SectionA(2a-3c)练习 (2).doc

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1、Section A (2a3c) 练习. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. The girl _(看起来) happy. 2. Do you know those _(女子)? 3. My brother _(需要) his pen and notebook now. 4. Will you _(买下) this radio, Ms. Brown? 5. This _(一对) of earrings (耳环) is my aunts. . 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。1. Is the brown hat big for you? (补全答语)_, _ is smal

2、l for me. 2. Do you have a long ruler? (补全答语)_, I only have a(n) _ one. 3. The erasers are 6 yuan. (改为一般疑问句并补全答语)_ the erasers 6 yuan?Yes, _ _.4. The basketball is 18 dollars. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the basketball?5. The sweater is blue. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the sweater? . 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我想要为上学买一个书包。_2. 这些短裤看上去不

3、错。_3. 我要买下这两个汉堡包。_4. 简(Jane)不喜欢这条黑色的裙子。_5. 这些杯子十元一个,十五元两个。_. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。A: Can I help you? B: (1)_ I want to buy a T-shirt for my father. A: We have many T-shirts. (2)_B: Yellow. A: OK. (3)_B: Well, these T-shirts are too big. A: (4)_ But we have small blue T-shirts. B: Blue is OK. Oh, t

4、his one is nice. A: Yes. (5)_ B: Great! Ill take it. A. And it is only 20 dollars.B. Sorry, we only have these yellow T-shirts.C. What color does your father like?D. Yes, please.E. Yellow T-shirts are here.答案:.1. looks 2. women 3. needs 4. take 5. pair.1. No; it 2. No; short 3. Are; they are 4. How much 5. What color.1. I want to buy a schoolbag for school.2. These shorts look nice.3. Ill take the two hamburgers.4. Jane doesnt like this black skirt.5. These cups are 10 yuan for one and 15 yuan for two.1-5 DCEBA


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