看你的汉堡包。( )3.Cut the bread. C.吃热狗。( )4.Eat the hot dog. D.切面包。( )5.Smell the chicken. E.倒水。( )6.Make the cake. F.让我看看牛奶。( )7.Pour the water. G.闻闻鸡肉。( )8.Taste the tea. H.喝果汁。( )9.Drink the juice. I.尝尝茶。( )10.Show me the milk. J.做蛋糕。2012年春小学英语模拟检测试卷(五)第1页 (共4页) 2012年春小学英语模拟检测试卷(五)第2页 (共4页)


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