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1、新标准一起三册Module 8 Unit 1 She goes swimming . 潍坊日向友好学校 于海燕一、教学目标:1、语言知识目标:能理解watches ,weekend , read ,come , play在情景中的运用和词语的语义。2、语言技能运用目标:能听懂She goes swimming ,并能谈论家人或朋友的日常活动。3、情感态度目标:激发培养学生的兴趣爱好,并引导学生合理安排自己的周末活动。二、教学重难点:1. 重点:She goes swimming. She watches TV and she reads books.2. 难点:描述他人行为时,实义动词的变化。

2、如watches, goes, reads.突破措施:情境教学法,在情境中引导学生理解并学习。之后通过视频反复模仿练习。三、教学准备:光盘,PPT,自制图片四、教学过程: 1、Warm up:(1).Guess and chant. T: Hello , children . I do actions ,you guess.(教师做出看电视、游泳、 踢足球、打篮球的动作) Ss: Watch TV . Go swimming . Play football. Play basketball.T: Very good . Now lets chant .(出示自编chant,让学生读。)watc

3、h TV, watch TV, I watch TV.go swimming ,go swimming , I go football, play football , I play football.(本环节设计一是为集中孩子的注意力,二是为下一环节课文导入做好铺垫。)(2) listen and watch.T: You did a good job .Now look at the monkeys.(幻灯片出示)They play football on Sundays .How about their mothers ? Lets watch.(播放课本第一

4、部分)T: Now look at the pictures. ( 幻灯片出示两张图片,教师边做动作边说This mother on Sundays.Ss: This mother watches TV on Sundays. This mother goes swimming on Sunday .T: Yes, this mother sits and watches TV on Sundays .So shes very fat. And this mother goes swimming on Sundays .So shes very thin. I want to thin, I

5、want to go swimming on Sundays. What about Amy , Lingling and Sam ?(教师边表演边讲解,以便帮助孩子们理解。)2、Presentation.(1). Listen ,watch and know at the weekend .T: What do they do at the weekend ? Now Lets watch and know at the weekend .( 幻灯片出示图片,重点让学生理解 at the weekend,并学习单词weekend。)T: We dont go to school on Sun

6、days. And we dont go to school at the weekend . Sunday is weekend .( 帮助学生们理解weekend, 并领读开火车读weekend)(2).Listen ,watch and answer .活动1:About Sam.1).T: What does Sam do at the weekend ?Lets watch .(教师在黑板上贴出Sam的头像)T: Who want to be Sam ?S1:I like football. S2: I watch TV.T: Sam says : I play football.

7、I watch TV.(并同时板书画简笔画)活动2:About Amy.T: How about Amy ? Lets watch .(贴Amy的头像在黑板上)T: Amy isnt here. But Sam can tell us .Who want to be Sam ?S1: She go swimming. She watch TV.S2: She read books .T: I read books. Amy reads books. I watch TV. Amy watches TV. I go swimming .Amy goes swimming.(同时板书画简笔画,并利

8、用卡片开火车的形式,学习单词read ,reads ,watches.)T: Look at the blackboard and read together.(重点突出reads , watches, goes)I read books. Amy reads books. I watch TV. Amy watches TV. I go swimming .Amy goes swimming.活动3:Do a survey.T: Amy reads books,watches TV and goes swimming at the weekend .How about you ? *what

9、 do you do at the weekend ?(调查几个同学周末干什么,引导全班同学用第三人称来转述)S1:I read books.T: * reads books at the weekend.(教师指着这名同学,引导同学们说。)S2: I watch TV.T: * watches TV at the weekend .活动4:About Lingling.T: * reads books at the weekend. * watches TV at the weekend . What about Lingling ?Lets watch .(教师贴Lingling头像)T:

10、 Who want to be Lingling ?S1:I like books. I like swimming.T: Lingling says: I like books. I like swimming.(师板书并画简笔画)(3)listen and follow.1).Point game.T: Stand up, children. Point to the door. Point to the window . Point to the ceiling. Point to the blackboard. Point to your books .Thank you .Sit d

11、own.2).Listen and find goes , watches and reads.3).Listen and follow My E-pen.4).Read in role.3.Production:T:Now,Im a reporter .Lets make a report about Amy, Lingling and Sam.1).First follow me .T: At the weekend ,Sam Amy Lingling(板书上做相应的人称和动词的变化。)2).Lets show.S1:S2S33).Lets say together. 4.Homework.a.Read the text fluently.b.What does your father or mother do at the weekend?板书设计:


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